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(Year Five (2001))
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[[File: lumiere.jpg|thumb|[[G2_ponies|G2]] MOC Golden Light]]
Golden Light has three different releases in the G2 line, becoming a unicorn named Golden Glow for the third.
[[File: Golden Light.jpg|thumb|[[G2_ponies|G2]] Golden Light]]
<gallery caption=" Golden Light Releases" widths="150px" heights="150px" perrow=3>
File:Princess_Golden_Light.jpg|[[:Category:G2_Princess_Ponies#Year_Four_.282000.29|Princess Ponies Princess Golden Light (2000)]]
File:Golden_Light.jpg|[[:Category:Changing_Mane_and_Tail_Ponies|Changing Mane and Tail Golden Light (2001)]]
File:Wings-golden-light.jpg|[[:Category:Unicorn_Ponies_with_Magic_Wings|Unicorns with Magic Wings Golden Glow II (2002)]]
<br style="clear:both">
= [[:Category: Year Four (2000)|Year Four (2000)]] =
[[Image:Moc-princess-golden-light.jpg|thumb|Italian, Dutch, and Greek Languages MOC]]
== Princess Golden Light ==
*'''Release Year:''' 2000
*'''Availability:''' Europe
*'''Series:''' [[:Category:G2_Princess_Ponies#Year_Four_.282000.29|Princess Ponies]]
*'''Notes: ''' Princess Golden Light has two different hair shade variants – golden yellow and buttery yellow. Her accessories also have two different color variations – yellow and orange. Furthermore, her sparkly orange crown pick also has three shade variations.
'''Regional Names (English Translation)'''
*'''Danish/Norwegian:''' Prinsesse Solskin/Solskinn (Princess Sunshine)
*'''Dutch:''' Prinses Zonnestraal or Prinses Zonnebloem (Princess Sunbeam or Princess Sunflower)
*'''Finnish: ''' Prinsessa Auringonpaiste (Princess Sunshine)
*'''French:''' Princesse Lumière (Princess Light)
*'''Italian:''' Principessa Lucilla (Princess Lucilla)
*'''Swedish:''' Prinsessan Solsken (Princess Sunshine)
<gallery caption="Regional MOCs" widths="150px" heights="150px">
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|English, Danish/Norwegian, Swedish, and Finnish Languages MOC
File:Princess-lumiere.jpg|French MOC – Reverse Accessories Colors
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|German MOC
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|Spanish MOC
<br style="clear:both">
=== Pony Stats ===
[[Image:Princess_Golden_Light.jpg|thumb|Princess Golden Light, Loose]]
[[Image:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|thumb|Loose – Alternate Hair Color]]
[[Image:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|thumb|Princess Golden Light, Loose with accessories]]
*'''Pose:''' [[Sky Skimmer Pose]]
*'''Body Color:''' Golden Yellow
*'''Hair Color:''' Golden Yellow OR Buttery Yellow; Gold Tinsel
*'''Eye Color:''' Sea Green with Green Crystal
*'''Symbol:''' Stylized Golden Sun Swirl with Triangular Rays
<br style="clear:both">
<gallery caption="Pony Features" widths="150px" heights="150px" perrow="3">
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|Princess Golden Light’s Eye
File:Golden-light-symbol.jpg|[[Symbols_Grouped_by_Theme#Celestial|Princess Golden Light’s Symbol]]
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|Non-Display Side
<gallery caption="Accessories" widths="150px" heights="150px" perrow="3">
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|[[G2_Headwear#Headdresses|Orange Sun Headdress]]
File:P_Golden_light_glasses.JPG|[[G2_Headwear#Glasses|Yellow Sunglasses]]
File:P_golden_light_barrette.JPG|[[G2_Hair_Accessories#Barrettes|Orange Sun Barrette]]
File:P_Golden_Light_Fan.JPG|[[G2_Clothing_Accessories#Other|Yellow Fan]]
File:Orange-sparkle-crown-pick.jpg|[[G2_Brushes_and_Combs#Crown_Picks|Sparkly Orange Crown Pick with Gold Cord]]
File:P_Golden_light_mask.JPG|[[G2_Headwear#Headdresses|ALTERNATE – Yellow Sun Headdress]]
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|[[G2_Headwear#Glasses|ALTERNATE – Orange Sunglasses]]
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|[[G2_Hair_Accessories#Barrettes|ALTERNATE – Yellow Sun Barrette]]
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|[[G2_Clothing_Accessories#Other|ALTERNATE – Orange Fan]]
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|[[G2_Brushes_and_Combs#Crown_Picks| ALTERNATE – Sparkly Red Orange Crown Pick with Gold Cord]]
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|[[G2_Brushes_and_Combs#Crown_Picks| ALTERNATE – Sparkly Yellow Orange Crown Pick with Gold Cord]]
<br style="clear: both" />
=== Backcard Stories ===
[[File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|thumb|[[G2_File_Cards#Princess_Ponies_2|Princess Golden Light’s File Card]]]]
