G4 Blind Bag Ponies

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Rainbow Dash figurine

G4 Blind Bag Ponies are pony figurines that are fully molded toys and about half the size of the 'regular' pony toys. With their molded hair they more closely resemble the character in the show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. G4 Blind Bag Ponies are similar to the Ponyville figurines of G3 and G3.5 (so they may be referred to also G4 Ponyville or G4 PV).

The US distribution of these toys has been very slow and only about 1/6 of the ponies released in Europe have been released in the US thus far.

'Blind Bags' refers to the fact that these toys are mostly sold in "surprise" opaque packaging, as in you can't see what pony you are getting until you open her up. However collectors soon found that each bag had a number stamped on it indicating which pony was in each bag

Five Digit Codes

The secret ID number on newer packaging may have five digits rather than two. (Single digit numbers are written with a zero, ie 2 is written as 02.) The two-digit numbers have been interspersed with three (seemingly) meaningless numbers.

In one set the numbers added are 5, 4, and 2, so a blind bag with pony #2 inside is 02 + 542 = 50422.

So in a five-digit code, the second and forth numbers tell you which pony is inside.

The first, third, and fifth numbers are just to confuse you.

First Set of Ponies (24 Pieces)

G4 Blind Bag
Identifying Blind Bags Chart[1]
Purple and pink variants of Glittery Twilight Sparkle
Lily Blossom variants

First Blind Bag Set, Pink Bag

In the blind bags the ponies come with an info card indicating which number in the set of 24 she is. This is the same number that is lightly stamped on the outside of the bag on the top the back seam. (Scroll down to US Wave III if your bags have mysterious five digit numbers.)

Euro Wave I

All 24 ponies were released in blind bags in Europe from the start.

US Wave I

MIB US figurine four-pack
Pinkie Pie variants - single on left, TRU pack on right

At first in the US/North America only the mane characters were released. Fluttershy at first only appeared in the US with the puzzle house (which is still quite rare), which drove her value up extremely high initially.

They have been packaged:

  • as individually packed singles
  • as a four pack
  • as singles in a cardboard house with a puzzle

The individual on card ponies have been sold in the US, Canada, and the UK so far.

Playhouse Puzzle

Front of box
Side of box
  • for sale on (German) Amazon.de
  • supposedly a few appeared at US Kmarts

  • 2011
  • Includes pony figure (Twilight, Pinkie Pie or Fluttershy)
  • Includes a 24 piece, double-sided puzzle featuring character on one side and garden floor on other for play.
  • Box unfolds to create miniature house


US Box of Blind Bags

The first set of blind bags appeared by the box (finally) on hasbrotoyshop.com February 2012, ie officially available in the US.

Very hard to read six-digit id number, 22445 for Glittery Rainbow Dash.

It seems that some/all of the first full run of blind bags released in North America do not have their collector card number punched into the packaging. Secretly however they do. Each of the two-digit numbers have been interspersed with the numbers: 2, 4, and 5. (Single digit numbers written with a zero ie 2 is written as 02). [2]

So 02 + 245 = 20425.

  • 20415 - Pinkie Pie (1)
  • 20425 - Applejack (2)
  • 20435 - Rainbow Dash (3)
  • 20445 - Rarity (4)
  • 20455 - Twilight Sparkle (5)
  • 20465 - Fluttershy (6)
  • 20475 - Sugar Grape (7)
  • 20485 - Lily Blossom (8)
  • 20495 - Minty (9)
  • 21405 - Bumblesweet (10)
  • 21415 - Fizzypop (11)
  • 21425 - Flower Wishes (12)
  • 21435 - Roseluck (13)
  • 21445 - Sweetie Blue (14)
  • 21455 - Pepperdance (15)
  • 21465 - Lemon Hearts (16)
  • 21475 - Cherry Spices (17)
  • 21485 - Sweetie Swirl (18)
  • 21495 - Lucky Swirl (19)
  • 22405 - Sweetcream Scoops (20)
  • 22415 - Firecracker Burst (21)
  • 22425 - Pinkie Pie (Glittery) (22)
  • 22435 - Twilight Sparkle (Glittery) (23)
  • 22445 - Rainbow Dash (Glittery) (24)

Second Set of Ponies (24 Pieces)


Second Blind Bag Set, (Dark) Purple Bag

This set re-releases the mane six, and now includes the glitter versions of the rest of the mane six (ie Applejack, Rarity and Fluttershy). The set is about 1/3 characters that have been released as G4 full sized toys, 1/3 mane cast and 1/3 entirely new characters.

Euro Wave II

The whole set of 24

Third Set of Ponies (12 Pieces)

US Wave II

stock photo
stock photo
Pinkie Pie variants - single on left, TRU set on right

The Toys 'R Us Exclusive 12-pack contains the mane six and six new G4 characters (different from Euro blind wave II), that are all G3 up-cycles.

