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[[Image: MOC Secret Surprise Morning Glory.jpg|thumb|[[G2_ponies|G2]] MOC Morning Glory]]
[[Image:Photo Needed Placeholder.jpg|thumb|Morning Glory, Display Side]]
[[Image: morningglory-bc.jpg|thumb|Morning Glory's backcard]]
Morning Glory was first released in [[:Category:Year_One_(1997)|1997]] as part of the [[:Category:Secret_Surprise_Friends#Year_One_.281997.29|Secret Surprise Friends]] set. She shares her name with [[:Category:Flutter_Ponies|G1 Flutter Pony]] [[G1_Morning_Glory|Morning Glory]] but is otherwise a totally different pony. Morning Glory has seven G2 releases, five as Morning Glory and two as Flora. She is sometimes featured in [[G2 Merchandise|G2 merchandise]], including the [[Video_Games#My_Little_Pony_Friendship_Gardens_.28PC.29%7C|PC game]], but is not one of the four core characters.
[[Image: Secret Surprise Morning Glory.jpg|thumb|[[G2_ponies|G2]] Morning Glory]]
[[:Category:Secret_Surprise_Friends#Year_One_.281997.29|Secret Surprise Friends]] Morning Glory has two variants – one row of mane plugs and two rows of mane plugs – like all other 1997 ponies except [[Canopy_Bed_with_Light_Heart#Canopy_Bed_with_Light_Heart|Light Heart]]. In the UK, she was sometimes sold with a "free gift" sheet of 60 nail stickers attached to her backcard. There are also variations of her USA backcard – one that lists Kenner as the manufacturer and another that lists Hasbro. The text remains the same with some slight differences in typography.
Morning Glory’s second, third, and fourth designs are all from [[:Category:Year_Three_(1999)|1999]]. All releases are known as Princess Morning Glory, and all feature the tinsel-haired royalty designation. Morning Glory was released as part of the [[:Category:G2_Princess_Ponies#Year_Three_.281999.29|Princess Ponies set]], a two-pony [[:Category:Royal_Friends|Royal Friends]] set with [[Clever_Clover#Royal_Wedding_Prince_Clever_Clover|Clever Clover]], and finally, a [[:Category:G2_Playsets#Year_Three_.281999.29|playset pony]].
All of the Princesses have special play features. [[:Category:G2_Princess_Ponies#Year_Three_.281999.29|Princess]] Morning Glory has a “growing” mane and tail. [[:Category:Royal_Friends|Royal Wedding]] Princess Morning Glory has a cold water-activated symbol feature like her prince counterpart. Finally, [[Category:G2_Playsets#Year_Three_.281999.29|playset]] Princess Morning Glory features [[Magic_Motion_Poses#Dainty_Dove_Pose_.28Motion_E.29|Magic Motion]].
Morning Glory’s last G2 release as “Morning Glory” was in [[:Category:Year_Four_(2000)|2000]] as part of the [[:Category:Year_Four_(2000)#Light_Up_Family_Ponies|Light Up Families set]], consisting of three mother/baby sets that have push-button activated light-up features. She became Flora for her final two releases, the first of which occurred in [[:Category:Year_Five_(2001)|2001]] as part of a two-pony [[:Category:Romantic_Ponies|Romantic Ponies set]], again as a princess and again with [[Clever_Clover#Romantic_Ponies_Prince_Fauna|Clever Clover]], now known as Prince Fauna. Princess Flora’s speech feature is magnet-activated when Prince Fauna’s magnetic nose touches the heart on her cheek.
Flora’s final G2 release was in [[:Category:Year_Six_(2002)|2002]]  as one of the last two [[:Category:Changing_Mane_and_Tail_Ponies#Year_Six_.282002.29|Changing Mane and Tail Ponies]].
<gallery caption="Morning Glory Releases" widths="150px" heights="150px" perrow="5">
Image:Secret_Surprise_Morning_Glory.jpg|[[: Category:Year_One_(1997)#Secret_Surprise_Friends|Secret Surprise Friends Morning Glory (1997)]]
Image:Princess_Morning_Glory.jpg|[[: Category:G2_Princess_Ponies#Year_Three_.281999.29|Princess Morning Glory (1999)]]
Image:Royal_Wedding_Princess_Morning_Glory.jpg|[[: Category:Royal_Friends|Royal Friends Princess Morning Glory (1999)]]
Image:Royal_Castle_Ballroom_Princess_Morning_Glory.jpg|[[: Category:G2_Playsets#Year_Three_.281999.29|Royal Castle Ballroom Princess Morning Glory (1999)]]
Image:Light-up-morning-glory.jpg|[[: Category:Light_Up_Family_Ponies|Light Up Family Morning Glory (2000)]]
Image:Princess_Flora.jpg|[[: Category:Romantic_Ponies|Romantic Ponies Princess Flora (2001)]]
Image:Flora2.jpg|[[:Category:Changing_Mane_and_Tail_Ponies#Year_Six_.282002.29|Changing Mane and Tail Flora (2002)]]
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= [[:Category:Year_One_(1997)|Year One (1997)]] =
== [[Secret_Surprise_Friends#Year_One_.281997.29|Secret Surprise Friends]] Morning Glory ==
=== Release Info ===
[[Image:MOC_Secret_Surprise_Morning_Glory.jpg|thumb|United States (American English) Card]]
[[Image:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|thumb|Bonus Nail Stickers Sheet]]
*'''Release Year:''' 1997 – Holiday
*'''Availability:''' North America & Europe
*'''Series:''' [[:Category:Secret_Surprise_Friends#Year_One_.281997.29|Secret Surprise Friends]]
'''Regional Names (English Translation)'''
*'''Dutch:''' Fleur
*'''French:''' Flora
*'''French Canadian:''' Flora
*'''Italian:''' Serenella (Lily Pad)
*'''Spanish:''' Mañanera (Morning)
*'''Spanish Mexican:''' Mañanera (Morning)
<gallery caption="Regional MOCs" widths="150px" heights="150px" perrow="5">
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|American English, French Canadian, and Mexican Spanish Card
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|British English, Danish/Norwegian, Swedish, and Finnish Languages Card
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|British English, Italian, Dutch, and Greek Languages Card
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|French Card
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|German Card
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|Spanish Card
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=== Pony Stats ===
[[Image:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|thumb|Morning Glory, Display Side]]
[[Image:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|thumb|Morning Glory, Loose with Accessories]]
*'''Pose:''' [[Morning Glory Pose]]
*'''Body Color:''' Pink
*'''Hair Color:''' Blend of Lavender and Violet with Forelock
*'''Eye Color:''' Sky Blue with Dark Pink Crystal
*'''Symbol:''' One Large and Three Small Blue Flowers with Three Blue Leaves
==== Pony Features ====
<gallery caption="" widths="150px" heights="150px" perrow="3">
File:SSMGEye.jpg|[[G2_Eye_Crystals#Dark_Pink|Morning Glory’s Eye – Missing Crystal]]
File:Morning_Glory_symbl.JPG|[[Symbols_Grouped_by_Theme#G2_15|Morning Glory’s Symbol]]
File:Secret_Surprise_Morning_Glory.jpg|Non-Display Side
==== Accessories ====
<gallery caption="" widths="150px" heights="150px" perrow="3">
File:Morningglorybackpack.jpg|[[G2_Clothing_Accessories#Bags|Yellow Backpack with Chartreuse Flower Chain Straps and White Flower Dial That Winds Up Two Rainbow Ribbons with Aqua Leaves at Ends]]
File:Morningglorycomb.jpg|[[G2_Brushes_and_Combs#Unique_Tools|Aqua Flower Pick with Gold Cord – Missing Cord]]
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=== Backcard Stories ===
[[File:Morningglory-story.jpg|thumb|[[G2_File_Cards#Secret_Surprise_Friends|Clever Clover's American English File Card – Hasbro]]]]
<gallery caption="Backcard Gallery" widths="150px" heights="150px" perrow="5">
File:Morningglory-bc.jpg|American English Card – Hasbro
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg| American English Card – Kenner
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|American English, French Canadian, and Mexican Spanish Card
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|British English, Danish/Norwegian, Swedish, and Finnish Languages Card
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|British English, Italian, Dutch, and Greek Languages Card
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|French Card
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|German Card
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|Spanish Card
<gallery caption="File Card Gallery" widths="150px" heights="150px" perrow="5">
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|American English, French Canadian, and Mexican Spanish Card
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg| American English Card – Kenner
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|British English, Danish/Norwegian, Swedish, and Finnish Languages Card
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|British English, Italian, Dutch, and Greek Languages Card
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|French Card
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|German Card
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|Spanish Card
