Ivy was first released in 1997 as part of the Magic Motion Friends set and has a total of seven standard releases with one variant. Her name changes to Blue Pearl with her final release. She is one of the core four featured characters used for G2 Merchandise.
Magic Motion Friends Ivy has two variants – one row of mane plugs and two rows of mane plugs – like all other 1997 ponies except Light Heart. There may also be variations of her USA backcard – one that lists Kenner as the manufacturer and another that lists Hasbro. The text remains the same with some slight differences in typography. Magic Motion Ivy has Magic Motion A, in which her front right leg moves up and down when her head is turned. Her moving leg is made of a different type of vinyl, which often discolors and does not match the rest of her body.
Ivy has two 1998 releases as part of a two-pony Sunny Garden Friends set with Sweet Berry and with the Pretty Parlor playset.
Ivy joins the Princess Ponies in her only 1999 release, and she has two 2000 releases - a second Magic Motion Friends release and a two-pony Light Up Families set with Baby Fern.
Ivy’s final release in 2002 as part of the Magic Fantasy Hair Ponies changes her identity to Blue Pearl. Blue Pearl has a variant with different colored hair, sometimes called “Blue-Haired Ivy.” She was first thought to be included with the Spanish Pony Garden Playcase, but it was later that she was revealed to be a Blue Pearl variant after she was discovered mint on card.
- Ivy Releases
[hide]Year One (1997)
Magic Motion Friends Ivy
Release Info
- Release Year: 1997 – Holiday
- Availability: North America & Europe
- Series: Magic Motion Friends
Regional Names (English Translation)
- Danish/Norwegian:
- Dutch: Juweeltje en Haar Sieradendoos (Gem and Her Jewelry Box)
- Finnish:
- French: Précieuse et Son Coffret (Precious and Its Box)
- French Canadian: Précieuse et Son Coffret (Precious and Its Box)
- German:
- Greek:
- Italian: Gemma (Gem)
- Spanish:
- Spanish Mexican: Presumida (Presumptuous)
- Swedish:
- Regional MOCs
Pony Stats
- Pose: Ivy Pose
- Body Color: Aqua
- Hair Color: Candy Pink and Lavender Mane, Candy Pink Tail
- Eye Color: Lavender with Dark Pink Crystal
- Symbol: Purple Ivy Vine with Three Leaves and Three Purple Dots
Pony Features
- Alternate Accessory Colors
Backcard Stories
- Backcard Gallery
- File Card Gallery
American English
My Little Pony® is waiting for you in the Friendship Gardens! The ponies are magical friends who can’t wait to take you on exciting adventures. Join them for lots of surprises and dreams-come-true. For the fun to begin, all My Little Pony® needs is YOU!
Turn her head to magically raise her front leg.
Jewelry armoire stores IVY’S accessories.
Magical rainbow joins garden fences together (Comes with 1 fence).
Collect All the Magic of My Little Pony®!
Hasbro Card | Kenner Card |
IVY™ is the glamour girl. She loves to talk with her friends for hours about the latest fashions. When she shows off her magical ring, she changes herself into a dazzling princess! |
British English
Welcome to Ponyland, the magical world of My Little Pony! Here, the ponies play together and have all kinds of exciting adventures! Join in the fun – the ponies love making friends they can keep forever!
Glamorous Ivy loves to talk with her friends about the latest fashions. She shows off her magic ring and becomes a dazzling princess!
Turn her head to magically raise her front leg.
Magical rainbow joins garden fences together.
Jewellery armoire stores Ivy’s accessories.
Canadian Card English – INCOMPLETE
Welcome to Ponyland, the magical world of My Little Pony! Here, the ponies play together and have all kinds of exciting adventures! Join in the fun – the ponies love making friends they can keep forever!
Dutch | English Translation |
Welkom in de speeltuinen vol Mijn Kleine Pony's en plezier! Hier spelen de Pony's en beleven zij allerlei fantastische avonturen! Kom erbij, ze zijn dol op nieuwe vriendinnetjes! En... sluit vriendschap voor het leven!
Draai Juweeltjes hoofdje en ze zwaait haar prachtige staart in her rond. Gebruik de toverregenboog om de tuinhekken te verbinden! Een handige kaptafel voor al haar spulletjes. |
Welcome to the playgrounds full of My Little Ponies and fun! Here the Ponies play and experience all kinds of fantastic adventures! Come join us, they love new friends! And... make friends for life!