Forth Set of Ponies (24 Pieces)

Third Blind Bag Set, Light Purple Bag

The set is the first G4 merchandise to feature male ponies [3] or anything glow-in-the-dark.

Euro Wave III

Euro box

Fifth Set of Ponies (24 Pieces)

L to R: Wave 2, Pony Rainbow Collection, Wave 4
L to R: Pony Rainbow Collection, Wave 2, Wave 4

Fourth Blind Bag Set, Blue Bag

Euro Wave IV

The secret ID number on some packaging may have five digits rather than two digit. (Single digit numbers written with a zero ie 2 is written as 02.) The two-digit numbers have been interspersed with the numbers: 5, 4, and 2. [4]

So 02 + 542 = 50422.

Stock photos from Equestria Daily.

Sixth Set of Ponies (24 Pieces)

Fifth Blind Bag Set

Left Wave 3 Heartstrings; Right Wave 5 Lyra Heartstrings

Stock photos from Equestria Daily.

Seventh Set of Ponies (24 Pieces)

Sixth Blind Bag Set, Purple/Blue Bag

Euro Wave VI

Wave 1 (left) and Wave 6 (right) Roseluck comparison

This wave consists of regular versions of the glitter toys from wave IV, some of them with tridimensional cutie marks, Cherry Spices and Trixie Lulamoon with Twilight Sparkle's mold rather than the usual Rarity mold and Roseluck with new colors. The only new pony in this wave was #20 Magnet Bolt

Photos from Strawberry Reef.

Miniature Collection Wave I

Apple Family Set
MIP Apple Family Set
MIP Apple Family Set (stock photo)

Cloudsdale Set
MIP Cloudsdale Set
MIP Cloudsdale Set (stock photo)

Pony Wedding Set
MIP Pony Wedding Set
MIP Pony Wedding Set (stock photo)

Friendship Celebration Collection

Taobao MIP Friendship Celebration Collection
  • Toys 'R Us exclusive set containing re-releases of figures from the first two waves. As well as a few accessories.

Pony Rainbow Collection

Rainbow Collection.jpg
Rainbow Collection MIB.jpg
stock photo
stock photo
  • Target Exclusive
  • 7 piece set

The Pony Rainbow Collection versions of Pinkie Pie, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity are almost exact matches to the Wave 4 versions. Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash are darker than their Wave 1 versions. Twilight Sparkle is a brighter purple than Wave 1 as well. Fluttershy is darker than Wave 4 and slightly lighter but still close in color to her Wave 2 counterpart. Applejack is darker than in both Wave 4 and Wave 2. Rarity is more opaque than her Wave 2 version. With the exception of Emerald Ray, the Rainbow Collection does not have the black numbers stamped on the bottoms of their hooves differentiating them from the other waves.

Miniature Collection Waves II and III

Wave II

Spa Pony Set
Spa Pony Set

Wave III

Class of Cutie Marks Set
Class of Cutie Marks Set MIB

Famous Friends Set
Famous Friends Set MIB

Pinkie Pie and Friends Mini Collection

Pinkie Pie & Friends
Mini Collection™

  • Walmart Exclusive
  • 12 piece set

The Applejack included in this set did not have her hair ties painted.

Eighth Set of Ponies (24 Pieces)

Seventh Blind Bag Set, Gray/Aqua Bag

Euro Wave VII

Wave 7 box side
Wave 7 bag identifying Soarin and Spitfire

This wave introduced the translucent pony miniatures. It featured three of the Wonderbolts, two of which were pictured in the packaging. Spitfire and Soarin had their names and descriptions switched on their collector cards, though they were named correctly in the packaging.

White background photos from 123toyuk.

Neon Bright Blind Bag Ponies

Eighth Blind Bag Set, Black/Dark Purple Bag

Close-up of the letter code

The bags for this wave were changed so that there was no longer a center flap for the codes to be imprinted on. Instead, letters were imprinted along the bottom edge of the bags. The numbers for the ponies were changed to the corresponding letter of the alphabet skipping the letters "J" and "Q" and adding an additional A at the beginning. That made #1 Applejack's code "AA," #2 Big McIntosh's code "AB" and so on through "AZ" for #24 Twilight Sparkle.

The ponies that are repeats from the seventh wave are brighter in the neon wave.

Miniature Collection Waves IV

Deluxe Miniature Collection

Cake Family Babysitting Fun MIB
Cake Family Babysitting Fun

See also


  1. Jump up http://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/05/blind-bags-are-identifiable.html
  2. Jump up http://www.toyreviewdaily.com/2012/01/17/code-number-list-my-little-pony-blind-bags-us-series-1-kiosk-ponies-2012-hasbro/
  3. Jump up http://www.bronycon.org/images/blindbags/wave3/
  4. Jump up http://mylittleponymadness.weebly.com/1/post/2012/05/wave-4-blind-bag-identification.html