'''English from English/Danish-Norwegian/Swedish/Finnish Card'''
Princess Golden Light is cheerful. She brightens everyone’s day.
*1 Golden Tiara and cool sunglasses!
*2 Clip on her beautiful fan!
'''English from French/English/Dutch/Italian Card'''
*Collect all the My Little Ponies and share in their adventures.
*1 Princess Golden Light is a very smart princess. Look! She wears a golden tiara and very cool sunglasses.
*2 Princess Golden Light has a beautiful fan which you can clip on.
<br style="clear:both">
Prinsesse Solskin/Solskinn er munter. Hun får alle til at live op/gjør alles hverdag triveligere.
*1 Gyldent diadem og seje/kule solbriller!
*2 Klem hendes smarte vifte fast!/ Klem fast den flotte viften hennes!
'''English Translation:''' Princess Sunshine/Sunshine is cheerful. She makes everyone live up/makes everyone's everyday life more pleasant.
*1 Golden tiara and cool/cool sunglasses!
*2 Hug her smart fan!/ Hug her beautiful fan!
<br style="clear:both">
'''Dutch from Italian/Dutch/Greek Card'''
Prinses Zonnebloem is vrolijk. Zij maakt de wereld voor iedereen een beetje manier.
*1 Een gouden diadeem en een geweldige zonnebril!
*2 Klik haar wapperwaaier vast!
'''English Translation – Dutch from Italian/Dutch/Greek Card:''' Princess Sunflower is cheerful. She makes the world a little better for everyone.
*1 A gold diadem and great sunglasses!
*2 Click on her fan!
'''Dutch from French/English/Dutch/Italian Card'''
* Verzamel alle My Little Ponies en beleef vele leuke avonturen met hen!
*1 Prinses Zonnestraal is altijd opgewekt en blij... Met haar diadeem in de vorm van de zon en haar zonnebril ziet ze eruit als een echte ster!
*2 Prinses Zonnestraal heeft een prachtige waaier die je aan haar been kan vastmaken.
'''English Translation – Dutch from French/English/Italian/Dutch Card:'''
* Collect all My Little Ponies and have many fun adventures with them!
*1 Princess Sunbeam is always cheerful and happy... With her diadem in the shape of the sun and her sunglasses she looks like a real star!
*2 Princess Sunbeam has a beautiful fan that you can attach to her leg.
<br style="clear:both">
Prinsessa Auringonpaiste on iloinen. Hän kirkastaa kaikkien päivän
*1 Kultainen otsaripa ja tyylikkäät aurinkolasit!
*2 Hieno viuhka an samalla solki!
'''English Translation:''' Princess Sunshine is happy. He brightens everyone's day
*1 Golden forehead band and stylish sunglasses!
*2 A nice fan and a buckle at the same time!
<br style="clear:both">
'''French Only Card'''
Princesse Lumière est toujours de bonne humeur. Dès qu'elle est là, tout s'illumine et tout le monde retrouve le sourire.
*1 Avec un diadème en forme de soleil et de superbes lunettes!
*2 Fixe l'amusant éventail à la patte de Princesse Lumière!
'''English Translation – French Only Card:''' Princess Light is always in a good mood. As soon as she is there, everything lights up and everyone smiles again.
*1 With a sun-shaped tiara and stunning glasses!
*2 Attach the fun fan to Princess Light's paw!
'''French from French/English/Dutch/Italian Card'''
* Collectionne tous Mes petits Poneys et partage leurs merveilleuses aventures.
*1 Princesse Lumière est toujours joyeuse... Regarde, elle porte son diadème en forme de soleil et ses superbes lunettes comme une vraie star!
*2 Fixe l'amusant éventail à la patte de Princesse Lumière.
'''English Translation – French from French/English/Dutch/Italian Card:'''
* Collect all My Little Ponies and share their wonderful adventures.
*1 Princess Light is always happy... Look, she wears her sun-shaped tiara and her superb glasses like a real star!
*2 Attach the fun fan to Princess Light's paw.
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<br style="clear:both">
Η Πριγκίπισσα Χρυσό Φις είνας χαρίμεση. Δίνει λάμψη στη ζωή όλων.
*1 Χρυσή τώρα και μοντέρνα γυαλιά!
*2 Καρφίτσωσέ της την εντυπωσιακή βεντάλια!
I Prinkípissa Chrysó Fis eínas charímesi. Dínei lámpsi sti zoí ólon.
*1 Chrysí tóra kai montérna gyaliá!
*2 Karfítsosé tis tin entyposiakí ventália!
'''English Translation:''' Princess Goldfish is a gift. It brightens everyone's life.
*1 Gold now and trendy glasses!
*2 Pin her impressive fan!
<br style="clear:both">
'''Italian from Italian/Dutch/Greek Card'''
Principessa Lucilla é radiosa. Rende piú luminosa la giornata dei suoi amici.
*1 Diadema e splendidi occhiali da sole!
*2 Aggangla il bellissimo ventaglio!
'''English Translation – Italian from Italian/Dutch/Greek Card:''' Princess Lucilla is radiant. She makes her friends' day brighter.
*1 Tiara and beautiful sunglasses!
*2 Grab the beautiful fan!
'''Italian from French/English/Dutch/Italian Card'''