Turn Jewel's head and she swings her beautiful tail around. Use the magic rainbow to connect the garden gates! A handy dressing table for all her things. |
French | English Translation |
Précieuse est très élégante. Elle aime discuter avec ses amis des dernières choses à la mode. Elle leur montre sa bague magique grâce à laquelle elle devient une princesse éblouissante. | Precious is very elegant. She likes to chat with her friends about the latest fashions. She shows them her magic ring, thanks to which she becomes a dazzling princess. |
French Canadian – INCOMPLETE
French Canadian | English Translation |
Bienvenue dans le Jardin de l'Amitié du royaume enchanté Ma Petite Pouliche! Les pouliches aiment jouer ensemble et partager leurs aventures fascinantes! Alors, joins-toi à elles, puisqu'elles adorent se faire des amis pour la vie!
Welcome to the Friendship Garden of the enchanted kingdom My Little Pony! Fillies love to play together and share their fascinating adventures! So, join them, since they love to make friends for life!
Italian | English Translation |
Benvenuta ne Giardino dell'Amicizia; il magico mondo dei My Little Pony! Qui tutti i pony giocano insieme e inventano tante avventure magiche e divertenti/Stai sempre con loro: i Pony ti aspettano nel loro magico Mondo!
Il Magico arcobaleno tiene unito il recinto. Il bauletto dei gioielli contiene gli accessori di Gemma. |
Welcome to the Garden of Friendship; the magical world of My Little Pony! Here all the ponies play together and invent many magical and fun adventures/Always stay with them: the Ponies are waiting for you in their magical World!
She turns her head: Magic! Her front legs lift up. The Magic Rainbow holds the pen together. The jewelry box contains Gem's accessories. |
Mexican Spanish – INCOMPLETE
Mexican Spanish | English Translation |
¡Mi Pequeño Pony te espera en los Jardines de la Amistad! Los ponys son amigos mágicos con quienes compartir emocionantes avennaras. Unete a ellos para sorprenderte y convertir tus sueños en realidad. ¡Diviértere con Mi Pequeño Pony!
My Little Pony awaits you in the Gardens of Friendship! The ponies are magical friends with whom you can share exciting adventures. Join them as they surprise you and make your dreams come true. Have fun with My Little Pony!
G2 • Pony Toys • Year One (1997) | ||
Secret Surprise Friends |
Berry Bright • Clever Clover • Morning Glory • Petal Blossom • Sky Skimmer | |
Magic Motion Friends | Ivy • Sundance | |
Playsets |
Year Two (1998)
Basket Surprise Ivy
- Release Year: 1998
- Availability: Internationally
- Series: Sunny Garden Friends
- Notes: Ivy is part of a two-pony set with Sweet Berry. Flowers pop out of their basket when its handle is pressed down.
- Regional MOCs
Pony Stats
- Pose: Clever Clover Pose
- Body Color: Aqua
- Hair Color: Pink and Purple Mane, Pink Tail
- Eye Color: Lavender with Dark Pink Crystal
- Symbol:
- Display Side: Purple Ivy Vine with Three Leaves and Three Dots On Top of a Large Green Leaf
- Non-Display Side: Purple Ivy Vine with Three Leaves and Three Dots
- Pony Features
- Accessories
Backcard Stories
English My Little Pony® is waiting for you in the Friendship Gardens! The ponies are magical friends who can’t wait to take you on exciting adventures. Join them for lots of surprises and dreams-come-true. For the fun to begin, all My Little Pony® needs is YOU!
Collect All the Magic of My Little Pony®!
SWEET BERRY the LOVING pony and IVY the GLAMOROUS pony love to cheer up their friends with flowers that magically pop out of the basket for a fabulous surprise!
My Pretty Parlor with Ivy
- Release Year: 1998
- Availability: Internationally
- Series: G2 Playsets
- Notes: This playset uses the same mold as the G1 Pretty Parlor but has new accessories. There are also two different playset shell and accessories variations.
Regional Names (English Translation)
- Danish:
- Dutch: Juweeltje’s Schoonheidssalon (Gem’s Beauty Salon)
- Finnish:
- French:
- German: Schönheitssalon mit Pony Zauberblatt (Beauty Salon with Pony Magic Leaf)
- Italian: Gemma con Salone di Bellezza (Gem with Beauty Salon)
- Norwegian:
- Spanish:
- Swedish:
- Regional MIBs
Pony Stats
- Pose: Sky Skimmer Pose
- Body Color: Aqua
- Hair Color: Purple and Pink Long Mane, Pink Tail
- Eye Color: Purple with Dark Pink Crystal
- Symbol: Purple Ivy Vine with Three Pink Leaves and Three Purple Dots
- Pony Features
- Accessories
Backcard Stories
English My Little Pony® is waiting for you in the Friendship Gardens! The ponies are magical friends who can’t wait to take you on exciting adventures. Join them for lots of surprises and dreams-come-true. For the fun to begin, all My Little Pony® needs is YOU!
Collect All the Magic of My Little Pony®!
IVY™ is the GLAMOR girl. She loves to talk about the latest fashions. She creates magical hairstyles for herself and is always showing off her new hairdos to everyone she meets!
G2 • Pony Toys • Year Two (1998) | ||
Secret Surprise Friends | ||
Mail Order Pony | Seabreeze | |
Magic Motion Friends | ||
Sunny Garden Friends |
Basket Surprise with Sweet Berry and Ivy • Special Birthday Magic with Light Heart and Sundance | |
Playsets |
Year Three (1999)
Princess Ivy
- Release Year: 1999
- Availability: Europe
- Series: Princess Ponies
- Notes: Ivy has magic lipstick that appears when applied with cold water on the included applicator.
Regional Names (English Translation)
- Dutch:
- Finnish: Prinsessa Koru (Jewelry in the Princess)
- French:
- German:
- Greek:
- Italian:
- Norwegian: Prinsesse Juvel (Princess Jewel)
- Spanish:
- Swedish: Prinsessan Juvel (The Princess Jewel)
- Regional MOCs
Pony Stats
- Pose: Clever Clover Pose
- Body Color: Aqua
- Hair Color: Pink Forelock, Purple Mane, Pink Tail; Silver Tinsel in Mane and Forelock
- Eye Color: Lavender with Dark Pink Crystal
- Symbol: Purple Ivy Vine with Three Leaves and Three Purple Dots
- Pony Features
- Accessories
Backcard Stories
My Little Pony is waiting for you in the Ponyland castle! The princess ponies have lots of royal adventures and magical surprises to share with you! For the fun to begin, all My Little Pony needs is YOU.
Princess Ivy is the Glamour girl. She has a magical way with makeup that always makes her the most beautiful pricess at the castle!
My Little Pony odottaa sinua Ponimaan linnassa! Poniprinsessoilla on valtavasti kuninkaallisia seikkailuja ja maagisia yllätyksiä, jotka he haluavat jakaa kanssasi! Hauskanpidon alkamiseksi My Little Pony tarvitsee enää vain SINUT!
Prinsessa Koru on oikea lumoojarar. Hän osaa käyttää meikkiä taidokkaasti, niin että hän on aina linnan kaunein prinsessa!
English Translation: My Little Pony is waiting for you in the Pony country castle! The pony princesses have tons of royal adventures and magical surprises they want to share with you! All My Little Pony needs is YOU for the fun to begin!
Jewelry in the Princess is a real magician. She knows how to use make-up skillfully, so that she is always the most beautiful princess in the castle!
My Little Pony venter på dig i sit slot i Ponyland! Prinsesseponyerne har en masse eventyr og magiske overraskelser til dig! Det eneste My Little Pony har brug for, for at alt det sjove kan begynde, er DIG!
Prinsesse Juvel er den fine pony. Med sin makeup på er hun den smukkeste pony på slottet!
English Translation: My Little Pony is waiting for you in her castle in Ponyland! The princess ponies have a lot of adventures and magical surprises for you! All My Little Pony needs for all the fun to begin is YOU!
Princess Jewel is the nice pony. With her makeup on, she is the prettiest pony in the castle!
My Little Pony väntar på dig på Ponylands slott! My Prinsessponnyerna vill roa sig kungligt tillsammans med Dig och bjuder på massor av magiska upplevelser! Det enda My Little Pony behöver för att ha kul är - DIG!
Prinsessan Juvel är en tjusig flicka. Hon är jättebra på att lägga makeup. Hon är alltid den vackraste prinsessan på slottet!
English Translation: My Little Pony is waiting for you at Ponyland Castle! The princess ponies want to have royal fun with you and offer lots of magical experiences! The only thing My Little Pony needs to have fun is - YOU!
Princess Jewel is a fancy girl. She is great at applying makeup. She is always the most beautiful princess in the castle!
G2 • Pony Toys • Year Three (1999) | ||
♥ Nationwide distribution in the USA ended in 1999, but which ponies were available is still debated. Distribution and sales continued in Europe through 2003 and the brand relaunch of Generation 3. ♥ | ||
Secret Surprise Friends | ||
Magic Motion Friends | ||
Princess Ponies |
Princess Crystal • Princess Ivy • Princess Morning Glory • Princess Silver Swirl • Princess Trixiebelle • Princess Twinkle Star | |
Royal Lady Ponies |
Lady Cupcake • Lady Light Heart • Lady Moonshine • Lady Sky Skimmer | |
Royal Friends |
Mystery Ball with Princess Sweet Berry and Lady Sky Skimmer • Royal Wedding with Princess Morning Glory and Prince Clever Clover | |
Holiday Ponies | ||
Playsets |
Sweet Berry's Magic Kitchen • Enchanted Throne with Queen Sunsparkle • Magic Rainbow Forest with Sunsparkle • Royal Castle Ballroom with Princess Morning Glory |
Year Four (2000)
Magic Motion Ivy II
- Release Year: 2000
- Availability: Europe
- Series: Magic Motion Friends
- Notes:
Regional Names (English Translation)
- Dutch:
- Finnish:
- French: Précieuse (Precious)
- German:
- Greek:
- Italian:
- Norwegian:
- Spanish:
- Swedish:
- Regional MOCs
Pony Stats
- Pose: Clever Clover Pose
- Body Color: Aqua
- Hair Color: Pink and Purple Mane, Pink Tail
- Eye Color: Lavender with Dark Pink Crystal
- Symbol: Purple Ivy Vine with Three Leaves and Three Purple Dots
- Pony Features
- Accessories
Backcard Stories
Light Up Family Ivy and Baby Fern
- Release Year: 2000
- Availability: Europe
- Series: Light Up Family Ponies
- Note: The batteries in this series’ adult ponies are irreplaceable, so they will not light up again after the batteries die. Also, this is Baby Fern’s singular release.
Regional Names (English Translation)
- Dutch: Juweeltje & Baby Krulvaren (Gem & Baby Curly Fern)
- Finnish: Koru ja Baby Helmi (Jewelry and Baby Pearl)
- French: Maman Précieuse et Bébé Succés Fou (Precious Mom and Crazy Successful Baby)
- German:
- Greek: ΠΡΙΓΚΙΠΙΣΣΑ ΜΑΡΓΑΡΙΤΑΡΕΝΙΑ και ΜΙΚΡΗ ΦΤΕΡΩΤΗ (Princess Pearl and Little Wing)
- Italian: Gemma e Bocciolina (Gem and Blossom)
- Norwegian: Juvel og Baby Perle (Jewel and Baby Pearl)
- Spanish: Pony Presumida y Pony Coqueta (Smug Pony and Flirty Pony)
- Swedish: Juvel och Babyn Pärla (Jewel and the Baby Pearl)
- Regional MOCs
Ivy Stats
- Pose: Sky Skimmer Pose
- Body Color: Aqua
- Hair Color: Pink and Purple Mane, Pink Tail
- Eye Color: Purple with Dark Pink Crystal
- Symbol: Purple Ivy Vine with Three Leaves and Three Dots
- Light Up Feature: Irremovable Translucent Pink Flower Tiara Activated by Pressing Flower Center Button on Necklace
- Pony Features
Baby Fern Stats
- Pose: Baby Sunbeam Pose
- Body Color: Aqua
- Hair Color: Pink and Purple Mane, Pink Crystal
- Eye Color: Purple with Pink Crystal
- Symbol: One Large Smiling Purple Star Flower and One Small Purple-Outlined Star Flower
- Pony Features
Back Card Stories
Ivy is the glamour girl and Baby Fern is dainty!
Koru on lumoava poni ja Baby Helmi on siro!
English Translation: Jewel is a charming pony and Baby Pearl is cute!
Juvel er den fine pony/ponnier og Baby Perle er elegant!
English Translation: Jewel is the nice pony/ponies and Baby Pearl is elegant!
Juvel är den glamorösa flickan och Babyn Pärla är nätt!
English Translation: Jewel is the glamorous girl and Baby Pearl is pretty!
G2 • Pony Toys • Year Four (2000) | ||
Secret Surprise Friends |
Bright Bramley • Wingsong (Secret Surprise II) | |
Magic Motion Friends | ||
Magic Motion Family Ponies |
Light Heart and Baby Tickle Heart • Sunsparkle and Baby Sunbeam • Sweet Berry and Baby Honeyberry | |
Light Up Family Ponies |
Ivy and Baby Fern • Morning Glory and Baby Dew • Princess Silver Swirl and Baby Swirly • Princess Twinkle Star and Baby Twinkles | |
Twin Baby Ponies |
Dart and Dash • Drifter and Dreamer • Polka and Dot • Stardust and Moondust | |
Princess Ponies | ||
Prince Ponies | ||
Royal Lady Ponies | ||
Royal Twin Baby Ponies |
Giggles and Wiggles • Jewel and Sparkle • Sweetheart and Trueheart • Fire and Flame | |
Other Releases | ||
Playset Ponies |
Princess Sweet Berry (Royal Castle) • Princess Sky Skimmer (Wedding Carriage) Baby Fleur (Wedding Carriage) • Baby Flitter (Giggle Garden Nursery) |
Year Six (2002)
Magic Fantasy Hair Blue Pearl
- Release Year: 2002
- Availability: Europe
- Series: Magic Fantasy Hair Ponies
- Notes: Ivy’s likeness is used twice more in the G2 line, but her name is changed to Blue Pearl. This version has a hair beading device to string beads into the pony’s mane and tail.
Regional Names (English Translation)
- Dutch: Blauwdruppel (Bluedrop)
- Finnish:
- French: Précieuse Perle Bleue (Precious Blue Pearl)
- German:
- Greek:
- Italian: Perla Blu (Blue Pearl)
- Norwegian:
- Spanish:
- Swedish:
- Regional MOCs
Pony Stats
- Pose: Clever Clover Pose
- Body Color: Aqua
- Hair Color: Lavender and Light Pink (AKA “Fading Pink”) Mane, Light Pink Tail
- Eye Color: Lavender with Pink Crystal
- Symbol: Purple Ivy Vine with Three Leaves and Three Purple Dots
- Pony Features
- Accessories
Backcard Stories
- Collect all the My Little Ponies and share in their adventures.
- Follow these simple instructions in order to play with your Bead Machine: 1) Thread the bead onto the plastic needle, shifting the heart-shaped button to the left. 2) After that, thread the bunch of hair into the plastic needle, as shown in the picture. 3) Shift the heart-shaped button to the right: the bunch of hair will be threaded automatically into the bead!
- Put the colourful beads in the hair of Blue Pearl… you can do it easily, thanks to the fantastic bead machine!
- Verzamel alle My Little Ponies en beleef vele leuke avonturen met hen!
- Volg deze eenvoudige handleiding om met je kralenzetter te spelen: 1) Steck de plastic naald door de kraal, en schuif de hartvormige knop naar Iinks. 2) Plaats vervolgens de haarlok van je pony in de plastic naald, zools afgebeeld wordt op de foto. 3) Schuif het hartvonnige knopje naar rechts. Kijk, de kraal zit mooi rond de haarlok!
- Rijg de kleurrijke kralen in de manen van Blauwdruppel... Het is echt gemakkelijk dankzij de kralenzatter! Je kan de kralen ook in je eigen kapsel rijgen.
English Translation:
- Collect all My Little Ponies and have many fun adventures with them!
- Follow this simple guide to playing with your bead maker: 1) Insert the plastic needle through the bead, and slide the heart-shaped button to the left. 2) Then place the strand of hair from your pony into the plastic needle as shown in the photo. 3) Slide the heart-shaped button to the right. Look, the bead fits nicely around the hair strand!
- Thread the colorful beads into Bluedrop's mane... It's really easy thanks to the bead maker! You can also thread the beads into your own hairstyle.
- Collectionne tous Mes Petits Poneys et partage leurs aventures de tous les jours
- Suis Ies instructions pour jouer avec ta machine à perles:
1) Enfle les perles dans l'aiguille en plastique, deplace le bouton en forme de couer sur la droite. (photo 1) 2) Ensuite creble la méche de cheveux dans l'aiguille en plastique, comme montré sur la photo 2. 3) Déplace le bouton en forme de coeur sur la droite: la meche de cheveux s'enfile atomatiquement dans la perle! (photo 3)
- Enfile les perles de couleur dans les cheveux de Précieuse Perle Bleue. C'est faile grâce à la super machine à perles! Tu peux aussi les mettre dans les cheveux!
English Translation:
- Collect all My Little Ponies and share their everyday adventures
- Follow the instructions to play with your bead machine:
1) Thread the beads into the plastic needle, move the stitch button to the right. (photo 1) 2) Then thread the strand of hair into the plastic needle, as shown in photo 2. 3) Move the heart-shaped button to the right: the lock of hair is inserted automatically in the pearl! (photo 3)
- Thread the colored beads into Precious Blue Pearl’s hair. It's easy thanks to the super bead machine! You can also put them in your hair!
- Collezionali e gioca con loro: i tuoi My Little Pony nella loro vita quotidiana.
- Per usare la macchinetta delle perle, segui queste facili istruzioni: 1) Infla la perlina nell'ago di plastica, spostando il cursore verso sinistra. 2) Infla poi la ciocca di capelli nell'ago di plastica, come mostrato in figura. 3) Sposta il cursore verso destra la ciocca si inflera automaticamente nella perlina!
- Metti le perline sulla chioma di Perla Blu - con la bellissima macchinetta delle perle è davvero facile! E puoi usarla anche per infilare le perline nei tuoi capelli!
English Translation:
- Collect them and play with them: your My Little Ponies in their daily lives.
- To use the bead maker, follow these easy instructions: 1) Thread the bead into the plastic needle, moving the slider to the left. 2) Then inflate the section of hair into the plastic needle, as shown in the figure. 3) Move the cursor to the right and the lock will automatically slide into the bead!
- Putting beads on Blue Pearl's hair - with the beautiful pearl machine it's really easy! And you can use it to thread beads into your hair too!
Blue Pearl VARIANT/Blue-Haired Ivy
- Release Year: 2002
- Availability: Europe
- Series: Magic Fantasy Hair Ponies
- Notes: Originally believed to be included with the Spanish Pony Garden Playcase, it has since been confirmed that this pony is a Blue Pearl variant after she was discovered new in Blue Pearl’s packaging.
- Regional MOCs
Pony Stats
- Pose: Clever Clover Pose
- Body Color: Blue
- Hair Color: Light Pink (AKA “Fading Pink”) and Blue Mane, Blue Tail
- Eye Color: Lavender with Pink Crystal
- Symbol: Purple Ivy Vine with Three Leaves and Three Purple Dots
- Pony Features
Media Appearances

Ivy appears in Little Pony: Friendship Gardens as the owner of her own hair salon in Ponyland.
See Also
Core 4 | |||
Core 4 |
Ivy • Light Heart • Sundance • Sweet Berry |
Other 1997 Magic Motion Friends:
Other Ponies in the 1998 Sunny Garden Friends Series:
Other 1998 Playset Ponies:
Other Ponies in the 1999 Princess Ponies Series:
- Princess Crystal
- Princess Morning Glory
- Princess Silver Swirl
- Princess Trixiebelle
- Princess Twinkle Star
Other Ponies in the 2000 Magic Motion Friends Series:
Other Ponies in the 2000 Light Up Family Ponies Series:
Other Ponies in the 2002 Magic Fantasy Hair Ponies Series:
- Magic Fantasy Hair Ponies
- Generation 2
- G2 Adult Ponies
- G2 Earth Ponies
- G2 Green Ponies
- Year One (1997)
- Magic Motion Friends
- Year Two (1998)
- Sunny Garden Friends
- G2 Playsets
- Year Three (1999)
- G2 Princess Ponies
- Year Four (2000)
- Light Up Family Ponies
- Year Six (2002)
- Need Loose Photo
- Need Symbol Photo
- Need Accessories Photo
- Need MIP Photo
- Need Backcard Photo