Raspberry Jam
From My Little Wiki

G1 Raspberry Jam's Symbol
Raspberry Jam is a G1 Sweetberry Pony.
- Names
- English: Raspberry Jam
- Spanish: Mermelada
- German: Himbeere
Pony Stats
- Pose: Gingerbread Pose
- Body Colour: Pink
- Hair Colour: Green
- Eye Colour: Blue
- Symbol: Blue and yellow jar surrounded by raspberries
- Accessories
Back Card Stories
Note: These stories are reproduced exactly as they appear on the ponies' backcards, including all errors.
US Backcard Story
COME TO THE MEADOW FOR BREAKFAST, read the invitations. When the Ponies arrived at the meadow, they found Raspberry Jam seated at a table covered with plates of toasted bread and pitchers of cold milk. "Something is missing," said Raspberry Jam, smiling mischievously. When she blinked her eyes, jars of raspberry jam appeared on the table! The delicious smell of raspberries filled the air as the Ponies spread the sweet jam on the toast. "Thanks for the berry special breakfast!" laughed Cherry Treats, putting jam on another slice of bread!
Media Appearances