'''American English '''
'''My Little Pony®''' is waiting for you in the '''Friendship Gardens'''! The ponies are magical friends who can’t wait to take you on exciting adventures. Join them for lots of surprises and dreams-come-true. For the fun to begin, all '''My Little Pony®''' needs is YOU!
Collect All the Magic of My Little Pony®!
{| class="wikitable"
! style="background:pink; color:black;|Hasbro Card !! style="background:lavender; color:black;|Kenner Card
| MORNING GLORY™ is the '''IMAGINATIVE''' one. She thinks up special ways to brighten the day, like picking bouquets of flowers and wrapping them in magical rainbows!
Includes: pony, backpack with 2 pull-out ribbons, and comb.
||MORNING GLORY™ is the imaginative one. She thinks up special ways to brighten the day, like picking bouquets of flowers and wrapping them in magical rainbows!
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'''British English'''
Welcome to '''Ponyland''', the magical world of '''My Little Pony'''! Here, the ponies play together and have all kinds of exciting adventures! Join in the fun – the ponies love making friends they can keep forever!
Imaginative Morning Glory thinks up special ways to brighten the day. She picks bouquets of flowers and wraps them in magical rainbows!
Pull ribbons out of backpack to decorate pony’s tail.
Wind ribbons back into backpack.
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'''Canadian Card English – INCOMPLETE'''
Welcome to '''Ponyland''', the magical world of '''My Little Pony'''! Here, the ponies play together and have all kinds of exciting adventures! Join in the fun – the ponies love making friends they can keep forever!
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{| class="wikitable"
! style="background:pink; color:black;|Dutch!! style="background:lavender; color:black;|English Translation
|Welkom in de speeltuinen vol '''Mijn Kleine Pony''''s en plezier! Hier spelen de Pony's en beleven zij allerlei fantastische avonturen! Kom erbij, ze zijn dol op nieuwe vriendinnetjes! En... sluit vriendschap voor het leven!
Fleur bedenkt allerlei leuke manieren om van elke dag een onvergetelijke te maken! Ze pluks bloemen en bindr er prachtige linten ombeen... voor haar vriendinnertjes!
Trek de lintjes uit de rugzak en versier de ponystaart...
...en rol daarna lintjes weer terug de rugzak.
||Welcome to the playgrounds full of '''My Little Ponies''' and fun! Here the Ponies play and experience all kinds of fantastic adventures! Come join us, they love new friends! And... make friends for life!
Fleur thinks of all sorts of fun ways to make every day unforgettable! She picks flowers and ties beautiful ribbons around them... for her girlfriends!
Pull the ribbons out of the backpack and decorate the ponytail...
...and then roll the ribbons back into the backpack.
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'''French – INCOMPLETE'''
{| class="wikitable"
! style="background:pink; color:black;|French!! style="background:lavender; color:black;|English Translation
|Toujours pleine d'idées, Flora égaye chaque jour qui passe. Elle ramasse de jolis bouquets de fleurs qu'elle enveloppe dans ses magnifiques rubans arc-en-ciel.
||Always full of ideas, Flora brightens up each day that passes. She collects pretty bouquets of flowers that she wraps in her magnificent rainbow ribbons.
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'''French Canadian – INCOMPLETE'''
{| class="wikitable"
! style="background:pink; color:black;|French Canadian!! style="background:lavender; color:black;|English Translation
|Bienvenue dans le '''Jardin de l'Amitié''' du royaume enchanté '''Ma Petite Pouliche'''! Les pouliches aiment jouer ensemble et partager leurs aventures fascinantes! Alors, joins-toi à elles, puisqu'elles adorent se faire des amis pour la vie!
Procure-toi tout le royaume magique de Ma Petite Pouliche!
||Welcome to the '''Friendship Garden''' of the enchanted kingdom '''My Little Pony'''! Fillies love to play together and share their fascinating adventures! So, join them, since they love to make friends for life!
Get the entire magical kingdom of My Little Pony!
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{| class="wikitable"
! style="background:pink; color:black;|Italian!! style="background:lavender; color:black;|English Translation
|Benvenuta ne '''Giardino dell'Amicizia'''; il magico mondo dei '''My Little Pony'''! Qui tutti i pony giocano insieme e inventano tante avventure magiche e divertenti/Stai sempre con loro: i Pony ti aspettano nel loro magico Mondo!
La fantasiosa Serenella conosce un modo speciale per far brilalre ogni giornata. Raccoglie fiori coloratissimi e poi li transforma in arcobaleni spelendenti.
Tirare fuori i nastri dal dorso del Pony, per decorare la sua bellissima coda.
Riavvolgere nuocamente i nastri nel dorso.
||Welcome to the '''Garden of Friendship'''; the magical world of '''My Little Pony'''! Here all the ponies play together and invent many magical and fun adventures/Always stay with them: the Ponies are waiting for you in their magical World!
The imaginative Lily Pad knows a special way to make every day shine. She picks colorful flowers and then transforms them into shining rainbows.
Pull out the ribbons from the Pony's back, to decorate her beautiful tail.
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'''Mexican Spanish – INCOMPLETE'''
{| class="wikitable"
! style="background:pink; color:black;|Mexican Spanish!! style="background:lavender; color:black;|English Translation
|¡'''Mi Pequeño Pony''' te espera en los '''Jardines de la Amistad'''! Los ponys son amigos mágicos con quienes compartir emocionantes avennaras. Unete a ellos para sorprenderte y convertir tus sueños en realidad. ¡Diviértere con Mi Pequeño Pony!
¡Collecciona la magia de Mi Pequeño Pony!
||'''My Little Pony''' awaits you in the '''Gardens of Friendship'''! The ponies are magical friends with whom you can share exciting adventures. Join them as they surprise you and make your dreams come true. Have fun with My Little Pony!
Collect the magic of My Little Pony!
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{{Template:Year One (1997) collapsed}}
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= [[:Category: Year Three (1999)|Year Three (1999)]] =
[[Image: Moc-princess-morning-glory.jpg|thumb|MOC]]
== Princess Morning Glory ==
*'''Release Year:''' 1999
*'''Availability:''' Europe
*'''Series:''' [[G2_Ponies#Princess_Ponies|Princess Ponies]]
*'''Notes: ''' Princess Morning Glory’s blue mane hair can be lengthened by pulling it from her silver crown and shortened by pulling her tail.
'''Regional Names (English Translation)'''
*'''Danish:''' Princesse Gloria (Princess Gloria)
*'''Finnish: ''' Prinsessa Gloria (Princess Gloria)
*'''German:''' Prinzessin Morgenglanz (Princess Morning Shine)
*'''Swedish:''' Prinsessan Gloria (Princess Gloria)
<br style="clear:both">
<gallery caption="Regional MOCs" widths="150px" heights="150px">
=== Pony Stats ===
[[File: Princess_Morning_Glory.jpg|thumb|Loose]]
[[Image: Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|thumb|Princess Morning Glory, Loose with Accessories]]
*'''Pose:''' [[Morning Glory Pose]]
*'''Body Color:''' Pink
*'''Hair Color:''' Violet with Forelock, Silver Tinsel in Mane, Blue “Growing” Section of Mane, Blue Tail
*'''Eye Color:''' Light Blue with Dark Pink Crystal
*'''Symbol:''' One Large and Three Small Blue Flowers with Three Blue Leaves
<br style="clear:both">
<gallery caption="Pony Features" widths="150px" heights="150px" perrow="3">
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|Princess Morning Glory's Eye
File: Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|[[Symbols_Grouped_by_Theme#Flora|Princess Morning Glory's Symbol]]
File: Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|Non-Display Side
<gallery caption="Accessories" widths="150px" heights="150px" perrow=”3”>
File:G2_purplemirrowbrush.JPG|[[G2_Combs/Brushes#Brushes|Purple Mirror/Brush]]
File:Princess-crystal-comb.jpg|[[Brushes#Castle_Picks|Translucent Sparkly Pink Crown Pick with Silver String]]
<br style="clear: both" />
=== Backcard Stories ===
[[File: Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg |thumb|Princess Morning Glory’s Backcard]]
[[File: Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg |thumb|[[G2_File_Cards#Princess_Ponies|Princess Morning Glory’s File Card]]]]
Princess Morning Glory is imaginative. She imagines fun ways to surprise her friends by creating magical new hairstyles for every Royal occasion!
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[[Image: Mib-princess-morning-glory-ballroom.jpg|thumb|MIB]]
== Royal Castle Ballroom with Princess Morning Glory ==
*'''Release Year:''' 1999
*'''Availability:''' Europe
*'''Series:''' [[G2 Playsets]]
*'''Notes: ''' Princess Morning Glory has the [[Magic_Motion_Poses#Dainty_Dove_Pose_.28Motion_E.29|Magic Motion]] feature.
'''Regional Names (English Translation)'''
*'''Danish:''' Kongeligt Drømmeslot/Kongelig Drømmeslott Med Prinsesse Gloria (Royal Dream Castle/Royal Dream Castle with Princess Gloria)
*'''Finnish: ''' Kuninkaallinen Unelmalinna Ja Prinsessa Gloria (Royal Dream Castle and Princess Gloria)
*'''French:''' Flora Conte de Fée et Sa Tourelle (Fairy Tale Flora and Her Turret)
*'''Greek:''' ΤΟ ΚΑΣΤΡΟ ΤΩΝ ΒΑΣΙΛΙΚΩΝ ΟΝΕΙΡΩΝ ΜΕ ΤΗΝ ΠΡΙΓΚΙΠΙΣΣΑ ΟΥΡΑΝΙΟ ΤΟΞΟ – To Kastro Ton Vasilikon Oneiron Me Tin Prinkipissa Ouranio Toxo (The Csatle of Royal Dreams with Rainbow Princess)
*'''Swedish:''' Kungligt Drömslott Med Prinsessan Gloria (Royal Dream Castle with Princess Gloria)
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<gallery caption="Regional MIBs" widths="150px" heights="150px">
=== Pony Stats ===
[[Image: Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|thumb|Princess Morning Glory, Loose with Accessories]]
*'''Pose:''' [[Magic_Motion_Poses#Dainty_Dove_Pose_.28Motion_E.29|Dainty Dove Pose]]
*'''Body Color:''' Pink
*'''Hair Color:''' Violet with Forelock, Silver Tinsel in Mane
*'''Eye Color:''' Light Blue with Dark Pink Crystal
*'''Symbol:''' One Large and Three Small Blue Flowers with Three Blue Leaves
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<gallery caption="Pony Features" widths="150px" heights="150px" perrow="3">
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|Princess Morning Glory's Eye
File: Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|[[Symbols_Grouped_by_Theme#Flora|Princess Morning Glory's Symbol]]
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|Non-Display Side
<gallery caption="Accessories" widths="150px" heights="150px" perrow=”3”>
File: Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|[[G2_Playsets#Year_Three_.281999.29|Castle Ballroom Playset Shell with Pink Mirror and Yellow Chandelier]]
File: Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|[[G2_Furniture/Accessories|Purple Rainbow and Flower Garden Arch with Two (2) Purple Gates]]
File: Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|[[G2_Furniture/Accessories|Yellow Crown-Backed Armchair with Pink Cushion Seat and Purple Legs]]
File: Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|[[ G2 Clothing Accessories|Iridescent Purple and Blue Gingham Reversible Dress]]
File: Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|[[G2 Clothing Accessories|Two (2) Iridescent Purple and Blue Gingham Reversible Sleeves]]
File: Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|[[G2 Clothing Accessories|Blue Gingham Scarf]]
File: Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|[[G2 Shoes|Four (4) Pearly White Shoes]]
File: Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|[[G2 Shoes|VARIANT – Four (4) Plain White Shoes]]
File:Royalcastlecrown.JPG |[[ G2 Clothing Accessories|Yellow Crown/Tiara]]
File:100_7531.JPG|[[G2 Jewelry|Pearl Necklace]]
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|[[G2 Combs/Brushes|Pink Mirror/Brush]]
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|[[G2 Combs/Brushes|Translucent Sparkly Pink Crown Pick with Silver String]]
File:100_7533.JPG |[[G2_Barrettes|Yellow Castle Turret Barrette with Pink Braid]]
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|[[G2 Jewelry|Child’s Bracelet]]
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=== Backcard Stories ===
[[File: Princess-morning-glory-ballroom-backcard.jpg |thumb|Royal Castle Ballroom Backcard]]
[[File: Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg |thumb|[[G2_File_Cards#Playset_Ponies_3|Princess Morning Glory’s File Card]]]]
My Little Pony has lots of royal adventures waiting for you in Ponyland! The ponies have so many magical surprises to share with you! For the fun to begin, all My Little Pony needs is YOU!
Morning Glory dreamt that one day she would go to the dance at the castle. Her wish was granted and magically her work clothes turned into a sparkling evening gown.
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My Little Pony wacht op je in het paleis van Ponyland! Samen met jou beleeft ze daar allerlei koninklijke avonturen! De pony's hebben betoverende verrassingen voor je! Het enige wat My Little Pony nodig heeft om de pret te laten beginnen... ben JIJ!
Fleurs liefste wens was een keer naar het hal in het Koninklijk Pales te gaan. Haar wens weed vervuld en haar werkkleren veranderden als bij toverslag in een schitterende avondjurk.
'''English Translation:''' My Little Pony is waiting for you in the palace of Ponyland! She will experience all kinds of royal adventures there with you! The ponies have enchanting surprises for you! All My Little Pony needs to get the fun started... is YOU!
Fleur's dearest wish was to go to the hall in the Royal Palace one day. Her wish came true and her work clothes magically changed into a beautiful evening dress.
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My Little Ponillani on monta kuninkaallista seikkailua odottamassa sinua Ponimaassa! Poneilla on sinulle myös monenmonta taikayllätystä! Päästäkseen aloittamaan hauskanpidon My Little Pony tarvitsee vain SINUT!
'''English Translation:''' My Little Pony has many royal adventures waiting for you in Ponyland! The ponies also have many magical surprises for you! All My Little Pony needs to start the fun is YOU!
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Mes Petits Poneys te réservent de somptueuses aventures et d'étonnantes surprises dans leur fabuleux royaume. Vite, Mes Petits Poneys n'attendent plus que toi pour commencer la fête!
Flora a toujours rêvé qu'un jour elle serait invitée au chateau pour aller danser. Son voeu est exsaucé et ses guenilles se transforment en une somptueuse robe de bal!
'''English Translation:''' My Little Ponies have sumptuous adventures and surprising surprises in store for you in their fabulous kingdom. Quick, My Little Ponies are just waiting for you to start the party!
Flora always dreamed that one day she would be invited to the castle to go dancing. Her wish is granted and her rags are transformed into a sumptuous ball gown!
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Morning Glory träumt davon, dass sie eines Tages zum Tanz im Schloss gehen würde. Ihr Wunsch wurde erfüllt und ihre Arbeitskleidung verwandelte sich auf magische Weise in ein funkelndes Abendkleid.
'''English Translation:''' Morning Glory dreams that one day she would go to the dance at the Castle. Her wish was granted and magically her work clothes turned into a sparkling evening gown.
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Με το My ε το My Little Pony πολλές βασιλικές περιπέτειες σε περιμένουν στη χώρα των Πόνυ! Τα πόνυ έχουν τόσες μαγικές εκπλήξεις να μοιραστούν μαζί σου! Για να ξεκινήσει η διασκέδαση το μόνο που χρειάζεται το My Little Pony είναι ΕΣΕΝΑ!
'''English Translation:''' With My and My Little Pony many royal adventures await you in the land of Ponies! The ponies have so many magical surprises to share with you! All My Little Pony needs is YOU for the fun to begin!
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My Little Pony del regno Incantato ti stanno aspettando! Hanno storie magiche e regali principeschi da donarti. Perchè l'avventura abbia inizio manchi soltanto tu!
La Principessa Serenella segna di poter Partecipare ad un ballo al castillo. Per incanto il suo vestitino si transforma in uno scintillante abito da sera ed é pronta per la danze!
'''English Translation:''' My Little Ponies from the Enchanted Kingdom are waiting for you! They have magical stories and princely gifts to give you. All that's missing for the adventure to begin is you!
Princess Serene signs that she can participate in a ball at the castle. By magic her little dress transforms into a sparkling evening dress and she is ready to dance!
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My Little Pony kommer med massor av hoväventyr som väntar dig i Ponyland! Ponnyerna har så många magiska överraskningar som de gärna vill dela med dig! Allt My Little Pony behöver för att ha kul är DIG!
'''English Translation:''' My Little Pony comes with lots of horse adventures waiting for you in Ponyland! The ponies have so many magical surprises that they would love to share with you! All My Little Pony needs to have fun is YOU!
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[[Image: Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|thumb|MOC]]
== Royal Wedding Princess Morning Glory ==
*'''Release Year:''' 1999
*'''Availability:''' Europe
*'''Series:''' [[:Category:Royal_Friends|Royal Friends]]
*'''Notes: ''' This Princess Morning Glory is part of a two-pony royal wedding set that also includes [[Clever_Clover#Royal_Wedding_Prince_Clever_Clover|Prince Clever Clover]]. Her symbols have a water-activated feature.
<gallery caption="Regional MOCs" widths="150px" heights="150px">
=== Pony Stats ===
[[File: Royal_Wedding_Princess_Morning_Glory.jpg|thumb|Loose]]
[[Image: Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|thumb|Princess Morning Glory, Loose with Accessories]]
*'''Pose:''' [[Morning Glory Pose]]
*'''Body Color:''' Pink
*'''Hair Color:''' Violet with Silver Tinsel
*'''Eye Color:''' Light Blue with Pink Crystal
*'''Symbol:''' One Large and Three Small Blue Flowers with Three Blue Leaves; Three Clovers That Appear with Cold Water
<br style="clear:both">
<gallery caption="Pony Features" widths="150px" heights="150px" perrow="3">
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|Princess Morning Glory’s Eye
File: Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|[[Symbols_Grouped_by_Theme#Flora|Princess Morning Glory’s Symbol]]
File: Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|Non-Display Side
<gallery caption="Accessories" widths="150px" heights="150px" perrow=”3”>
File: Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|[[G2_Hats|Glittery Gold Prince’s Crown]]
File: Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|[[G2_Clothing_Accessories#Costumes|Plum Felt Prince Robe with Glittery Gold Clasp]]
File: Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|[[G2_Jewelry|Glittery Gold Wedding Ring]]
File: Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|[[G2_Hats|Glittery Gold Princess Tiara with Attached Bridal Veil]]
File: Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|[[G2_Jewelry|Glittery Gold and Diamond Wedding Ring]]
File: Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|[[G2_Food|Three-Tiered White Wedding Cake with Pink Roses]]
File: Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|[[G2_Food|Piece of Wedding Cake]]
File:Royal_wedding_comb.JPG|[[G2_Combs/Brushes#Other|White Two-Pony Cake Topper Comb with Gold String]]
<br style="clear: both" />
=== Backcard Stories ===
[[File: Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg |thumb|Backcard]]
[[File: Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|thumb|[[G2_File_Cards#Royal_Friends|File Card]]]]
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{{Template:Year Three (1999) collapsed}}
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= [[:Category: Year Four (2000)|Year Four (2000)]] =
[[Image: Moc-morningglory-babydew.jpg|thumb|MOC]]
== Light Up Family Morning Glory and [[Baby Dew]] ==
*'''Release Year:''' 2000
*'''Availability:''' Europe
*'''Series:''' [[G2_Ponies#Light_Up_Family_Ponies|Light Up Families]]
*'''Notes: ''' This Morning Glory is part of a two-pony set that also includes [[Baby Dew]]. The heart on her chest lights up when pressed. Her batteries are irreplaceable, however, so she cannot be fixed to work again once the batteries die.
'''Regional Names (English Translation)'''
*'''Dutch:''' Fleur & Baby Dauwdruppel (Fleur & Baby Dewdrop)
*'''Finnish: '''
*'''Greek:''' ΠΡΙΓΚΙΠΙΣΣΑ ΟΥΡΑΝΙΟ ΤΟΞΟ και ΜΙΚΡΟΥΛΑ ΠΡΩΙΝΗ ΔΡΟΣΙΑ – Prinkipissa Ouranio Toxo kai Mikroula Proini Drosia (Princess Rainbow and Little Morning Dew)
*'''Italian:''' Serenella e Piccola Rugiada (Serene and Little Dew)
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<gallery caption="Regional MOCs" widths="150px" heights="150px">
=== Pony Stats ===
[[File: Light-up-morning-glory.jpg|thumb|Loose]]
[[Image:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|thumb|Light Up Morning Glory, Loose with Accessories]]
*'''Pose:''' [[Morning Glory Pose]]
*'''Body Color:''' Pink
*'''Hair Color:''' Violet
*'''Eye Color:''' Periwinkle with Dark Pink Crystal
*'''Symbol:''' One Large and Three Small Blue Flowers with Three Blue Leaves
<br style="clear:both">
<gallery caption="Pony Features" widths="150px" heights="150px" perrow="3">
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|Morning Glory’s Eye
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|[[Symbols_Grouped_by_Theme#Flora|Morning Glory’s Symbol]]
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|Morning Glory’s Light Up Heart
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|Non-Display Side
=== Baby Dew ===
Baby Dew is a G2 baby pony. Released only once in [[:Category: Year Four (2000)|Year Four (2000)]] with [[G2 Morning Glory|Morning Glory]] (her mom pony) in the [[:Category:Light Up Family Ponies|Light Up Family Ponies]] release.
[[File:Baby Dew.JPG|thumb|Baby Dew]]
'''Pony Stats'''
'''Pony Stats'''
*'''Pose:''' [[Baby Dew Pose]]
*'''Body Color:''' Pink
*'''Hair Color:''' Lavender
*'''Eye Color:''' Light blue
*'''Symbol:'''  Flower with a heart-shaped smiling center
[[G2_ponies|G2]] Morning Glory was originally released in 1997 as one of the [[Secret Surprise Ponies]]. She was released seven times in total, and twice under the name "Flora."
<gallery caption="Pony Features" widths="150px" heights="150px" perrow="3">
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|Baby Dew’s Eye
File:Baby Dew Symbol.JPG|[[Symbols_Grouped_by_Theme#Flora|Baby Dew's Symbol]]
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|Non-Display Side
*'''Pose:''' Front left leg completely raised
<gallery caption="Accessories" widths="150px" heights="150px" perrow=”3”>
*'''Body Colour:''' Pink
File: Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|[[G2_Food|Blue Baby Bib]]
*'''Hair Colour:''' Purple
File: Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|[[G2_Food|Blue Baby Bottle]]
*'''Eye Colour:''' Blue with pink jewels
File: Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|[[G2_Combs/Brushes#Daisy_Combs|Light Pink Flower Pick]]
*'''Symbol:''' Four flowers and three leaves; blue
*'''Accessories:''' Turquoise flower comb, Backpack with two multicoloured ribbons
<br style="clear: both" />
=== Backcard Stories ===
[[File:Morningglory-babydew-story.jpg|thumb|[[G2_File_Cards#Light_Up_Family_Ponies|File Card]]]]
Morning Glory is imaginative and Baby Dew is creative.
<br style="clear:both">
Fleur is fantasierijk en Baby Dauwdruppel is creatief
'''English Translation:''' Fleur is imaginative and Baby Dewdrop is creative.
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== Backcard Stories ==
'''US Backcard Story'''
Morning Glory is the imaginative one. She thinks up special ways to brighten the day, like picking bouquets of flowers and wrapping them in magical rainbows!
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== Media Appearances ==
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== Royal Wedding Princess Morning Glory ==
[[File: Royal Wedding Princess Morning Glory.jpg|thumb|[[G2_ponies|G2]] Royal Wedding Princess Morning Glory]]
Η Πριγκίπισσα Ουράνιο Τόξο είναι εφευρετική και η Μικρούλα Πρωινή Δροσιά είναι δημιουργικής, – I PrinkipÍssa Ouránio Tóxo eÍnai efevretikÍ kai Mikroúla ProinÍ Drosiá eÍnai dimiourgikÍs.
'''English Translation:''' Princess Rainbow is inventive and Little Morning Dew is creative.
<br style="clear:both">
Serenella è fantasiosa e Piccola Rugiada è creative.
'''English Translation:''' Serene is imaginative and Little Dew is creative.
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{{Template:Year Four (2000) collapsed}}
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= [[:Category: Year Five (2001)|Year Five (2001)]] =
== Romantic Ponies Princess Flora ==
*'''Release Year:''' 2001
*'''Availability:''' Europe
*'''Series:''' [[Romantic Ponies]]
*'''Notes: ''' Refer to the [[Princess Flora and Prince Fauna]] page for full details.
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{{Template:Year Five (2001) collapsed}}
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= [[:Category: Year Six (2002)|Year Six (2002)]] =
== Changing Mane and Tail Flora ==
*'''Release Year:''' 2002
*'''Availability:''' Europe
*'''Series:''' [[Changing Mane and Tail Ponies]]
*'''Notes: ''' Princess Flora is a variation of Morning Glory. Her mane and tail can be swapped out between two different colors of each.
'''Regional Names (English Translation)'''
*'''Dutch:''' Flora
*'''Finnish: '''
*'''French:''' Flora
*'''Italian:''' Fiorellina (Little Flower)
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<gallery caption="Regional MOCs" widths="150px" heights="150px">
File: Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|thumb|MOC
=== Pony Stats ===
[[Image:Flora2.jpg|thumb|Loose with Violet Hair]]
[[Image:Flora.jpg|thumb|Loose with Blue Hair]]
[[Image:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|thumb| Flora, Loose with Accessories]]
*'''Pose:''' [[Morning Glory Pose]]
*'''Body Color:''' Pink
*'''Hair Color:''' Blue with Silver Tinsel or Violet
*'''Eye Color:''' Light Blue with Dark Pink Crystal
*'''Symbol:''' Three Small and One Large Blue Flowers with Three Blue Leaves
<br style="clear:both">
<gallery caption="Pony Features" widths="150px" heights="150px" perrow="3">
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|Flora's Eye
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|[[Symbols_Grouped_by_Theme#Flora|Flora's Symbol]]
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|Non-Display Side
<gallery caption="Accessories" widths="150px" heights="150px" perrow="3">
File:Flora-blue-mane.jpg|[[G2_Barrettes|Blue with Silver Tinsel Mane]]
File:Flora-blue-tail.jpg|[[G2_Barrettes|Blue with Silver Tinsel Tail]]
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|[[G2_Barrettes|Violet Mane]]
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|[[G2_Barrettes|Violet Tail]]
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|[[G2_Barrettes|VARIANT – Blue Heart Barrette]]
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|[[G2_Barrettes|VARIANT – Purple Heart Barrette]]
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|[[G2_Barrettes|VARIANT – White Heart Barrette]]
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|[[G2_Barrettes|VARIANT – Blue Flower Barrette]]
File:Flora-pick.jpg|[[G2_Combs/Brushes#Butterfly_Picks|Pink Bow Pick with Gold String]]
<br style="clear: both" />
=== Backcard Stories ===
[[File: Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg |thumb| Backcard]]
Flora is always happy and she likes wearing her pink mane when she goes out to play with her friends. When she goes out shopping, Flora wears her blue and golden mane with a pink hairpin and her blue tressed tail. Change her mane and tail! To change her mane simply unclip the star at the front.
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Flora is altijd opgewekt en draagt haar roze manen om met de andere ponyvriendjes te spelen. Als ze gaat winkelen draagt ze liever haar blauwe set met gouddraad en een roze hoarspeld, gecombineerd met haar gevlochten blauwe staart. Verander haar manen en staart! Om de manen te veranderen volstaat het de ster op haar voorhoofd los te maken!
'''English Translation:''' Flora is always cheerful and wears her pink mane to play with the other pony friends. When she goes shopping she prefers to wear her blue set with gold thread and a pink hoar pin, combined with her braided blue tail. Change her mane and tail! To change the mane, just detach the star on her forehead!
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Flora est toujours joyruse, elle aime porter sa crinière rose pour jouer avec ses amis. Quand elle va faire du shopping, Flora porte su crinière bleue et or avec une barrette rose sur sa queue tressée. Change sa crinière et sa queue! Pour changer sa crinière, il suffit de retirer l'étoile de son front.
'''English Translation:''' Flora is always playful, she likes to wear her pink mane to play with her friends. When she goes shopping, Flora wears her blue and gold mane with a pink barrette on her braided tail. Change his mane and tail! To change his mane, simply remove the star from his forehead.
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Little Flower è sempre allegra e le piace multa indossare la sua criniera rosa quando esce a giocare con le amiche. Quando va a fare compere, invece, Fiorellina indossa la sua criniera blu dorata con mollettina rosa e la sua coda blu intrecciata! Combia la criniera e la coda! Per cambiare la criniera, stacca la stella sulla fronte.
'''English Translation:''' Fiorellina is always cheerful and likes to wear her pink mane when she goes out to play with her friends. When she goes shopping, however, Fiorellina wears her golden blue mane with a pink hair clip and her braided blue tail! She combines her mane and tail! To change her mane, she peels off the star on her forehead.
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== Royal Castle Ballroom Princess Morning Glory ==
[[File: Royal Castle Ballroom Princess Morning Glory.jpg|thumb|[[G2_ponies|G2]] Royal Castle Ballroom Princess Morning Glory]]
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== Princess Morning Glory ==
[[File: Princess Morning Glory.jpg|thumb|[[G2_ponies|G2]] Princess Morning Glory]]
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== 2000 Magic Light Up Morning Glory ==
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== 2001 Romantic Princess Flora ==
= Media Appearances =
[[Image:Morninggloryschool.png|thumb|Morning Glory]]
[[Image:Artboard.png|thumb|In-Game Morning Glory Artwork from the Artboard Activity]]
Morning Glory appears in ''[http://mylittlewiki.org/wiki/Video_Games#My_Little_Pony_Friendship_Gardens_.28PC.29| My Little Pony: Friendship Gardens]'' as the owner of the schoolhouse in Ponyland.
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== 2002 Changing Mane and Tail Flora ==
= Merchandise =
* Keychain
<gallery widths="150px" heights="150px">
<gallery caption="Keychain" widths="200px" heights="200px" perrow="3">
File:Morninggloryplush.JPG|[[G2 Beanies|Beanie]]
File:IMG 3814.JPG|Keychain
File:1999 McDo G2 (2).JPG|[[Happy_Meal_Toys#Euro_G2_4_Pony_Set|1999 Euro McDonald’s Happy Meal Toy]]
File:Sbkeychain.JPG|[[G2_Keychains|MOC Keychain]]
File:G2ColoringBook.jpg|[[G2_Books#Coloring_Books|Coloring Book]]
File:Comic2.JPG|[[G2_Books#Comics|Comic Cover]]
File:Comic4.JPG|[[G2_Books#Comics|Comic Cover]]
File:G2pad.JPG|[[G2_Stationery|Writing Pad]]
File:G2writing.JPG|[[G2_Stationery|Activity Pack]]
File:IMG 1125.JPG|[[G2_Postcards|Postcard]]
File:G2 Small Character Stickers.jpg|[[G2_Stickers|Sticker]]
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= See Also =
*[[G1_Morning_Glory|G1 Morning Glory]]
*[[:Category:Secret_Surprise_Friends|Secret Surprise Friends]]
== See Also ==
*[[Morning Glory]]
*[[G3 Morning Glory]]
[[Category:Generation 2]]
Other [[:Category:Secret_Surprise_Friends#Year_One_.281997.29|1997 Secret Surprise Friends]]:
*[[Berry Bright]]
*[[Clever_Clover#Secret_Surprise_Friends_Clever_Clover|Clever Clover]]
*[[Petal_Blossom#Secret_Surprise_Friends_Petal_Blossom|Petal Blossom]]
*[[Sky_Skimmer#Secret_Surprise_Friends_Sky_Skimmer|Sky Skimmer]]
Other ponies in the [[G2_Ponies#Princess_Ponies|1999 Princess Ponies]] Series:
*[[Princess Crystal]]
*[[Ivy#Princess_Ivy|Princess Ivy]]
*[[Princess Silver Swirl]]
*[[Princess Trixiebelle]]
*[[Princess Twinkle Star]]
Other [[G2 Playsets|1999 Playsets]]:
*[[G2_Sundance#Enchanted_Throne_with_Queen_Sunsparkle|Enchanted Throne with Queen Sunsparkle]]
*[[Sweet_Berry#Sweet_Berry.27s_Magic_Kitchen|Magic Kitchen with Sweet Berry]]
*[[ Sun_Sparkle#Magic_Rainbow_Forest_with_Sunsparkle|Magic Rainbow Forest with Sun Sparkle]]
Other Ponies in the [[Royal Friends]] Series:
*[[Sky_Skimmer#Royal_Masquerade_Ball_Princess_Sky_Skimmer|Lady Sky Skimmer]]
*[[Clever_Clover#Royal_Wedding_Prince_Clever_Clover|Prince Clever Clover]]
*[[Sweet_Berry#Royal_Masquerade_Ball_Princess_Sweet_Berry|Princess Sweet Berry]]
Other Ponies in the [[Category:Light_Up_Family_Ponies|2000 Light Up Family]] Series:
*[[Ivy#Light_Up_Family_Ivy_and_Baby_Fern|Ivy and Baby Fern]]
*[[Princess_Silver_Swirl#Light_Up_Family_Princess_Silver_Swirl_and_Baby_Swirly|Princess Silver Swirl and Baby Swirly]]
*[[Princess_Twinkle_Star#Light_Up_Family_Princess_Twinkle_Star_and_Baby_Twinkles|Princess Twinkle Star and Baby Twinkles]]
Other Ponies in the [[Romantic Ponies]] Series:
*[[Prince Blue Dream]]
*[[Clever_Clover#Romantic_Ponies_Prince_Fauna|Prince Fauna]]
*[[ Prince_Blue_Dream_and_Princess_Golden_Dream|Princess Golden Dream]]
Other ponies in the 2002 [[Changing Mane and Tail Ponies]] Series:
*[[Apple Pie]]
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[[Category: Generation 2]]
[[Category: G2 Adult Ponies]]
[[Category: G2 Earth Ponies]]
[[Category: G2 Pink Ponies]]
[[Category: Year One (1997)]]
[[Category: Secret Surprise Friends]]
[[Category: Year Three (1999)]]
[[Category: G2 Princess Ponies]]
[[Category: Royal Friends]]
[[Category: Year Four (2000)]]
[[Category: Light Up Family Ponies]]
[[Category: Year Five (2001)]]
[[Category: Romantic Ponies]]
[[Category: Year Six (2002)]]
[[Category: Changing Mane and Tail Ponies]]
[[Category: Need Loose Photo]]
[[Category: Need Symbol Photo]]
[[Category: Need Accessories Photo]]
[[Category: Need MIP Photo]]
[[Category: Need Backcard Photo]]

Latest revision as of 22:21, 30 January 2025

Morning Glory, Display Side

Morning Glory was first released in 1997 as part of the Secret Surprise Friends set. She shares her name with G1 Flutter Pony Morning Glory but is otherwise a totally different pony. Morning Glory has seven G2 releases, five as Morning Glory and two as Flora. She is sometimes featured in G2 merchandise, including the PC game, but is not one of the four core characters.

Secret Surprise Friends Morning Glory has two variants – one row of mane plugs and two rows of mane plugs – like all other 1997 ponies except Light Heart. In the UK, she was sometimes sold with a "free gift" sheet of 60 nail stickers attached to her backcard. There are also variations of her USA backcard – one that lists Kenner as the manufacturer and another that lists Hasbro. The text remains the same with some slight differences in typography.

Morning Glory’s second, third, and fourth designs are all from 1999. All releases are known as Princess Morning Glory, and all feature the tinsel-haired royalty designation. Morning Glory was released as part of the Princess Ponies set, a two-pony Royal Friends set with Clever Clover, and finally, a playset pony.

All of the Princesses have special play features. Princess Morning Glory has a “growing” mane and tail. Royal Wedding Princess Morning Glory has a cold water-activated symbol feature like her prince counterpart. Finally, Princess Morning Glory features Magic Motion.

Morning Glory’s last G2 release as “Morning Glory” was in 2000 as part of the Light Up Families set, consisting of three mother/baby sets that have push-button activated light-up features. She became Flora for her final two releases, the first of which occurred in 2001 as part of a two-pony Romantic Ponies set, again as a princess and again with Clever Clover, now known as Prince Fauna. Princess Flora’s speech feature is magnet-activated when Prince Fauna’s magnetic nose touches the heart on her cheek.

Flora’s final G2 release was in 2002 as one of the last two Changing Mane and Tail Ponies.

Year One (1997)

Secret Surprise Friends Morning Glory

Release Info

United States (American English) Card
Bonus Nail Stickers Sheet

Regional Names (English Translation)

  • Danish/Norwegian:
  • Dutch: Fleur
  • Finnish:
  • French: Flora
  • French Canadian: Flora
  • German:
  • Greek:
  • Italian: Serenella (Lily Pad)
  • Spanish: Mañanera (Morning)
  • Spanish Mexican: Mañanera (Morning)
  • Swedish:

Pony Stats

Morning Glory, Display Side
Morning Glory, Loose with Accessories
  • Pose: Morning Glory Pose
  • Body Color: Pink
  • Hair Color: Blend of Lavender and Violet with Forelock
  • Eye Color: Sky Blue with Dark Pink Crystal
  • Symbol: One Large and Three Small Blue Flowers with Three Blue Leaves

Pony Features


Backcard Stories

American English

My Little Pony® is waiting for you in the Friendship Gardens! The ponies are magical friends who can’t wait to take you on exciting adventures. Join them for lots of surprises and dreams-come-true. For the fun to begin, all My Little Pony® needs is YOU!

Collect All the Magic of My Little Pony®!

Hasbro Card Kenner Card
MORNING GLORY™ is the IMAGINATIVE one. She thinks up special ways to brighten the day, like picking bouquets of flowers and wrapping them in magical rainbows!

Includes: pony, backpack with 2 pull-out ribbons, and comb.

MORNING GLORY™ is the imaginative one. She thinks up special ways to brighten the day, like picking bouquets of flowers and wrapping them in magical rainbows!

British English

Welcome to Ponyland, the magical world of My Little Pony! Here, the ponies play together and have all kinds of exciting adventures! Join in the fun – the ponies love making friends they can keep forever!

Imaginative Morning Glory thinks up special ways to brighten the day. She picks bouquets of flowers and wraps them in magical rainbows!

Pull ribbons out of backpack to decorate pony’s tail.

Wind ribbons back into backpack.

Canadian Card English – INCOMPLETE

Welcome to Ponyland, the magical world of My Little Pony! Here, the ponies play together and have all kinds of exciting adventures! Join in the fun – the ponies love making friends they can keep forever!


Dutch English Translation
Welkom in de speeltuinen vol Mijn Kleine Pony's en plezier! Hier spelen de Pony's en beleven zij allerlei fantastische avonturen! Kom erbij, ze zijn dol op nieuwe vriendinnetjes! En... sluit vriendschap voor het leven!

Fleur bedenkt allerlei leuke manieren om van elke dag een onvergetelijke te maken! Ze pluks bloemen en bindr er prachtige linten ombeen... voor haar vriendinnertjes!

Trek de lintjes uit de rugzak en versier de ponystaart...

...en rol daarna lintjes weer terug de rugzak.

Welcome to the playgrounds full of My Little Ponies and fun! Here the Ponies play and experience all kinds of fantastic adventures! Come join us, they love new friends! And... make friends for life!

Fleur thinks of all sorts of fun ways to make every day unforgettable! She picks flowers and ties beautiful ribbons around them... for her girlfriends!

Pull the ribbons out of the backpack and decorate the ponytail...

...and then roll the ribbons back into the backpack.


French English Translation
Toujours pleine d'idées, Flora égaye chaque jour qui passe. Elle ramasse de jolis bouquets de fleurs qu'elle enveloppe dans ses magnifiques rubans arc-en-ciel. Always full of ideas, Flora brightens up each day that passes. She collects pretty bouquets of flowers that she wraps in her magnificent rainbow ribbons.

French Canadian – INCOMPLETE

French Canadian English Translation
Bienvenue dans le Jardin de l'Amitié du royaume enchanté Ma Petite Pouliche! Les pouliches aiment jouer ensemble et partager leurs aventures fascinantes! Alors, joins-toi à elles, puisqu'elles adorent se faire des amis pour la vie!

Procure-toi tout le royaume magique de Ma Petite Pouliche!

Welcome to the Friendship Garden of the enchanted kingdom My Little Pony! Fillies love to play together and share their fascinating adventures! So, join them, since they love to make friends for life!

Get the entire magical kingdom of My Little Pony!


Italian English Translation
Benvenuta ne Giardino dell'Amicizia; il magico mondo dei My Little Pony! Qui tutti i pony giocano insieme e inventano tante avventure magiche e divertenti/Stai sempre con loro: i Pony ti aspettano nel loro magico Mondo!

La fantasiosa Serenella conosce un modo speciale per far brilalre ogni giornata. Raccoglie fiori coloratissimi e poi li transforma in arcobaleni spelendenti.

Tirare fuori i nastri dal dorso del Pony, per decorare la sua bellissima coda.

Riavvolgere nuocamente i nastri nel dorso.

Welcome to the Garden of Friendship; the magical world of My Little Pony! Here all the ponies play together and invent many magical and fun adventures/Always stay with them: the Ponies are waiting for you in their magical World!

The imaginative Lily Pad knows a special way to make every day shine. She picks colorful flowers and then transforms them into shining rainbows.

Pull out the ribbons from the Pony's back, to decorate her beautiful tail.

Mexican Spanish – INCOMPLETE

Mexican Spanish English Translation
¡Mi Pequeño Pony te espera en los Jardines de la Amistad! Los ponys son amigos mágicos con quienes compartir emocionantes avennaras. Unete a ellos para sorprenderte y convertir tus sueños en realidad. ¡Diviértere con Mi Pequeño Pony!

¡Collecciona la magia de Mi Pequeño Pony!

My Little Pony awaits you in the Gardens of Friendship! The ponies are magical friends with whom you can share exciting adventures. Join them as they surprise you and make your dreams come true. Have fun with My Little Pony!

Collect the magic of My Little Pony!


Year Three (1999)


Princess Morning Glory

  • Release Year: 1999
  • Availability: Europe
  • Series: Princess Ponies
  • Notes: Princess Morning Glory’s blue mane hair can be lengthened by pulling it from her silver crown and shortened by pulling her tail.

Regional Names (English Translation)

  • Danish: Princesse Gloria (Princess Gloria)
  • Dutch:
  • Finnish: Prinsessa Gloria (Princess Gloria)
  • French:
  • German: Prinzessin Morgenglanz (Princess Morning Shine)
  • Greek:
  • Italian:
  • Norwegian:
  • Spanish:
  • Swedish: Prinsessan Gloria (Princess Gloria)

Pony Stats

Princess Morning Glory, Loose with Accessories
  • Pose: Morning Glory Pose
  • Body Color: Pink
  • Hair Color: Violet with Forelock, Silver Tinsel in Mane, Blue “Growing” Section of Mane, Blue Tail
  • Eye Color: Light Blue with Dark Pink Crystal
  • Symbol: One Large and Three Small Blue Flowers with Three Blue Leaves

Backcard Stories

Princess Morning Glory’s Backcard


Princess Morning Glory is imaginative. She imagines fun ways to surprise her friends by creating magical new hairstyles for every Royal occasion!











Royal Castle Ballroom with Princess Morning Glory

  • Release Year: 1999
  • Availability: Europe
  • Series: G2 Playsets
  • Notes: Princess Morning Glory has the Magic Motion feature.

Regional Names (English Translation)

  • Danish: Kongeligt Drømmeslot/Kongelig Drømmeslott Med Prinsesse Gloria (Royal Dream Castle/Royal Dream Castle with Princess Gloria)
  • Dutch:
  • Finnish: Kuninkaallinen Unelmalinna Ja Prinsessa Gloria (Royal Dream Castle and Princess Gloria)
  • French: Flora Conte de Fée et Sa Tourelle (Fairy Tale Flora and Her Turret)
  • German:
  • Greek: ΤΟ ΚΑΣΤΡΟ ΤΩΝ ΒΑΣΙΛΙΚΩΝ ΟΝΕΙΡΩΝ ΜΕ ΤΗΝ ΠΡΙΓΚΙΠΙΣΣΑ ΟΥΡΑΝΙΟ ΤΟΞΟ – To Kastro Ton Vasilikon Oneiron Me Tin Prinkipissa Ouranio Toxo (The Csatle of Royal Dreams with Rainbow Princess)
  • Italian:
  • Norwegian:
  • Spanish:
  • Swedish: Kungligt Drömslott Med Prinsessan Gloria (Royal Dream Castle with Princess Gloria)

Pony Stats

Princess Morning Glory, Loose with Accessories
  • Pose: Dainty Dove Pose
  • Body Color: Pink
  • Hair Color: Violet with Forelock, Silver Tinsel in Mane
  • Eye Color: Light Blue with Dark Pink Crystal
  • Symbol: One Large and Three Small Blue Flowers with Three Blue Leaves

Backcard Stories

Royal Castle Ballroom Backcard


My Little Pony has lots of royal adventures waiting for you in Ponyland! The ponies have so many magical surprises to share with you! For the fun to begin, all My Little Pony needs is YOU! Morning Glory dreamt that one day she would go to the dance at the castle. Her wish was granted and magically her work clothes turned into a sparkling evening gown.


My Little Pony wacht op je in het paleis van Ponyland! Samen met jou beleeft ze daar allerlei koninklijke avonturen! De pony's hebben betoverende verrassingen voor je! Het enige wat My Little Pony nodig heeft om de pret te laten beginnen... ben JIJ! Fleurs liefste wens was een keer naar het hal in het Koninklijk Pales te gaan. Haar wens weed vervuld en haar werkkleren veranderden als bij toverslag in een schitterende avondjurk.

English Translation: My Little Pony is waiting for you in the palace of Ponyland! She will experience all kinds of royal adventures there with you! The ponies have enchanting surprises for you! All My Little Pony needs to get the fun started... is YOU! Fleur's dearest wish was to go to the hall in the Royal Palace one day. Her wish came true and her work clothes magically changed into a beautiful evening dress.


My Little Ponillani on monta kuninkaallista seikkailua odottamassa sinua Ponimaassa! Poneilla on sinulle myös monenmonta taikayllätystä! Päästäkseen aloittamaan hauskanpidon My Little Pony tarvitsee vain SINUT!

English Translation: My Little Pony has many royal adventures waiting for you in Ponyland! The ponies also have many magical surprises for you! All My Little Pony needs to start the fun is YOU!


Mes Petits Poneys te réservent de somptueuses aventures et d'étonnantes surprises dans leur fabuleux royaume. Vite, Mes Petits Poneys n'attendent plus que toi pour commencer la fête!

Flora a toujours rêvé qu'un jour elle serait invitée au chateau pour aller danser. Son voeu est exsaucé et ses guenilles se transforment en une somptueuse robe de bal!

English Translation: My Little Ponies have sumptuous adventures and surprising surprises in store for you in their fabulous kingdom. Quick, My Little Ponies are just waiting for you to start the party!

Flora always dreamed that one day she would be invited to the castle to go dancing. Her wish is granted and her rags are transformed into a sumptuous ball gown!


Morning Glory träumt davon, dass sie eines Tages zum Tanz im Schloss gehen würde. Ihr Wunsch wurde erfüllt und ihre Arbeitskleidung verwandelte sich auf magische Weise in ein funkelndes Abendkleid.

English Translation: Morning Glory dreams that one day she would go to the dance at the Castle. Her wish was granted and magically her work clothes turned into a sparkling evening gown.


Με το My ε το My Little Pony πολλές βασιλικές περιπέτειες σε περιμένουν στη χώρα των Πόνυ! Τα πόνυ έχουν τόσες μαγικές εκπλήξεις να μοιραστούν μαζί σου! Για να ξεκινήσει η διασκέδαση το μόνο που χρειάζεται το My Little Pony είναι ΕΣΕΝΑ!

English Translation: With My and My Little Pony many royal adventures await you in the land of Ponies! The ponies have so many magical surprises to share with you! All My Little Pony needs is YOU for the fun to begin!


My Little Pony del regno Incantato ti stanno aspettando! Hanno storie magiche e regali principeschi da donarti. Perchè l'avventura abbia inizio manchi soltanto tu!

La Principessa Serenella segna di poter Partecipare ad un ballo al castillo. Per incanto il suo vestitino si transforma in uno scintillante abito da sera ed é pronta per la danze!

English Translation: My Little Ponies from the Enchanted Kingdom are waiting for you! They have magical stories and princely gifts to give you. All that's missing for the adventure to begin is you!

Princess Serene signs that she can participate in a ball at the castle. By magic her little dress transforms into a sparkling evening dress and she is ready to dance!




My Little Pony kommer med massor av hoväventyr som väntar dig i Ponyland! Ponnyerna har så många magiska överraskningar som de gärna vill dela med dig! Allt My Little Pony behöver för att ha kul är DIG!

English Translation: My Little Pony comes with lots of horse adventures waiting for you in Ponyland! The ponies have so many magical surprises that they would love to share with you! All My Little Pony needs to have fun is YOU!


Royal Wedding Princess Morning Glory

  • Release Year: 1999
  • Availability: Europe
  • Series: Royal Friends
  • Notes: This Princess Morning Glory is part of a two-pony royal wedding set that also includes Prince Clever Clover. Her symbols have a water-activated feature.

Pony Stats

Princess Morning Glory, Loose with Accessories
  • Pose: Morning Glory Pose
  • Body Color: Pink
  • Hair Color: Violet with Silver Tinsel
  • Eye Color: Light Blue with Pink Crystal
  • Symbol: One Large and Three Small Blue Flowers with Three Blue Leaves; Three Clovers That Appear with Cold Water

Backcard Stories












Year Four (2000)


Light Up Family Morning Glory and Baby Dew

  • Release Year: 2000
  • Availability: Europe
  • Series: Light Up Families
  • Notes: This Morning Glory is part of a two-pony set that also includes Baby Dew. The heart on her chest lights up when pressed. Her batteries are irreplaceable, however, so she cannot be fixed to work again once the batteries die.

Regional Names (English Translation)

  • Danish:
  • Dutch: Fleur & Baby Dauwdruppel (Fleur & Baby Dewdrop)
  • Finnish:
  • French:
  • German:
  • Greek: ΠΡΙΓΚΙΠΙΣΣΑ ΟΥΡΑΝΙΟ ΤΟΞΟ και ΜΙΚΡΟΥΛΑ ΠΡΩΙΝΗ ΔΡΟΣΙΑ – Prinkipissa Ouranio Toxo kai Mikroula Proini Drosia (Princess Rainbow and Little Morning Dew)
  • Italian: Serenella e Piccola Rugiada (Serene and Little Dew)
  • Norwegian:
  • Spanish:
  • Swedish:

Pony Stats

Light Up Morning Glory, Loose with Accessories
  • Pose: Morning Glory Pose
  • Body Color: Pink
  • Hair Color: Violet
  • Eye Color: Periwinkle with Dark Pink Crystal
  • Symbol: One Large and Three Small Blue Flowers with Three Blue Leaves

Baby Dew

Baby Dew is a G2 baby pony. Released only once in Year Four (2000) with Morning Glory (her mom pony) in the Light Up Family Ponies release.

Baby Dew

Pony Stats

  • Pose: Baby Dew Pose
  • Body Color: Pink
  • Hair Color: Lavender
  • Eye Color: Light blue
  • Symbol: Flower with a heart-shaped smiling center

Backcard Stories


English Morning Glory is imaginative and Baby Dew is creative.


Fleur is fantasierijk en Baby Dauwdruppel is creatief

English Translation: Fleur is imaginative and Baby Dewdrop is creative.




Greek Η Πριγκίπισσα Ουράνιο Τόξο είναι εφευρετική και η Μικρούλα Πρωινή Δροσιά είναι δημιουργικής, – I PrinkipÍssa Ouránio Tóxo eÍnai efevretikÍ kai Mikroúla ProinÍ Drosiá eÍnai dimiourgikÍs.

English Translation: Princess Rainbow is inventive and Little Morning Dew is creative.


Serenella è fantasiosa e Piccola Rugiada è creative.

English Translation: Serene is imaginative and Little Dew is creative.





Year Five (2001)


Romantic Ponies Princess Flora

Year Six (2002)


Changing Mane and Tail Flora

  • Release Year: 2002
  • Availability: Europe
  • Series: Changing Mane and Tail Ponies
  • Notes: Princess Flora is a variation of Morning Glory. Her mane and tail can be swapped out between two different colors of each.

Regional Names (English Translation)

  • Dutch: Flora
  • Finnish:
  • French: Flora
  • German:
  • Greek:
  • Italian: Fiorellina (Little Flower)
  • Norwegian:
  • Spanish:
  • Swedish:

Pony Stats

Loose with Violet Hair
Loose with Blue Hair
Flora, Loose with Accessories
  • Pose: Morning Glory Pose
  • Body Color: Pink
  • Hair Color: Blue with Silver Tinsel or Violet
  • Eye Color: Light Blue with Dark Pink Crystal
  • Symbol: Three Small and One Large Blue Flowers with Three Blue Leaves

Backcard Stories



Flora is always happy and she likes wearing her pink mane when she goes out to play with her friends. When she goes out shopping, Flora wears her blue and golden mane with a pink hairpin and her blue tressed tail. Change her mane and tail! To change her mane simply unclip the star at the front.


Flora is altijd opgewekt en draagt haar roze manen om met de andere ponyvriendjes te spelen. Als ze gaat winkelen draagt ze liever haar blauwe set met gouddraad en een roze hoarspeld, gecombineerd met haar gevlochten blauwe staart. Verander haar manen en staart! Om de manen te veranderen volstaat het de ster op haar voorhoofd los te maken!

English Translation: Flora is always cheerful and wears her pink mane to play with the other pony friends. When she goes shopping she prefers to wear her blue set with gold thread and a pink hoar pin, combined with her braided blue tail. Change her mane and tail! To change the mane, just detach the star on her forehead!



Flora est toujours joyruse, elle aime porter sa crinière rose pour jouer avec ses amis. Quand elle va faire du shopping, Flora porte su crinière bleue et or avec une barrette rose sur sa queue tressée. Change sa crinière et sa queue! Pour changer sa crinière, il suffit de retirer l'étoile de son front.

English Translation: Flora is always playful, she likes to wear her pink mane to play with her friends. When she goes shopping, Flora wears her blue and gold mane with a pink barrette on her braided tail. Change his mane and tail! To change his mane, simply remove the star from his forehead.



Little Flower è sempre allegra e le piace multa indossare la sua criniera rosa quando esce a giocare con le amiche. Quando va a fare compere, invece, Fiorellina indossa la sua criniera blu dorata con mollettina rosa e la sua coda blu intrecciata! Combia la criniera e la coda! Per cambiare la criniera, stacca la stella sulla fronte.

English Translation: Fiorellina is always cheerful and likes to wear her pink mane when she goes out to play with her friends. When she goes shopping, however, Fiorellina wears her golden blue mane with a pink hair clip and her braided blue tail! She combines her mane and tail! To change her mane, she peels off the star on her forehead.





Media Appearances

Morning Glory
In-Game Morning Glory Artwork from the Artboard Activity

Morning Glory appears in My Little Pony: Friendship Gardens as the owner of the schoolhouse in Ponyland.


See Also

Other 1997 Secret Surprise Friends:

Other ponies in the 1999 Princess Ponies Series:

Other 1999 Playsets:

Other Ponies in the Royal Friends Series:

Other Ponies in the Series:

Other Ponies in the Romantic Ponies Series:

Other ponies in the 2002 Changing Mane and Tail Ponies Series: