Pony Bride

- Names
- English: Pony Bride
- German: Hochzeits-Pony
[hide]Pony Stats
- Pose: Bride Pose
- Body Colour: White
- Hair Colour: White with irridescent tinsel
- Eye Colour: Blue
- Symbol: Two purple doves tying gold wedding rings together with a green ribbon
- Accessories
Backcard Stories
US Backcard story
Dum-dum-de-dum…here comes the bride, all dressed in white! Wedding bells are ringing for the Pony Bride, and everyone is anxiously awaiting her walk down the aisle. She looks so lovely in her lacy veil and diamond engagement ring that sparkles as brightly as the sun. Afterwards, there will be a big celebration in the garden, where the bride will greet all her wedding guests and serve them delicious wedding cake baked by the lovebirds. Before the party is over, her bridesmaids will give her a bouquet to toss, and whoever catches it will be the next bride in Ponyland. Who will it be?
UK Backcard story
One day, a very shy pony came to live in Pony Land. None of the other little ponies knew she was there. You see, whenever she saw or heard them, she would run and hide. "If we dressed her up as a Pony Bride, music would play and bells would ring!" chirped two little lovebirds. "Then all the other little ponies would find her." That's exactly what they did! Now, Pony Bride doesn't feel shy, and she's got lots of little pony friends. I'm sure she'll share her wedding cake with them, aren't you?
Media Appearances
Argentinian Bride Pony
She has the same symbol as Truly, so she is also known as Argentinian Truly. There is three known versions of her.
See Also