* I tuoi My Little Pony nella loro vita quotidiana.
*1 Principessa Lucilla é sempre contenta... guarda porta un diadema a forma di sole ed occhiali da sole come una vera star!
*2 Principessa Lucilla ha un bellissimo ventaglio che si fissa alla sua zampina.
'''English Translation – Italian from French/English/Dutch/Italian Card:''' THE PRINCESS FRIENDS
* Your My Little Ponies in their daily lives.
*1 Princess Lucilla is always happy... look, she wears a sun-shaped tiara and sunglasses like a real star!
* 2 Princess Lucilla has a beautiful fan that attaches to her little leg.
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<br style="clear:both">
Prinsessan Solsken är glad. Hon lyser upp alla de andras dagar.
*1 Gyllene diadem och häftiga solglasögon!
*2 Knäpp fast hennes fina solfjäder!
'''English Translation:''' Princess Sunshine is happy. She lights up all the others' days.
*1 Golden tiara and cool sunglasses!
*2 Fasten her nice fan!
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{{Template:Year Four (2000)}}
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= [[:Category: Year Five (2001)|Year Five (2001)]] =
[[Image: Lumiere.jpg|thumb|French, English, Dutch, and Italian Languages MOC]]
== Changing Mane and Tail Golden Light ==
*'''Release Year:''' 2001
*'''Availability:''' Europe
*'''Series:''' [[:Category:Changing_Mane_and_Tail_Ponies|Changing Mane and Tail Ponies]]
*'''Notes: ''' The front of the package lists her English name as Lumière, also, but the backcard lists her English name as Golden Light.
'''Regional Names (English Translation)'''
*'''Dutch:''' Lichtstraal (Light Beam)
*'''Finnish: '''
*'''French:''' Lumière (Light)
*'''Italian:''' Luce D'Oro (Golden Light)
<gallery caption="Regional MOCs" widths="150px" heights="150px">
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|French Title MOC
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=== Pony Stats ===
[[Image:Golden_Light.jpg|thumb| Golden Light, Loose with Yellow Hair]]
[[Image:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|thumb|Loose with Purple Hair]]
[[Image:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|thumb|Golden Light, Loose with Accessories]]
*'''Pose:''' [[Morning Glory Pose]]
*'''Body Color:''' Golden Yellow
*'''Hair Color:''' Purple or Yellow
*'''Eye Color:''' Periwinkle with White Crystal
*'''Symbol:''' Stylized Gold Swirl with Triangular Rays
<br style="clear:both">
<gallery caption="Pony Features" widths="150px" heights="150px" perrow="3">
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|Golden Light’s Eye
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|[[Symbols_Grouped_by_Theme#Abstract_.28Odd_Items.29|Golden Light’s Symbol]]
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|Non-Display Side
<gallery caption="Accessories" widths="150px" heights="150px" perrow="3">
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|[[G2_Hair_Accessories#Changing_Mane_and_Tail|Purple Mane]]
File:100_7564.JPG|[[G2_Hair_Accessories#Changing_Mane_and_Tail|Purple Tail]]
File:100_7563.JPG|[[G2_Hair_Accessories#Changing_Mane_and_Tail|Yellow Mane]]
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|[[G2_Hair_Accessories#Changing_Mane_and_Tail|Yellow Tail]]
File:Eve-shell.jpg|[[G2_Hair_Accessories#Clips|Four (4) Translucent Pink Shell Clips]]
File:Golden_lights_comb.JPG|[[G2_Brushes_and_Combs#Butterfly_Picks|Carnation Pink Butterfly Pick with Gold Cord]]
<br style="clear: both" />
=== Backcard Stories ===
*Collect all the My Little Ponies and share in their everyday adventures
*Golden Light loves wandering carefree in the meadows. But she changes hair for important events/// and becomes very elegant! Change her mane and tail! To change her mane simply unclip the star at the front.
<br style="clear:both">
<br style="clear:both">
* Verzamel alle My Little Ponies en beleef vele leuke avonturen met han!
* Lichtstraal is altijd opgetogen. Overal waar ze gaat, straalt ze een warme gloed uit. Op belangrijke gebeurtenissen verandert ze van kapsel en tovert ze zich om in een elegante pony. Verander haar manen en staart! Om de manen te veranderen volstaat het het sterretje op haar voorhoofd los te maken!
'''English Translation:'''
* Collect all My Little Ponies and have many fun adventures with Han!
* Ray of light is always elated. Wherever she goes, she radiates a warm glow. On important events she changes her hairstyle and transforms into an elegant pony. Change her mane and tail! To change the mane, just detach the star on her forehead!
<br style="clear:both">
<br style="clear:both">
*Collectionne tous Mes Petits Poneys et partage leurs aventures de tous les jours
*• Lumière est toujours joyeuse, elle illumine tout sur son passage, pour les événements importants elle change ses cheveux et devient très élégante. Change sa crinière et sa queue ! Pour changer sa crinière, il suffit de retirer l'étoile de son front.
'''English Translation:'''
*Collect all My Little Ponies and share their everyday adventures
*• Light is always joyful, it illuminates everything in its path, for important events it changes its hair and becomes very elegant. Change his mane and tail! To change his mane, simply remove the star from his forehead.
<br style="clear:both">
<br style="clear:both">
<br style="clear:both">
* I tuoi My Little Pony nella loro vita quotidiana: collezionali e gioca con loro.
* Luce d'Oro adora passeggiare libera e spensierata noi i prati. Ma per gli eventi mondani si cambia la pettinatura... e diventa elegantissima. Cambia la sua criniera e la sua codal Per cambiare la criniera, stacca la stella sulla fronte.
'''English Translation:'''
* Your My Little Ponies in their daily lives: collect them and play with them.
* Golden Light loves to walk freely and carefree in the meadows. But for social events she changes her hairstyle... and becomes very elegant. She changes her mane and tail. To change her mane, she peels off the star on her forehead.
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{{Template:Year Five (2001)}}
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= [[:Category: Year Six (2002)|Year Six (2002)]] =
[[Image:MOC_G2_Golden_Glow_II.JPG|thumb|French, English, Dutch, and Italian Languages MOC]]
== Unicorns with Magic Wings Golden Glow II ==
*'''Release Year:''' 2002
*'''Availability:''' Europe
*'''Series:''' [[:Category:Unicorn_Ponies_with_Magic_Wings|Unicorns with Magic Wings]]
*'''Notes: ''' Golden Glow II shares [[Golden_Light#Changine_Mane_and_Tail_Golden_Light|Changing Mane and Tail Golden Light]]’s symbol and [[Golden Glow]]’s name.
'''Regional Names (English Translation)'''
*'''Dutch:''' Goudglans (Gold Shine)
*'''Finnish: '''
*'''French:''' Eclat d’Or (Golden Shard)
*'''Italian:''' Fulmine D'oro (Golden Lightning)
<gallery caption="Regional MOCs" widths="150px" heights="150px">
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg| MOC
<br style="clear:both">
=== Pony Stats ===
[[Image: Golden-glowII2.jpg|thumb|Golden Glow II, Loose]]
[[Image:Golden-glowII.jpg|thumb|Golden Glow II, Loose with Accessories]]
*'''Pose:''' [[G2 Unicorn Pose]]
*'''Body Color:''' Golden Yellow with Silver Horn
*'''Hair Color:''' Yellow with Gold Tinsel
*'''Eye Color:''' Light Blue with White Crystal
*'''Symbol:''' Stylized Gold Swirl with Triangular Rays
<br style="clear:both">
<gallery caption="Pony Features" widths="150px" heights="150px" perrow="3">
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|Golden Light’s Eye
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|[[Symbols_Grouped_by_Theme#Abstract_.28Odd_Items.29|Golden Glow II’s Symbol]]
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|Non-Display Side
<gallery caption="Accessories" widths="150px" heights="150px" perrow="3">
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|[[G2_Clothing_Accessories#Wings|Sparkly Red Orange Clip-On Wings Filled with Gold and Red Glitter – Can Also Be Used as a Hair Clip]]
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|[[G2_Brushes_and_Combs#Star_Picks|Sparkly Yellow Star Pick with Gold Cord]]
<br style="clear: both" />
=== Backcard Stories ===
*Collect all the My Little Ponies and share in their everyday adventures
*1 Golden Glow is a beautiful unicorn who loves flying and dancing in the air.
*2 Look, inside the wings there are magical glitters which make them fly!
*3 E take the wings off Golden Glow to make a wonderful hair-clip!
<br style="clear:both">
<br style="clear:both">
* Verzamel alle My Little Ponies en beleef vele leuke avonturen met han!
*1 Goudglans is een prachtige pony, die niets liever doet dan dansen en vliegen!
*2 Kijk! In de vleugels zitten magische glitters waarmee de pony's kunnen vliegen!
*3 Gebruik de vleugels van Goudglans als haarclip!
'''English Translation:'''
* Collect all My Little Ponies and have many fun adventures with Han!
*1 Gold Shine is a beautiful pony, who loves nothing more than to dance and fly!
*2 Look! The wings contain magical glitter that allows the ponies to fly!
*3 Use the wings of Gold Shine as a hair clip!
<br style="clear:both">
<br style="clear:both">
*Collectionne tous Mes Petits Poneys et partage leurs aventures de tous les jours
*1 Eclat d'Or est une majestueuse licorne qui adore voler et danser dans les nuages!
*2 Regarde! Ses ailes contiennent de magnifiques paillettes magiques!
*3 Enlève les ailes du corps d' Eclat d'Or, elles deviennent une splendide barrette pour toi !
'''English Translation:'''
alternate ''English'': Lumiere
*Collect all My Little Ponies and share their everyday adventures
*1 Eclat d'Or is a majestic unicorn who loves to fly and dance in the clouds!
*2 Look! Her wings contain beautiful magical glitter!
*3 Remove the wings from Eclat d'Or's body, they become a splendid barrette for you!
<br style="clear:both">
====Pony Stats====
*'''Body Colour:''' Yellow
*'''Hair Colour:''' Yellow or purple
*'''Eye Colour:''' Blue
*'''Symbol:''' Gold swirls in square shape
<br style="clear:both">
<br style="clear:both">
===Backcard Stories ===
Golden Light loves wandering carefree in the meadows. But she changes hair for important events... and becomes very elegant! Change her mane and tail! To change her mane simply unclip the star at the front.
<br style="clear:both">
==See Also==
* I tuoi My Little Pony nella loro vita quotidiana: collezionali e gioca con loro.
*1 Fulmine d'Oro è un bellissimo unicorno che adora volare tra le nuvole.
*2 Guarda: le ali hanno al loro interno magici brillantini che le fanno volare!
*3 Sfila le ali dal corpo di Fulmine d'Oro e diventeranno un bellissimo fermaglio per te!
Ponies released in this set are:
'''English Translation:'''
*[[Night Star|Changing mane and tail Night Star]]
*[[Sky Skimmer#Changing Mane and Tail Sky Skimmer|Changing Mane and Tail Sky Skimmer]]
*[[G2 Sundance#Changing Mane and Tail Sunsparkle|Changing Mane and Tail Sunsparkle]]
* Your My Little Ponies in their daily lives: collect them and play with them.
*[[Sweet Berry#Changing Mane and Tail Sweet Berry|Changing Mane and Tail Sweet Berry]]
*1 Golden Lightning is a beautiful unicorn who loves to fly in the clouds.
*[[Golden Light|Changing Mane and Tail Golden Light]]
*2 Look: the wings have magical glitter inside that makes them fly!
*[[Light Heart#Changing Mane and Tail Light Heart|Changing Mane and Tail Light Heart]]
*3 Remove the wings from Golden Lightning's body and they will become a beautiful hair clip for you!
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<br style="clear:both">
== Princess Golden Light ==
[[Image: princess-lumiere.jpg|thumb|[[G2_ponies|G2]] MOC Princess Golden Light]]
[[Image: Princess Golden Light.jpg|thumb|[[G2_ponies|G2]] Princess Golden Light]]
====Pony Stats====
*'''Pose:''' [[Sky Skimmer Pose]]
<br style="clear:both">
*'''Body Colour:''' Yellow
*'''Hair Colour:''' Yellow with gold tinsel
<br style="clear:both">
*'''Eye Colour:''' Blue
*'''Symbol:''' Gold swirly 'sun' surrounded by golden stripes or 'rays of light'
{{Template:Year Six (2002)}}
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= Media Appearances =
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= [[G2_Merchandise|Merchandise]] =
<gallery widths="150" heights="150">
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===Backcard Stories ===
Princess Golden Light is cheerful. She brightens everyone's day.
<br style="clear:both" />
= See Also =
=== Media Appearances ===
*[[Golden Glow]]
<br style="clear:both" />
== See also ==
*[[Golden Light#Princess Golden Light|Princess Golden Light]]
Other Ponies in the [[:Category:G2_Princess_Ponies#Year_Four_.282000.29|2000 Princess Ponies]] Series:
*[[Princess Silver Rain]]
*[[Princess Silver Rain]]
Other Ponies in the [[:Category:Changing_Mane_and_Tail_Ponies|2001 Changing Mane and Tail Ponies]] Series:
*[[Light_Heart#Changing_Mane_and_Tail_Light_Heart|Light Heart]]
*[[Night Star]]
*[[Sky_Skimmer#Changing_Mane_and_Tail_Sky_Skimmer|Sky Skimmer]]
*[[Sweet_Berry#Changing_Mane_and_Tail_Sweet_Berry|Sweet Berry]]
Other Ponies in the [[:Category:Unicorn_Ponies_with_Magic_Wings|2002 Unicorns with Magic Wings]] Series:
*[[ Princess_Silver_Swirl#Unicorns_with_Magic_Wings_Diamond_Glow|Diamond Glow]]
[[Category: Generation 2]]
[[Category: Generation 2]]
[[Category: G2 Adult Ponies]]
[[Category: G2 Adult Ponies]]
[[Category: G2 Earth Ponies]]
[[Category: G2 Earth Ponies]]
[[Category: G2 Unicorn Ponies]]
[[Category: G2 Yellow Ponies]]
[[Category: G2 Yellow Ponies]]
[[Category: Year Four (2000)]]
[[Category: G2 Princess Ponies]]
[[Category: G2 Princess Ponies]]
[[Category: Year Five (2001)]]
[[Category: Changing Mane and Tail Ponies]]
[[Category: Year Six (2002)]]
[[Category: Unicorn Ponies with Magic Wings]]
[[Category: Need Loose Photo]]
[[Category: Need MIP Photo]]
[[Category: Need Backcard Photo]]
[[Category: Need Accessories Photo]]

Latest revision as of 14:07, 20 December 2024

Golden Light has three different releases in the G2 line, becoming a unicorn named Golden Glow for the third.

Year Four (2000)

Italian, Dutch, and Greek Languages MOC

Princess Golden Light

  • Release Year: 2000
  • Availability: Europe
  • Series: Princess Ponies
  • Notes: Princess Golden Light has two different hair shade variants – golden yellow and buttery yellow. Her accessories also have two different color variations – yellow and orange. Furthermore, her sparkly orange crown pick also has three shade variations.

Regional Names (English Translation)

  • Danish/Norwegian: Prinsesse Solskin/Solskinn (Princess Sunshine)
  • Dutch: Prinses Zonnestraal or Prinses Zonnebloem (Princess Sunbeam or Princess Sunflower)
  • Finnish: Prinsessa Auringonpaiste (Princess Sunshine)
  • French: Princesse Lumière (Princess Light)
  • German:
  • Italian: Principessa Lucilla (Princess Lucilla)
  • Spanish:
  • Swedish: Prinsessan Solsken (Princess Sunshine)

Pony Stats

Princess Golden Light, Loose
Loose – Alternate Hair Color
Princess Golden Light, Loose with accessories
  • Pose: Sky Skimmer Pose
  • Body Color: Golden Yellow
  • Hair Color: Golden Yellow OR Buttery Yellow; Gold Tinsel
  • Eye Color: Sea Green with Green Crystal
  • Symbol: Stylized Golden Sun Swirl with Triangular Rays

Backcard Stories


English from English/Danish-Norwegian/Swedish/Finnish Card

Princess Golden Light is cheerful. She brightens everyone’s day.

  • 1 Golden Tiara and cool sunglasses!
  • 2 Clip on her beautiful fan!

English from French/English/Dutch/Italian Card


  • Collect all the My Little Ponies and share in their adventures.
  • 1 Princess Golden Light is a very smart princess. Look! She wears a golden tiara and very cool sunglasses.
  • 2 Princess Golden Light has a beautiful fan which you can clip on.


Prinsesse Solskin/Solskinn er munter. Hun får alle til at live op/gjør alles hverdag triveligere.

  • 1 Gyldent diadem og seje/kule solbriller!
  • 2 Klem hendes smarte vifte fast!/ Klem fast den flotte viften hennes!

English Translation: Princess Sunshine/Sunshine is cheerful. She makes everyone live up/makes everyone's everyday life more pleasant.

  • 1 Golden tiara and cool/cool sunglasses!
  • 2 Hug her smart fan!/ Hug her beautiful fan!

Dutch from Italian/Dutch/Greek Card

Prinses Zonnebloem is vrolijk. Zij maakt de wereld voor iedereen een beetje manier.

  • 1 Een gouden diadeem en een geweldige zonnebril!
  • 2 Klik haar wapperwaaier vast!

English Translation – Dutch from Italian/Dutch/Greek Card: Princess Sunflower is cheerful. She makes the world a little better for everyone.

  • 1 A gold diadem and great sunglasses!
  • 2 Click on her fan!

Dutch from French/English/Dutch/Italian Card


  • Verzamel alle My Little Ponies en beleef vele leuke avonturen met hen!
  • 1 Prinses Zonnestraal is altijd opgewekt en blij... Met haar diadeem in de vorm van de zon en haar zonnebril ziet ze eruit als een echte ster!
  • 2 Prinses Zonnestraal heeft een prachtige waaier die je aan haar been kan vastmaken.

English Translation – Dutch from French/English/Italian/Dutch Card:


  • Collect all My Little Ponies and have many fun adventures with them!
  • 1 Princess Sunbeam is always cheerful and happy... With her diadem in the shape of the sun and her sunglasses she looks like a real star!
  • 2 Princess Sunbeam has a beautiful fan that you can attach to her leg.


Prinsessa Auringonpaiste on iloinen. Hän kirkastaa kaikkien päivän

  • 1 Kultainen otsaripa ja tyylikkäät aurinkolasit!
  • 2 Hieno viuhka an samalla solki!

English Translation: Princess Sunshine is happy. He brightens everyone's day

  • 1 Golden forehead band and stylish sunglasses!
  • 2 A nice fan and a buckle at the same time!

French Only Card

Princesse Lumière est toujours de bonne humeur. Dès qu'elle est là, tout s'illumine et tout le monde retrouve le sourire.

  • 1 Avec un diadème en forme de soleil et de superbes lunettes!
  • 2 Fixe l'amusant éventail à la patte de Princesse Lumière!

English Translation – French Only Card: Princess Light is always in a good mood. As soon as she is there, everything lights up and everyone smiles again.

  • 1 With a sun-shaped tiara and stunning glasses!
  • 2 Attach the fun fan to Princess Light's paw!

French from French/English/Dutch/Italian Card


  • Collectionne tous Mes petits Poneys et partage leurs merveilleuses aventures.
  • 1 Princesse Lumière est toujours joyeuse... Regarde, elle porte son diadème en forme de soleil et ses superbes lunettes comme une vraie star!
  • 2 Fixe l'amusant éventail à la patte de Princesse Lumière.

English Translation – French from French/English/Dutch/Italian Card:


  • Collect all My Little Ponies and share their wonderful adventures.
  • 1 Princess Light is always happy... Look, she wears her sun-shaped tiara and her superb glasses like a real star!
  • 2 Attach the fun fan to Princess Light's paw.



Η Πριγκίπισσα Χρυσό Φις είνας χαρίμεση. Δίνει λάμψη στη ζωή όλων.

  • 1 Χρυσή τώρα και μοντέρνα γυαλιά!
  • 2 Καρφίτσωσέ της την εντυπωσιακή βεντάλια!

I Prinkípissa Chrysó Fis eínas charímesi. Dínei lámpsi sti zoí ólon.

  • 1 Chrysí tóra kai montérna gyaliá!
  • 2 Karfítsosé tis tin entyposiakí ventália!

English Translation: Princess Goldfish is a gift. It brightens everyone's life.

  • 1 Gold now and trendy glasses!
  • 2 Pin her impressive fan!

Italian from Italian/Dutch/Greek Card

Principessa Lucilla é radiosa. Rende piú luminosa la giornata dei suoi amici.

  • 1 Diadema e splendidi occhiali da sole!
  • 2 Aggangla il bellissimo ventaglio!

English Translation – Italian from Italian/Dutch/Greek Card: Princess Lucilla is radiant. She makes her friends' day brighter.

  • 1 Tiara and beautiful sunglasses!
  • 2 Grab the beautiful fan!

Italian from French/English/Dutch/Italian Card


  • I tuoi My Little Pony nella loro vita quotidiana.
  • 1 Principessa Lucilla é sempre contenta... guarda porta un diadema a forma di sole ed occhiali da sole come una vera star!
  • 2 Principessa Lucilla ha un bellissimo ventaglio che si fissa alla sua zampina.

English Translation – Italian from French/English/Dutch/Italian Card: THE PRINCESS FRIENDS

  • Your My Little Ponies in their daily lives.
  • 1 Princess Lucilla is always happy... look, she wears a sun-shaped tiara and sunglasses like a real star!
  • 2 Princess Lucilla has a beautiful fan that attaches to her little leg.



Prinsessan Solsken är glad. Hon lyser upp alla de andras dagar.

  • 1 Gyllene diadem och häftiga solglasögon!
  • 2 Knäpp fast hennes fina solfjäder!

English Translation: Princess Sunshine is happy. She lights up all the others' days.

  • 1 Golden tiara and cool sunglasses!
  • 2 Fasten her nice fan!

Year Five (2001)

French, English, Dutch, and Italian Languages MOC

Changing Mane and Tail Golden Light

  • Release Year: 2001
  • Availability: Europe
  • Series: Changing Mane and Tail Ponies
  • Notes: The front of the package lists her English name as Lumière, also, but the backcard lists her English name as Golden Light.

Regional Names (English Translation)

  • Danish/Norwegian:
  • Dutch: Lichtstraal (Light Beam)
  • Finnish:
  • French: Lumière (Light)
  • German:
  • Greek:
  • Italian: Luce D'Oro (Golden Light)
  • Spanish:
  • Swedish:

Pony Stats

Golden Light, Loose with Yellow Hair
Loose with Purple Hair
Golden Light, Loose with Accessories
  • Pose: Morning Glory Pose
  • Body Color: Golden Yellow
  • Hair Color: Purple or Yellow
  • Eye Color: Periwinkle with White Crystal
  • Symbol: Stylized Gold Swirl with Triangular Rays

Backcard Stories




  • Collect all the My Little Ponies and share in their everyday adventures
  • Golden Light loves wandering carefree in the meadows. But she changes hair for important events/// and becomes very elegant! Change her mane and tail! To change her mane simply unclip the star at the front.




  • Verzamel alle My Little Ponies en beleef vele leuke avonturen met han!
  • Lichtstraal is altijd opgetogen. Overal waar ze gaat, straalt ze een warme gloed uit. Op belangrijke gebeurtenissen verandert ze van kapsel en tovert ze zich om in een elegante pony. Verander haar manen en staart! Om de manen te veranderen volstaat het het sterretje op haar voorhoofd los te maken!

English Translation:


  • Collect all My Little Ponies and have many fun adventures with Han!
  • Ray of light is always elated. Wherever she goes, she radiates a warm glow. On important events she changes her hairstyle and transforms into an elegant pony. Change her mane and tail! To change the mane, just detach the star on her forehead!




  • Collectionne tous Mes Petits Poneys et partage leurs aventures de tous les jours
  • • Lumière est toujours joyeuse, elle illumine tout sur son passage, pour les événements importants elle change ses cheveux et devient très élégante. Change sa crinière et sa queue ! Pour changer sa crinière, il suffit de retirer l'étoile de son front.

English Translation:


  • Collect all My Little Ponies and share their everyday adventures
  • • Light is always joyful, it illuminates everything in its path, for important events it changes its hair and becomes very elegant. Change his mane and tail! To change his mane, simply remove the star from his forehead.




  • I tuoi My Little Pony nella loro vita quotidiana: collezionali e gioca con loro.
  • Luce d'Oro adora passeggiare libera e spensierata noi i prati. Ma per gli eventi mondani si cambia la pettinatura... e diventa elegantissima. Cambia la sua criniera e la sua codal Per cambiare la criniera, stacca la stella sulla fronte.

English Translation:


  • Your My Little Ponies in their daily lives: collect them and play with them.
  • Golden Light loves to walk freely and carefree in the meadows. But for social events she changes her hairstyle... and becomes very elegant. She changes her mane and tail. To change her mane, she peels off the star on her forehead.


Year Six (2002)

French, English, Dutch, and Italian Languages MOC

Unicorns with Magic Wings Golden Glow II

Regional Names (English Translation)

  • Danish/Norwegian:
  • Dutch: Goudglans (Gold Shine)
  • Finnish:
  • French: Eclat d’Or (Golden Shard)
  • German:
  • Greek:
  • Italian: Fulmine D'oro (Golden Lightning)
  • Spanish:
  • Swedish:

Pony Stats

Golden Glow II, Loose
Golden Glow II, Loose with Accessories
  • Pose: G2 Unicorn Pose
  • Body Color: Golden Yellow with Silver Horn
  • Hair Color: Yellow with Gold Tinsel
  • Eye Color: Light Blue with White Crystal
  • Symbol: Stylized Gold Swirl with Triangular Rays

Backcard Stories




  • Collect all the My Little Ponies and share in their everyday adventures
  • 1 Golden Glow is a beautiful unicorn who loves flying and dancing in the air.
  • 2 Look, inside the wings there are magical glitters which make them fly!
  • 3 E take the wings off Golden Glow to make a wonderful hair-clip!




  • Verzamel alle My Little Ponies en beleef vele leuke avonturen met han!
  • 1 Goudglans is een prachtige pony, die niets liever doet dan dansen en vliegen!
  • 2 Kijk! In de vleugels zitten magische glitters waarmee de pony's kunnen vliegen!
  • 3 Gebruik de vleugels van Goudglans als haarclip!

English Translation:


  • Collect all My Little Ponies and have many fun adventures with Han!
  • 1 Gold Shine is a beautiful pony, who loves nothing more than to dance and fly!
  • 2 Look! The wings contain magical glitter that allows the ponies to fly!
  • 3 Use the wings of Gold Shine as a hair clip!




  • Collectionne tous Mes Petits Poneys et partage leurs aventures de tous les jours
  • 1 Eclat d'Or est une majestueuse licorne qui adore voler et danser dans les nuages!
  • 2 Regarde! Ses ailes contiennent de magnifiques paillettes magiques!
  • 3 Enlève les ailes du corps d' Eclat d'Or, elles deviennent une splendide barrette pour toi !

English Translation:


  • Collect all My Little Ponies and share their everyday adventures
  • 1 Eclat d'Or is a majestic unicorn who loves to fly and dance in the clouds!
  • 2 Look! Her wings contain beautiful magical glitter!
  • 3 Remove the wings from Eclat d'Or's body, they become a splendid barrette for you!




  • I tuoi My Little Pony nella loro vita quotidiana: collezionali e gioca con loro.
  • 1 Fulmine d'Oro è un bellissimo unicorno che adora volare tra le nuvole.
  • 2 Guarda: le ali hanno al loro interno magici brillantini che le fanno volare!
  • 3 Sfila le ali dal corpo di Fulmine d'Oro e diventeranno un bellissimo fermaglio per te!

English Translation:


  • Your My Little Ponies in their daily lives: collect them and play with them.
  • 1 Golden Lightning is a beautiful unicorn who loves to fly in the clouds.
  • 2 Look: the wings have magical glitter inside that makes them fly!
  • 3 Remove the wings from Golden Lightning's body and they will become a beautiful hair clip for you!


Media Appearances


See Also

Other Ponies in the 2000 Princess Ponies Series:

Other Ponies in the 2001 Changing Mane and Tail Ponies Series:

Other Ponies in the 2002 Unicorns with Magic Wings Series: