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Nirvana Ponies by Country
Argentina Australia Brazil Colombia France Germany
Greece India Italy Japan Macau Mexico
Netherlands Peru Scandinavia South Africa Spain Venezuela
clearly marked hooves on a baby pony

This page is dedicated to the Generation 1 My Little Ponies made in Argentina.

The main attribute of Argentina made ponies is their bright colors, as many of them depart from the dominant pastel colors of the more common variants. Many Argentina ponies are barely recognizable as related to their more common counterparts, those made in China, Hong Kong or Taiwan that were sold throughout North America and much of Europe.

Many baby versions of ponies were made in Argentina were not released in North America or Europe. [1]

most common backcard

Adult Ponies

Collector Pose Ponies

Beware, there is a wide variety of unconfirmed / fake CP ponies who basically are made out of the Argentinian first six and not all of the ponies below have been confirmed to be genuine. This goes back to around 2004 or 2005, where someone got ahold of factory stamps (as well as blank trotting pose ponies and other bits), "made" these ponies and sold them on eBay. An example for a resulting fake variant can be seen with CP Pinwheel here. Also resulting is a wide variety of Flutterbye and Songster ponies in both CP and walking pose with fake/custom symbols painted on them. The phenomenon has been seen with Sweet Stuff's symbols as well.

Collector Pose Ponies
- normal colors but with pink eyes
- normal colours
- normal colours
- normal colors but with pink eyes
- with bright yellow hair, and larger symbol, two lower eyelashes
- with bright yellow hair, and larger symbol, three lower eyelashes
- with bright yellow hair, and smaller symbol

- normal colours
- light purple hair, blue eyes
- pink body with white hair
- orange body with red hair
- orange body with red hair and upside down symbol
-orange body with blue hair
- green body with blue hair
- white body with blue hair
- white body with green hair
- light purple body with purple hair
- pink body with white hair
- a grayish/pink body with red hair
- normal colours
- with green hair:- green body with peach hair
- yellow body with red hair and a pink and green heart symbol
- normal colors
- pink body with light pink hair
- normal colours
- white body with aqua hair and blue hearts
- white body, lavender hair and pink mic
- pink body, pink hair and pink mic

-hot pink body with aqua hair
-hot pink body with green hair
- mint green body with white hair
-pale blue body with white hair and red hollow stars symbol

Unicorns and Pegasi

Unicorns and Pegasi
-regular colors, except pink eyes and matte symbol
-in Firefly's pose with a yellow body and green hair
-in Firefly's pose with a yellow body and red hair
-peach body with red hair
-peach body with blue hair
-pink body with lavender hair and symbols
-Glory pose with a white body and lime green hair and gold/faded green symbols
-white body, green hair, dark green symbols, Glory Pose
-white body, green hair, dark green symbols (reversed), Glory Pose
-white body, pink hair, dark green symbols, Glory Pose
-Firefly Pose with a lavender body and red hair
-Firefly Pose with a lavender body and lime hair
-turquoise body with purple hair and blue symbol
-turquoise body with red hair and blue symbol
-turquoise body with white hair and blue symbol
-Glory Pose with a white body and light pink hair
-Glory Pose with a white body and light blue hair
-Glory Pose with a white body and green hair
-Glory Pose with a white body and white hair
-Glory pose with a pink body with yellow hair
-Glory pose with a pink body with blue hair
-Glory Pose with pink body and red hair
-Glory Pose with a light pink body with white hair
-Pale pink body with white hair in Glory Pose. Blue non glittery symbols.
-Glory Pose with a aqua body with red hair
-Glory Pose with a aqua body with purple hair
-Glory Pose with a aqua body with lime green hair
-Glory Pose with a white body with light pink hair
-Firefly Pose with a white body with yellow hair
-Firefly Pose with a white body with green hair
-Firefly Pose with white body with blue hair

-Firefly Pose with a purple/pink body with white hair
-Firefly Pose with a purple/pink body with red hair

Rainbow Ponies - Arco Iris

Rainbow Ponies - Arco Iris
- Yellow body with rainbow hair in glory's pose
- White body with rainbow hair in glory's pose (lighter symbol)
- White body with rainbow hair in glory's pose (darker symbol)
- Pink body with rainbow hair in Starshine's pose
- Glory pose with a white body and rainbow hair
- Blue body with rainbow hair in bowtie's pose
- Yellow body with red/white hair in bowtie's pose
- Blue body with raindow hair in starshine's pose
- Has red and silver symbols
- Bowtie pose with a orange body and rainbow hair
- Glory pose with a green body and rainbow hair
- Green body with rainbow hair in bowtie's pose
- White with red/green/yellow hair in bowtie's pose
- Medley pose with a orange body and rainbow hair
- Pink body with rainbow hair in Bow Tie Pose
-Orange body with rainbow hair in Bow Tie Pose

Paseo Ponies - Stroll Ponies

Paseo Ponies - Stroll Ponies
- Orange body with green hair in Posey’s pose
- Green body with blue hair in Posey’s pose
- Orange body with white hair in Posey’s pose]]
- Yellow body with red hair in Posey’s pose

Helados - Lickety-Split

Helados - Lickety-Split
-Green body with Orange hair in Tootsie’s pose
-White body with Red hair in Tootsie’s pose
-Tootsie pose with a orange body and pink hair
-Tootsie pose with a pink body and lavender hair
-Tootsie Pose with green body and pink hair

Fiesta Ponies

Fiesta Ponies
-bowtie pose with a yellow body and aqua hair
-bowtie pose with a white body and blue hair
-bowtie pose with a blue body and red hair
-bowtie pose with a pink body and light pink hair

Dance 'n Prance Ponies

Brillitos Ponies

Rockin' Beat Ponies

Rocking Pony - Glory pose with a green body and orange/yellow hair
Rocking Pony - Bowtie pose with a orange body and pink/yellow hair

Holiday Ponies

Prototype Ponies

Beware, there is a wide variety of unconfirmed / fake CP and Paseo / strolling pose ponies who basically are made out of the Argentinian first six or blank trotting pose ponies. Not all of the ponies below have been confirmed to be genuine.

This goes back to around 2004 or 2005, where someone in Argentina got ahold of factory stamps (as well as blank trotting pose ponies and other bits), "made" these ponies and sold them on eBay. An example for a resulting fake variant can be seen with CP Pinwheel here. Also resulting is a large variety of Flutterbye and Songster ponies in both CP and walking pose with fake/custom symbols painted on them. The phenomenon has been seen with Sweet Stuff's symbols (and others) as well.

  • blank white body, white tail
  • blank white body, bright red/orange tail
  • blank white body, pink tail
  • Gusty - white body with white tail and maple leaves
  • Glory - white body with white tail and shooting star
  • Glory - white body with red tail and red shooting star
  • Flutterbye - white body, three dark blue butterflies, bright red/orange tail (also no tail?)
  • Flutterbye - white body, three red butterflies (no tail?)
  • Twilight - white body, 5 dark blue hollow stars, white tail
  • Sweet Stuff - white body, red and blue gum drops, with a red tail
  • Sparkler - white body, white tail, dark blue diamonds
  • Songster
    • mint green body, white hair and a pink mic
    • grey body, pink hair and a pink mic
    • pink body, pink hair and a green mic

Baby Ponies

-pink body with white hair
-bright pink body with pink hair
-peach body with green/white hair
-light blue body and purple hair
-orange body with aqua hair
-yellow body with blue/white hair
-yellow body with red and purple hair
-orange body and aqua hair
-light blue body with blue hair
-light blue body with pink hair
-darker blue body with pink hair
-bright blue body with white hair
-green body with blue hair
-green body with pink/white hair
-yellow body with purple hair
-white body with green hair
-blue body with yellow/green hair
-white body with rainbow hair
-yellow body with pink hair
-green body with gold hair
-orange body with blue hair
-white body and rainbow hair
-white body and green hair
-pink body and rainbow hair
-aqua body and rainbow hair

Peek-a-Boo Baby Ponies

-aqua body with peach hair
-aqua body with yellow hair
-light blue body with pink hair
-light blue body with pink hair
-white body with pink hair
-peach body with aqua hair

Fancy Pants Baby Ponies

-pink body with blue hair
-yellow body with green hair
-peach body with purple hair
-peach body with pink hair
-green body with light pink hair

Alitas - Summer Wing Ponies

-white body with blue hair (?)
-lime green body with aqua hair
-pale pink body with aqua hair
-pink body with purple hair
-yellow body with lime green hair

Argentina Playsets

Baby Buggy (Mi Pequeño Pony Cochecito)

Argentina/Cochecito Baby Buggy with pale blue accessories (variation 1)
Argentina Cochecito/Baby Buggy Instructions
Argentina Cochecito/Baby Buggy Instructions back

The version of the Baby Buggy released in Argentina came with a Buggy that was identical to the common US release, a yellow, red or orange ribbon to attach to the heart clip, and a pillow and blanket that was either a pale blue floral pattern or a pale pink floral pattern. The Argentina Baby Buggy did not come with a pony.

  • white Buggy with purple wheels, (possibly slightly darker purple than US)
  • white handle with pink flower accents
  • pink canopy with white lace trim (different lace pattern than the US version, the biggest change being the noticeably smaller piece of lace for the umbrella)
  • heart topper with either an orange, red or yellow ribbon (possibly more variations)
  • floral pale blue or pale pink pillow with white lace trim (possibly more variations)
  • floral pale blue or pale pink blanket with white lace trim (possibly more variations)

It is unknown at this time if the Argentina buggy came with comb, bonnet or any other accessories.

Pretty Parlor (Mi Pequeño Pony Boutique)

Playset boutique.jpg

The Argentina version of the pretty parlor came with most of the same accessories from the US version, however the colors may vary. The playset pictured is a medium pink with a white bottom and white door. The box is in Spanish language and was made by Top Toys like most Argentina playsets. The heart shape on the front says "nuevo y hermoso color rosado!," which translates to "beautiful new pink color!," suggesting the playset may have come in other colors in Argentina prior to this release. It may also just refer to the color difference between the box art and the playset inside. While I do believe this playset came with Twinkles the Cat, it does not seem to have come with the pony.

Sweet Dreams Crib (Cuna)

Argie Sweet Dreams Crib

Argentina Pony Wear

Adult Pony Wear

Backcard of Argentina Pony Wear

Baby Pony Wear

Arg backcard baby.JPG

Image Gallery

Adult Pony Photos

Collector Pose Pony Photos

Unicorns and Pegasi Photos

Arco Iris (Rainbow Pony) Photos

Paseo Pony (Stroll Pony) Photos

Helados Photos

Fiesta Pony Photos

Dance 'n Prance Pony Photos

Brillitos Pony Photos

Argentina exclusive G1 sparkle ponies.

Rockin' Beat Pony Photos

Both of these ponies seem to half similar symbol as Half Note.

Holiday Pony Photos

Prototype Pony Photos [2]

Baby Pony Photos

Peek-a-Boo Baby Pony Photos

Fancy Pants Baby Pony Photos

Summer Wing Pony Photos


  • Fiesta Ponies Photos:
    • Sweet Tooth - Bow Tie Pose green body, pink hair, white lollipops

  • Prototypes Photos:
    • blank white body, pink tail
    • Glory - white body with white tail and shooting star
  • Flutterbye - white body, three dark blue butterflies, bright red/orange tail (also no tail?)
  • Flutterbye - white body, three red butterflies (no tail?)
    • Twilight - prototype pony (no eyes, no mane), white body, 5 dark blue hollow stars, white tail
    • Sweet Stuff - white body, red and blue gum drops, with a red tail
    • Songster
      • mint green body with white hair and a pink mic
      • grey body with pink hair and a pink mic
      • pink body with pink hair and a green mic

See also


  1. Jump up
  2. Jump up