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[[File: Magic Motion Sundance.jpg|thumb|[[G2_ponies|G2]] Sundance]]
[[Image:Magic_Motion_Sundance.jpg|thumb|Sundance, Display Side]]
Sundance was first released in [[:Category:Year_One_(1997)|1997]] as part of the [[:Category:Magic_Motion_Friends#Year_One_.281997.29 |Magic Motion Friends]] set and has a total of seven standard releases with one additional unnamed pony that shares the same symbol. She is one of the core four featured characters used for [[G2 Merchandise]] and is also known as Sun Sparkle or Sunsparkle throughout the G2 line. She shares the name Sundance with [[Megan_and_Sundance|G1 Sundance]] and the name Sunsparkle/Sun Sparkle with [[Baby_Pink_Sunsparkle|G3 Baby Pink Sunsparkle]].
'''Sundance''' was one of the core ponies in G2. She was the only one of these mane ponies to be named for not only a G1 pony but also a major character  in the toyline, [[G1 Sundance]].
G2 Sundance was originally released in 1997 as one of the [[:Category:Magic Motion Friends|Magic Motion Friends]].  This version swishes her tail when you turn her head. Her package also came with two lots of 2 horseshoe points that could be used to get the Exclusive [[Seabreeze]] Pony offer. She was released many times after this and was eventually renamed ''Sunsparkle''.
[[:Category:Magic_Motion_Friends#Year_One_.281997.29|Magic Motion Friends]] Sundance has two variants – one row of mane plugs and two rows of mane plugs – like all other 1997 ponies except [[Canopy_Bed_with_Light_Heart#Canopy_Bed_with_Light_Heart|Light Heart]]. There may also be variations of her USA backcard – one that lists Kenner as the manufacturer and another that lists Hasbro. The text remains the same with some slight differences in typography. In France, she was sometimes sold with a promotional CD attached to her backcard. Magic Motion Sundance has [[Magic_Motion_Poses#Sundance_Pose_.28Motion_D.29|Magic Motion D]], in which her tail swishes back and forth when her head is turned. She is the only [[:Category:Magic_Motion_Friends|Magic Motion Friends]] pony in this pose.
Sundance’s [[:Category:Year_Two_(1998)|1998]] release is as part of a two-pony [[:Category:Sunny_Garden_Friends|Sunny Garden Friends]] set with [[Light_Heart#Special_Birthday_Magic_Light_Heart|Light Heart]]. Her two [[:Category:Year_Three_(1999)|1999]] releases see her called Sun Sparkle, both times included with two of the year’s [[:Category:G2_Playsets#Year_Three_.281999.29|playsets]] – the [[G2_Sundance#Magic_Rainbow_Forest_with_Sun_Sparkle|Magic Rainbow Forest]] and the [[G2_Sundance#Queen_Sun_Sparkle_and_Enchanted_Throne|Enchanted Throne]] as Queen Sun Sparkle.
:''English'': Sundance, Sunsparkle
:''French'': Soleia
:''Dutch'': Ijdeltuitje
:''Italian'': Raggio di Sole
Sun Sparkle’s [[:Category:Year_Four_(2000)|2000]] release as part of the [[:Category:Magic_Motion_Family_Ponies|Magic Motion Families]] with [[G2_Sundance#Baby_Sunbeam_Stats|Baby Sunbeam]] has two variants in eye color – blue or purple. Her final official release in [[:Category:Year_Five_(2001)|2001]] is as part of the [[:Category:Changing_Mane_and_Tail_Ponies#Year_Five_.282001.29|Changing Mane and Tail Ponies]], but the [[:Category:Year_Six_(2002)|2002]] [[Holiday_Playsets#Holiday_at_the_Sea|Holiday at the Sea playset]] pony, simply referred to as “Beach Pony” bears similarity to her.
<gallery caption="Sundance/Sun Sparkle/Sunsparkle Releases" widths="150px" heights="150px" perrow="5">
Image:Magic_Motion_Sundance.jpg|[[:Category:Magic_Motion_Friends#Year_One_.281997.29|Magic Motion Friends Sundance (1997)]]
Image:Birthday_Magic_Sundance.jpg|[[:Category:Sunny_Garden_Friends|Special Birthday Magic Sundance (1998)]]
Image:Magic_Rainbow_Forest_Sunsparkle.jpg|[[:Category:G2_Playsets#Year_Three_.281999.29|Magic Rainbow Forest Sun Sparkle (1999)]]
Image:Enchanted_Throne_Sunsparkle.jpg|[[:Category:G2_Playsets#Year_Three_.281999.29|Enchanted Throne Queen Sun Sparkle (1999)]]
Image: Magic_Motion_Family_Sunsparkle.jpg|[[:Category:Magic_Motion_Family_Ponies|Magic Motion Family Sun Sparkle – Blue Eyes (2000)]]
Image:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|[[:Category:Magic_Motion_Family_Ponies|Magic Motion Family Sun Sparkle – Purple Eyes (2000)]]
Image:Changing_Mane_and_Tail_Sunsparkle.jpg|[[:Category:Changing_Mane_and_Tail_Ponies|Changing Mane and Tail Sunsparkle (2001)]]
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= [[:Category:Year_One_(1997)|Year One (1997)]] =
== [[:Category:Magic_Motion_Friends#Year_One_.281997.29|Magic Motion Friends]] Sundance ==
=== Release Info ===
[[Image:Moc-motion-sundance.jpg|thumb|United States (American English) Card]]
*'''Release Year:''' 1997 – Holiday
*'''Availability:''' North America & Europe
*'''Series:''' [[:Category:Magic_Motion_Friends#Year_One_.281997.29|Magic Motion Friends]]
'''Regional Names (English Translation)'''
*'''Dutch:''' Ijdeltuitje en Haar Kapsalon (Vanity and Her Hair Salon)
*'''French:''' Soléïa et Sa Coiffeuse (Soleia and Her Hairdresser)
*'''French Canadian:''' Soléïa et Sa Coiffeuse (Soleia and Her Hairdresser)
*'''German:''' Sonnentanz (Sundance)
*'''Italian:''' Raggio di Sole (Ray of Sunshine)
*'''Spanish Mexican:''' Brilante (Brilliant)
<gallery caption="Regional MOCs" widths="150px" heights="150px" perrow="5">
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|American English, French Canadian, and Mexican Spanish Card
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|British English, Danish/Norwegian, Swedish, and Finnish Languages Card
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|British English, Italian, Dutch, and Greek Languages Card
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|French Card
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|German Card
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|Spanish Card
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= Releases (Sundance) =
=== Pony Stats ===
[[Image:Magic_Motion_Sundance.jpg|thumb|Sundance, Display Side]]
[[Image:Magicmotionsundance.jpg|thumb|Sundance, Loose with Some Accessories]]
*'''Pose:''' [[Sundance Pose]]
*'''Body Color:''' Pink
*'''Hair Color:''' Lilac Forelock, Light Yellow and Lilac Mane, Lilac Tail
*'''Eye Color:''' Blue with White Crystal
*'''Symbol:''' Golden Yellow Sun
==== Pony Features ====
<gallery caption="" widths="150px" heights="150px" perrow="3">
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|[[G2_Eye_Crystals#White|Sundance’s Eye]]
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|[[Symbols_Grouped_by_Theme#G2_16|Sundance’s Symbol]]
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|Non-Display Side
==== Accessories ====
<gallery caption="" widths="150px" heights="150px" perrow="3">
File:Mm_sundance_fence.jpg|[[G2_Garden_and_Outdoors_Accessories#Fences|Aqua Fence on Grass Patch]]
File:Sundances_rainbow.JPG|[[G2_Garden_and_Outdoors_Accessories#Rainbow_Arches|Pink/Orange/Yellow Rainbow Arch with Blue Bee]]
File:SD_vanity.jpg|[[G2_Home_and_Furniture_Accessories#Bedroom_Furniture|Orange and Green Flower Vanity]]
File:SD_clip.jpg|[[G2_Hair_Accessories#Barrettes|Three (3) Golden Yellow Flower Barrettes]]
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|[[G2_Brushes_and_Combs#Flower_Twist_Combs|Yellow Flower Twist Comb]]
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=== Backcard Stories ===
[[File:G2MMSDFile.jpg|thumb|[[ G2_File_Cards#Magic_Motion_Friends|Sundance's American English File Card – Kenner]]]]
<gallery caption="Backcard Gallery" widths="150px" heights="150px" perrow="5">
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|American English Card – Hasbro
File:Sundance_Backcard.JPG|American English Card – Kenner
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|American English, French Canadian, and Mexican Spanish Card
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|British English, Danish/Norwegian, Swedish, and Finnish Languages Card
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|British English, Italian, Dutch, and Greek Languages Card
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|French Card
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|German Card
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|Spanish Card
<gallery caption="File Card Gallery" widths="150px" heights="150px" perrow="5">
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|American English, French Canadian, and Mexican Spanish Card
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg| American English Card – Hasbro
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|British English, Danish/Norwegian, Swedish, and Finnish Languages Card
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|British English, Italian, Dutch, and Greek Languages Card
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|French Card
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|German Card
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|Spanish Card
<br style="clear: both" />
'''American English '''
'''My Little Pony®''' is waiting for you in the '''Friendship Gardens'''! The ponies are magical friends who can’t wait to take you on exciting adventures. Join them for lots of surprises and dreams-come-true. For the fun to begin, all '''My Little Pony®''' needs is YOU!
Turn her head and her tail swishes.
Vanity stores all her accessories.
Magical rainbow joins garden fences together (Comes with 1 fence).
Collect All the Magic of My Little Pony®!
{| class="wikitable"
! style="background:pink; color:black;|Hasbro Card !! style="background:lavender; color:black;|Kenner Card
||SUNDANCE ™ is the explorer. Her eyes shine with excitement as she races off to discover fantastic new places. With a swish of her magical tail, she’s off to her next adventure!
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'''British English'''
Welcome to '''Ponyland''', the magical world of '''My Little Pony'''! Here, the ponies play together and have all kinds of exciting adventures! Join in the fun – the ponies love making friends they can keep forever!
Explorer Sun Sparkle’s eyes shine with excitement as she discovers new places. With a swish of her magic tail, she’s off to her next adventure!
Turn her head and her tail swishes.
Magical rainbow joins garden fences together.
Vanity stores all her accessories.
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'''Canadian Card English – INCOMPLETE'''
Welcome to '''Ponyland''', the magical world of '''My Little Pony'''! Here, the ponies play together and have all kinds of exciting adventures! Join in the fun – the ponies love making friends they can keep forever!
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{| class="wikitable"
! style="background:pink; color:black;|Dutch!! style="background:lavender; color:black;|English Translation
|Welkom in de speeltuinen vol '''Mijn Kleine Pony''''s en plezier! Hier spelen de Pony's en beleven zij allerlei fantastische avonturen! Kom erbij, ze zijn dol op nieuwe vriendinnetjes! En... sluit vriendschap voor het leven!
Ijdeltuitje gaat er op uit en zoekt steeds weer nieuwe plaatsen om te spelen. Ze zwaait dan met haar staart en huppelt vrolijk naar een nieuw avontuur.
Draii haar hoofd en ze zwaait met haar staart!
Gebruik de toverregenboog om de tuinhekken te verbinden!
Een handige kaptafel voor al haar spulletjes.
||Welcome to the playgrounds full of '''My Little Ponies''' and fun! Here the Ponies play and experience all kinds of fantastic adventures! Come join us, they love new friends! And... make friends for life!
Vanity girl goes out and always looks for new places to play. She then waves her tail and hops happily to a new adventure.
Turn her head and she waves her tail!
Use the magic rainbow to connect the garden fences!
A handy dressing table for all her things.
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'''French – INCOMPLETE'''
{| class="wikitable"
! style="background:pink; color:black;|French!! style="background:lavender; color:black;|English Translation
| Bienvenue dans le Jardins de l'Amitié, le monde merveilleux de Mon Petit Poney. Ici, les petits poneys jouent tous ensemble et vivent de fabuleuses aventures! Viens t'amuser avec eux et deviens leur amie pour la vie!
Les yeux de Soléïa l'Aventureuse brillent de joie chaque fois qu'elle découvre de nouveaux endroits. Elle remue sa queue magique, et hop, la voilà partie vers de nouvelles aventures!
Tourne la tête de Soléïa et elle remue sa queue.
[informations manquantes]
Range les accessoires de Soléïa dans sa coiffeuse.
|| Welcome to the Gardens of Friendship, the wonderful world of My Little Pony. Here, the little ponies all play together and live fabulous adventures! Come have fun with them and become their friend for life!
Soleïa the Adventurer's eyes shine with joy every time she discovers new places. She wags her magic tail, and off she goes on new adventures!
Turn Soléïa's head and she wags her tail.
[missing information]
Put Soléïa's accessories away in her dressing table.
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'''French Canadian – INCOMPLETE'''
{| class="wikitable"
! style="background:pink; color:black;|French Canadian!! style="background:lavender; color:black;|English Translation
|Bienvenue dans le '''Jardin de l'Amitié''' du royaume enchanté '''Ma Petite Pouliche'''! Les pouliches aiment jouer ensemble et partager leurs aventures fascinantes! Alors, joins-toi à elles, puisqu'elles adorent se faire des amis pour la vie!
Procure-toi tout le royaume magique de Ma Petite Pouliche!
||Welcome to the '''Friendship Garden''' of the enchanted kingdom '''My Little Pony'''! Fillies love to play together and share their fascinating adventures! So, join them, since they love to make friends for life!
Get the entire magical kingdom of My Little Pony!
<br style="clear: both" />
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{| class="wikitable"
! style="background:pink; color:black;|Italian!! style="background:lavender; color:black;|English Translation
|Benvenuta ne '''Giardino dell'Amicizia'''; il magico mondo dei '''My Little Pony'''! Qui tutti i pony giocano insieme e inventano tante avventure magiche e divertenti/Stai sempre con loro: i Pony ti aspettano nel loro magico Mondo!
Gli occhi di Raggio di Sole brillano quando scoprono un bel posto. Basta poi un giro della sua magica coda ed é pronta per una nuova avventura.
Gira la sua testa per far muovere la coda.
L'arcobaleno tiene unito il recinto de giardino.
Nel bauletto ci sono tutti i suoi accessori.
||Welcome to the '''Garden of Friendship'''; the magical world of '''My Little Pony'''! Here all the ponies play together and invent many magical and fun adventures/Always stay with them: the Ponies are waiting for you in their magical World!
Sunshine's eyes sparkle when she discovers a beautiful spot. Then, a twist of her magical tail and she's ready for a new adventure.
Turn her head to make her tail move.
The rainbow holds the garden fence together.
== Magic Motion Sundance ==
In the trunk are all her accessories.
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'''Mexican Spanish – INCOMPLETE'''
{| class="wikitable"
! style="background:pink; color:black;|Mexican Spanish!! style="background:lavender; color:black;|English Translation
|¡'''Mi Pequeño Pony''' te espera en los '''Jardines de la Amistad'''! Los ponys son amigos mágicos con quienes compartir emocionantes avennaras. Unete a ellos para sorprenderte y convertir tus sueños en realidad. ¡Diviértere con Mi Pequeño Pony!
[[File: Magic Motion Sundance.jpg|thumb|[[G2_ponies|G2]] Sundance]]
[[File:Magicmotionsundance.jpg|thumb|Sundance Set]]
[[Image: moc-motion-sundance.jpg|thumb]]
¡Collecciona la magia de Mi Pequeño Pony!
||'''My Little Pony''' awaits you in the '''Gardens of Friendship'''! The ponies are magical friends with whom you can share exciting adventures. Join them as they surprise you and make your dreams come true. Have fun with My Little Pony!
'''Pose:''' [[Sundance Pose]]
'''Pony Stats'''
Collect the magic of My Little Pony!
*'''Pose:''' [[Sundance Pose]]
*'''Body Colour:''' Pink
<br style="clear: both" />
*'''Hair Colour:''' Purple with yellow streak in mane
<br style="clear: both" />
*'''Eye Colour:''' Blue
*'''Symbol:''' Yellow sun
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{{Template:Year One (1997) collapsed}}
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= [[:Category: Year Two (1998)|Year Two (1998)]] =
[[Image:Sp-bday-magic-lightheart-sundance.jpg|thumb|United States MOC]]
== Special Birthday Magic Sundance ==
*'''Release Year:''' 1998
*'''Availability:''' Internationally
*'''Series:''' [[G2_Ponies#Sunny_Garden_Friends|Sunny Garden Friends]]
*'''Notes: ''' Sundance is part of a two-pony set with [[Light_Heart#Special_Birthday_Magic_with_Light_Heart_and_Sundance|Light Heart]]. The candle atop the birthday cake can be blown out and “relit” by raising an orange lever on the side of the cake. This set also has two accessory color variations.
<br style="clear:both">
<gallery widths=150px heights=150px perrow=3 caption="Accessories">
<gallery caption="Regional MOCs" widths="150px" heights="150px">
File:SD vanity.jpg|Green vanity with mirror and a flower as the base which open to store her accessories
File:Moc-bday-lightheart-sundance.jpg|United States – Alternate Accessories Colors
File:Mm sundance fence.jpg|Aqua fence on grass came with [[G2 Sundance|Magic Motion Sundance]]
File:Sundances rainbow.JPG|Rainbow which attaches to fence
File:SD comb.jpg|Yellow flower comb
File:SD clip.jpg|3 yellow flower barrettes
=== Pony Stats ===
[[Image:Birthdaymagicsundanceandlightheart.jpg|thumb|[[Light_Heart#Birthday_Magic_Light_Heart|Light Heart]] and Sundance, Loose]]
[[Image:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|thumb|Loose with Accessories]]
*'''Pose:''' [[Morning Glory Pose]]
*'''Body Color:''' Pink
*'''Hair Color:''' Light Purple Forelock, Light Yellow and Light Purple Mane, Light Purple Tail
*'''Eye Color:''' Blue with White Crystal
**'''Display Side:''' Golden Yellow Sun on a Blue Balloon
**'''Non-Display Side:''' Golden Yellow Sun
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<gallery caption="Pony Features" widths="150px" heights="150px" perrow="3">
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|Sundance's Eye
File:Sundancesymbol1.jpg|[[Symbols_Grouped_by_Theme#Weather|Sundance's Display Side Symbol]]
File:Sundancesymbol2.jpg|[[Symbols_Grouped_by_Theme#Weather|Sundance's Non-Display Side Symbol]]
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|Non-Display Side
<gallery caption="Accessories" widths="150px" heights="150px" perrow="3">
File:S_surprise_cake.JPG|[[G2_Food|Pink and White Birthday Cake with “Magic” Candle]]
File:S_surprise_barrette.JPG|[[G2_Hair_Accessories#Barrettes| Two (2) Purple Party Hat Barrettes]]
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|[[G2_Headwear#Hats| Paper Party Hat with Gold String and Text]]
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|[[G2_Stationery|Light Ink Pink Balloon Birthday Card with Text]]
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|[[G2_Stationery|Light Ink Balloon Cluster Birthday Card with Text]]
File:G2pinkballooncomb.jpg|[[G2_Combs/Brushes#Balloon_Combs|Pink Balloon Comb]]
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|[[G2_Hair_Accessories#Barrettes|ALTERNATE – Two (2) Pink Party Hat Barrettes]]
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|[[G2_Headwear#Hats|ALTERNATE – Paper Party Hat with Gold String and No Text]]
File:S_surprise_invite.JPG|[[G2_Stationery|ALTERNATE – Dark Ink Pink Balloon Birthday Card with No Text]]
File:S_surprise_invite_2.JPG|[[G2_Stationery|ALTERNATE – Dark Ink Balloon Cluster Birthday Card with No Text]]
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|[[G2_Combs/Brushes#Balloon_Combs|ALTERNATE – Purple Balloon Comb]]
<br style="clear: both" />
=== Backcard Stories ===
=== Backcard Stories ===
[[File:Sundance_Backcard.JPG|thumb|Sundance Backcard]]
[[File:Sp-bday-magic-lightheart-sundance-backcard.jpg|thumb|Special Birthday Magic Backcard]]
[[File:G2SGFSBMFC.jpg|thumb|[[G2_File_Cards#Sunny_Garden_Friends|File Card]]]]
'''My Little Pony®''' is waiting for you in the '''Friendship Gardens'''! The ponies are magical friends who can’t wait to take you on exciting adventures. Join them for lots of surprises and dreams-come-true. For the fun to begin, all '''My Little Pony®''' needs is YOU!
*Blow on the candle to magically make the flame disappear!
*Move the lever up to make the candle flame reappear!
*Comes with fun party accessories for both ponies!
Collect All the Magic of My Little Pony®!
SUNDANCE the '''EXPLORER''' and LIGHT HEART the '''JOKER''' love birthdays. They look forward to their friends’ birthdays so they can celebrate with their magical cake!
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Sundance is the explorer. Her eyes shine with excitement as she races off to discover fantastic new places. With a swish of her magical tail, she's off to her next adventure.
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== Special Birthday Magic with [[Light Heart#Special Birthday Magic with Light Heart and Sundance|Light Heart]] and Sundance ==
[[File: Birthday Magic Sundance.jpg|thumb|[[G2_ponies|G2]] Birthday Magic Sundance]]
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{{Template:Year Two (1998) collapsed}}
[[File:Sundancesymbol1.jpg|thumb|Display Side Symbol]]
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[[File:Sundancesymbol2.jpg|thumb|Non Display Side Symbol]]
[[Image: sp-bday-magic-lightheart-sundance.jpg|thumb]]
[[Image: moc-bday-lightheart-sundance.jpg|thumb|alternately colored accessories]]
= [[:Category: Year Three (1999)|Year Three (1999)]] =
[[Image: Mib-rainbow-forest.jpg|thumb|Italian, Dutch, and Greek Languages MIB]]
== Magic Rainbow Forest with Sun Sparkle ==
*'''Release Year:''' 1999
*'''Availability:''' Europe
*'''Series:''' [[G2 Playsets]]
*'''Notes: ''' Sundance’s name changed to Sunsparkle/Sun Sparkle this year and would remain so for the rest of the G2 span. This playset has many different features. Animals pop out of hiding at the push of a button, and there are many battery-operated sounds, such as a croaking frog, flowing creek, and laughter.
'''Pose:''' [[Morning Glory Pose]]
'''Regional Names (English Translation)'''
*Symbol: Blue balloon outlining pink sun
*'''Danish:''' Magisk Ponyhave/Ponnihage med Solstrále (Magical Pony Garden/Pony Park with Sunlight)
* Eyes: Blue twinkle eyes
*Came with [[Light Heart#Birthday Magic Light Heart|Light Heart]]
*'''Finnish: ''' Ponien Taikapuisto ja Auringonsade Elektroninen (Magic Pony Park and Sun Rain Electronic)
*'''German:''' Regenbogen Zauberwald mit Pony Sonnentanz (Rainbow Magical Forest with Pony Sundance)
*'''Swedish:''' Magisk Ponnyträdgärd med Solsträle (Magical Pony Garden with Sunlight)
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<gallery widths=150px heights=150px perrow=3 caption="">
<gallery caption="Regional MIBs" widths="150px" heights="150px">
File:G2pinkballooncomb.jpg|[[G2_Combs/Brushes#Balloon Combs|Pink Balloon Comb]]
File:Magic_Rainbow_Forest_Sunsparkle(2).jpg|German MIB
File:S surprise barrette.JPG|[[G2 Barrettes|Purple Barrette]]
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|English, Norwegian, Swedish, and Finnish Languages MIB
File:S surprise cake.JPG|[[G2 Food|Birthday Cake]]
File:S surprise invite.JPG|[[G2 Stationery|Invitation]]
File:S surprise invite 2.JPG|[[G2 Stationery|Invitation]]
[[Image:Rainbow-forest.jpg|thumb|Loose with Accessories]]
[[Image:Magic_Rainbow_Forest_Sunsparkle(1).jpg|thumb|With Box and Instructions]]
=== Pony Stats ===
*'''Pose:''' [[Morning Glory Pose]]
*'''Body Color:''' Pink
*'''Hair Color:''' Light Purple Forelock, Light Yellow and Light Purple Mane, Light Purple Tail
*'''Eye Color:''' Blue with White Crystal
*'''Symbol:''' Golden Yellow Sun
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<gallery caption="Pony Features" widths="150px" heights="150px" perrow="3">
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|Sundance's Eye
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|[[Symbols_Grouped_by_Theme#Weather|Sundance's Display Side Symbol]]
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|Non-Display Side
[[Image:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|thumb|Label Sheet]]
<gallery caption="Accessories" widths="150px" heights="150px" perrow="3">
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|[[G2 Playsets|Magic Forest Playbase]]
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|[[G2_Furniture/Accessories#Garden_Accessories |Three-Piece Purple Bridge with Pink Flowers in Railing Planters]]
File:Rainbow-forest-telescope.jpg|[[G2_Toys|Teal Telescope]]
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|[[G2_Toys|Purple Seesaw – Attaches to Playbase]]
File:Rainbow-forest-kite.jpg|[[G2_Toys|Purple Kite]]
File:Rainbow-forest-kite-holder.jpg|[[G2_Toys|Purple Kite String and Pony Harness]]
File:Rainbow-forest-picnic-basket.jpg|[[ G2_Baskets|Pink Picnic Basket]]
File:Rainbow-forest-pick.jpg|[[ G2_Combs/Brushes#Unique_Tools|Teal Butterfly and Daisies Pick]]
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=== Backcard Stories ===
[[File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|thumb|[[G2_File_Cards#Playset_Ponies_3|File Card]]]]
My Little Ponies are waiting for you in the Magic Rainbow Forest, full of magical sounds and fun surprises. For the fun to begin, all My Little Pony needs is YOU!
*1 – When Sun Sparkle plays on the seesaw hear her giggle.
*2 – Touch the butterfly to hear the windchime.
*3 – Push the lily pad to hear the water splashing.
*4 – Rock the fish back and forth.
*5 – Press the frog and he croaks.
*6 – Press the tree stump and a chipmunk pops up.
*7 – Touch the butterfly to make a bird appear.
<br style="clear:both">
My Little Ponyerne venter på dig/deg i den Magiske Ponyhave/Ponnihage, fyldt/fyllt med brug/bruk for, for at alt/allt det sjove/morsomme kan begynne, er DIG/DEG!
'''English Translation:''' The My Little Ponies are waiting for you in the Magic Pony Garden/Pony Hage, filled/filled with use/use for, so that all/all the fun/funny can begin, is YOU/YOU!
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My Little Ponnit odottavat sinua Ponien Taikapuistosa jännittävine äänineen ja hauskoine yllätyksineen. Pitääkseen hauskaa My Little Pony tarvitsee vain SINUT!
'''English Translation:''' My Little Pony is waiting for you in Ponies Magic Park with its exciting sounds and fun surprises. All My Little Pony needs to have fun is YOU!
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==== Backcard Story ====
[[Image: sp-bday-magic-lightheart-sundance-backcard.jpg|thumb]]
[[G2 Sundance|Sundance]] the <b>explorer</b> and Light Heart the <b>joker</b> love birthdays. They look forward to their friends' birthdays so they can celebrate with their magical cake!
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= Sunsparkle =
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Sundance was renamed as Sunsparkle in 1999, and all future versions were sold under this name.
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== Magic Rainbow Forest with Sunsparkle ==
[[Image: rainbow-forest.jpg|thumb|Magic Rainbow Forest]]
[[Image: mib-rainbow-forest.jpg|thumb]]
[[File: Magic Rainbow Forest Sunsparkle.jpg|thumb|[[G2_ponies|G2]] Magic Rainbow Forest Sunsparkle]]
[[File:Forrest sundance symbol.JPG|thumb|Sunsparkle's Symbol]]
[[File: Magic Rainbow Forest Sunsparkle(1).jpg|thumb|]]
[[File: Magic Rainbow Forest Sunsparkle(2).jpg|thumb|]]
*'''Pose:''' [[Morning Glory Pose]]
<gallery caption="Magic Rainbow Forrest Accessories" widths="150px" heights="150px" perrow="4">
My Little Ponies väntar på dig i den Magiske Ponny Trädgård, med magisk ljud och roliga överraskningar. Det enda My Little Pony behöver för att ha kul är - DIG!
File: rainbow-forest-picnic-basket.jpg|[[G2 Baskets|Pink Basket]]
File: rainbow-forest-kite.jpg|[[G2 Furniture/Accessories|Purple Kite]]
File: rainbow-forest-kite-holder.jpg|kite holder
File: rainbow-forest-telescope.jpg|telescope
File: rainbow-forest-pick.jpg|pick
'''English Translation:''' My Little Ponies are waiting for you in the Magic Pony Garden, with magical sounds and fun surprises. The only thing My Little Pony needs to have fun is - YOU!
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'''Magic Rainbow Forest Story'''
[[Image:Mib-throne-sunsparkle.jpg|thumb|Spanish MIB]]
*Sun Sparkle the explorer pony, has discovered the beautiful Rainbow Forest, full of magical surprises.  
== Queen Sun Sparkle and Enchanted Throne ==
*'''Release Year:''' 1999
*'''Availability:''' Europe
*'''Series:''' [[G2 Playsets]]
*'''Notes: ''' Queen Sun Sparkle has a glittery body, similar to the [[:Category:Sparkle_Ponies|G1 Sparkle Ponies]]. She also has [[Magic_Motion_Poses#Dainty_Dove_Pose_.28Motion_E.29|Magic Motion E]] so that she can sit on her enchanted throne. The playset accessories have two color variants.
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'''Regional Names (English Translation)'''
Playsets released in the same year are:
*'''Danish:''' Fortryllet Trone med Dronning Solstråle (Enchanted Throne with Queen Sunbeam)
*[[G2 Sundance#Magic Rainbow Forest Sunsparkle|Magic Rainbow Forest Sunsparkle]]
*'''Dutch:''' Betoverde Troon met Koningin Ijdeltuitje (Enchanted Throne with Queen Vanity)
*[[Sweet Berry#Magic Kitchen Sweet Berry|Magic Kitchen Sweet Berry]]
*'''Finnish: ''' Lumottu Valtaistuin ja Kuningatar Auringonsäde (Enchanted Throne and Queen Sunbeam)
*[[G2 Sundance#Enchanted Throne Queen Sunsparkle|Enchanted Throne Queen Sunsparkle]]
*'''French:''' Reine Soléïa et son Trône Magique (Queen Soleia and her Magic Throne)
*[[G2 Morning Glory#Royal Castle Ballroom Princess Morning Glory|Royal Castle Ballroom Princess Morning Glory]]
*'''Greek:''' ΒΑΣΙΛΙΣΣΑ ΗΛΙΑΧΤΙΔΑ ΚΑΙ Ο ΜΑΓΙΚΌΣ ΤΗΣ ΘΡΌΝΟΣ – Vasilissa Iliachtida kai o Magikós tis Thrónos (Queen Sunflower and her Wizard Throne)
*'''Italian:''' La Regina Raggio di Sole e il Trono Incantato (The Sunbeam Queen and the Enchanted Throne)
*'''Spanish:''' El Trono Encantado de Reina Brillante (Bright Queen’s Enchanted Throne)
*'''Swedish:''' Förtrollad Tron med Drottning Solstråle (Enchanted Throne with Queen Sunbeam)
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== Enchanted Throne with Queen Sunsparkle ==
<gallery caption="Regional MIBs" widths="150px" heights="150px">
[[File: Enchanted Throne Sunsparkle.jpg|thumb|[[G2_ponies|G2]] Enchanted Throne Queen Sunsparkle]]
[[File:Queensunsparklesymbol.jpg|thumb|Queen Sunsparkle's Symbol]]
[[Image: throne-sunsparkle.jpg|thumb|Enchanted Throne with Queen Sun Sparkle]]
[[Image: mib-throne-sunsparkle.jpg|thumb|MIB Enchanted Throne with Queen Sun Sparkle]]
=== Pony Stats ===
[[Image:Throne-sunsparkle.jpg|thumb|Loose with Accessories]]
*'''Pose:''' [[Dainty Dove Pose]]
*'''Body Color:''' Clear with Pink Glitter
*'''Hair Color:''' Light Purple and Light Yellow Mane, Light Purple Tail, Gold Tinsel in Both
*'''Eye Color:''' Blue with White Crystal
*'''Symbol:''' Golden Yellow Sun
<br style="clear:both">
<gallery caption="Pony Features" widths="150px" heights="150px" perrow="3">
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|Queen Sun Sparkle's Eye
File:Queensunsparklesymbol.jpg|[[Symbols_Grouped_by_Theme#Weather|Queen Sun Sparkle's Symbol]]
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|Non-Display Side
[[Image:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|thumb|Label Sheet]]
<gallery caption="Accessories" widths="150px" heights="150px" perrow=3>
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|[[G2_Furniture/Accessories|Throne Playbase with Extendable Red Carpet]]
File:Throne_robe.JPG|[[G2_Clothing_Accessories#Costumes|Purple Felt Robe with Black-Spotted White Fur Trim]]
File:Throne_star_wand.JPG|[[G2_Jewelry#Other|Golden Yellow Star Scepter]]
File:Throne_goblet.JPG|[[G2_Food|Two (2) Sparkly Purple Goblets]]
File:Throne_medallion.JPG|[[G2_Jewelry#Necklaces|Sparkly Purple Pendant with Silver Cord]]
File:Sunsparklescrown.JPG|[[G2_Headwear#Crowns|Sparkly Red Crown with White Gemstone]]
File:Throne_ring.JPG|[[G2_Jewelry#Rings|Sparkly Red Ring with Purple Gemstone]]
File:100_7909.JPG|[[ G2_Jewelry#Children.27s_Accessories|Golden Yellow Children’s Crown Headband]]
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|[[G2_Combs/Brushes#Crown_Picks|Sparkly Red Crown Pick with Silver Cord]]
File:Throne_goblet_varient.JPG|[[G2_Food|ALTERNATE – Two (2) Sparkly Red Goblets]]
File:Throne_medallion_varient.JPG|[[G2_Jewelry#Necklaces|ALTERNATE – Sparkly Red Pendant with Silver Cord]]
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|[[G2_Headwear#Crowns|ALTERNATE – Sparkly Purple Crown with White Gemstone]]
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|[[G2_Jewelry#Rings|ALTERNATE – Sparkly Purple Ring with Red Gemstone]]
File:Throne_comb_varient.JPG|[[G2_Combs/Brushes#Crown_Picks|ALTERNATE – Sparkly Purple Crown Pick]]
<br style="clear: both" />
*'''Pose:''' [[Queen Sunsparkle Pose]]
=== Backcard Stories ===
[[File:Throne-sunsparkle-backcard.jpg|thumb|Spanish Backcard]]
[[File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|thumb|[[G2_File_Cards#Playset_Ponies_3|File Card]]]]
My Little Pony is waiting for you in the Ponyland castle! The ponies have lots of royal adventures and magical surprises to share with you! For the fun to begin, all My Little Pony needs is YOU.
*Pull out the red carpet for Queen Sun Sparkle!
*Royal sceptre magically opens the doors!
==== Back Card Stories ====
[[Image: throne-sunsparkle-backcard.jpg|thumb|Enchanted Throne with Queen Sun Sparkle Backcard]]
Queen Sun Sparkle is the explorer.
Queen Sun Sparkle is the explorer.
Collect and meet all the My Little Pony friends. Collector booklet inside.
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My Little Pony odottaa sinua Ponimaan linnassa! Poniprinsessoilla on valtavasti kuninkaallisia seikkailuja ja maagisia yllätyksiä, jotka he haluavat jakaa kanssasi! Hauskanpidon alkamiseksi My Little Pony tarvitsee enää vain SINUT!
*Levitä punainen matto Kuningatar Auringonsäteelle!
*Kuninkaallinen valtikka avaa ovet kuin taikaiskusta!
Kuningatar Auringonsäde on ponien seikkailija.
Kerää My Little Ponyn ystäviä ja tutustu niihin. Keräilyvihko pakkauksessa.
'''English Translation:''' My Little Pony is waiting for you in the Pony country castle! The pony princesses have tons of royal adventures and magical surprises they want to share with you! All My Little Pony needs is YOU for the fun to begin!
*Roll out the red carpet for Queen Sunbeam!
*The royal scepter opens doors like magic!
Queen Sunbeam is a pony adventurer.
Collect and get to know My Little Pony friends. Collector's booklet in the package.
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<gallery caption="Enchanted Throne Accessories" widths="150px" heights="150px" perrow="3">
File:Throne goblet.JPG|[[G2 Food|2 Purple Glasses]]
<br style="clear:both">
File:Throne goblet varient.JPG|[[G2 Food|2 Red Variant Glasses]]
File:Throne medallion.JPG|[[G2 Jewelery|Purple Necklace]]
File:Throne medallion varient.JPG|[[G2 Jewelery|Red Necklace variant]]
File:Sunsparklescrown.JPG|[[G2 Jewelery|Red Crown]]
File:Throne ring.JPG|[[G2 Jewelery|Red Ring with stone]]
File:Throne robe.JPG|[[G2 Clothing Accessories|Purple Cape with White/Black Trim]]
File:Throne star wand.JPG|Yellow wand
File:100 7909.JPG|Yellow headband
File:.jpg|[[G2 Combs/Brushes|Red Comb]]
File:Throne comb varient.JPG|[[G2 Combs/Brushes|Purple variant comb]]
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Playsets released in the same year are:
*[[G2 Sundance#Magic Rainbow Forest Sunsparkle|Magic Rainbow Forest Sunsparkle]]
*[[Sweet Berry#Magic Kitchen Sweet Berry|Magic Kitchen Sweet Berry]]
*[[G2 Sundance#Enchanted Throne Queen Sunsparkle|Enchanted Throne Queen Sunsparkle]]
*[[G2 Morning Glory#Royal Castle Ballroom Princess Morning Glory|Royal Castle Ballroom Princess Morning Glory]]
My Little Pony venter på dig i sit slot i Ponyland! Prinsesseponyerne har en masse eventyr og magiske overraskelser til dig! Det eneste My Little Pony har brug for, for at alt det sjove kan begynde, er DIG!
*Rul den røde løber ud for Dronning Solstrale!
*Det kongeltige scepter abner dorene pa magisk vis!
Dronning Solstråle er en zigtig eventyer.
Saml og bliv venner med alle My Little Pony’erne! Samlehæfte medfølger.
'''English Translation:''' My Little Pony is waiting for you in her castle in Ponyland! The princess ponies have a lot of adventures and magical surprises for you! All My Little Pony needs for all the fun to begin is YOU!
*Roll out the red carpet for Queen Sunbeam!
*The royal scepter magically opens the doors!
Queen Sunbeam is a real adventurer.
Collect and befriend all the My Little Ponies! Collection booklet included.
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== Magic Motion Family Sunsparkle and Baby Sunbeam==
[[Image: sunsparkle-and-sunbeam.jpg|thumb]]
[[Image: Magic Motion Family SunsparkleMOC.jpg|thumb|MOC Baby Sunbeam and Sundance]]
Mi Pequeño Pony te espera en Ponylandia con un montón de aventuras de princesas y castillos. Los ponys princesas tienen muchas sorpresas para ti. ¡Te están esperando para que empiece la diversión!
*¡Extiende la alfombra real para la Reina Brillante!
*¡El cetro real abre las puertas por arte de magia!
A la Reina Brillante las encanta preparer excursiones y aventuras. Todos los ponys se sientan alrededor de su tronto mienttas ella les cuenta fascinantes historias sobre lugares fantasticos.
Descubre y colecciona todos los pequenos ponys do Ponylandia. Mira el catalogo en el interior.
'''English Translation:''' My Little Pony awaits you in Ponyland with lots of princess and castle adventures. The princess ponies have many surprises for you. They are waiting for you to start the fun!
*Roll out the royal carpet for the Bright Queen!
*The royal scepter magically opens the doors!
The Bright Queen loves to prepare excursions and adventures. All the ponies sit around her around her while she tells them fascinating stories about fantastic places.
She discovers and collects all the little ponies in Ponylandia. Look at the catalog inside.
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=== Magic Motion Family Sunsparkle ===
[[File: Magic Motion Family Sunsparkle.jpg|thumb|[[G2_ponies|G2]] Magic Motion Family Sunsparkle]]
*'''Pose:''' [[Moon Shadow Pose]]
My Little Pony väntar på dig på Ponylands slott! My Prinsessponnyerna vill roa sig kungligt tillsammans med Dig och bjuder på massor av magiska upplevelser! Det enda My Little Pony behöver för att ha kul är - DIG!
*Rulla ut den röda mattan for Drottning Solstråle!
*Kungaspiran öppnar dörrarna på magiskt vis!
Drottning Solstråle är en rikrig äventyrare.
Samla på My Little Ponys så du får möta allihop. Samlarhäfte medföljer.
'''English Translation:''' My Little Pony is waiting for you at Ponyland Castle! The princess ponies want to have royal fun with you and offer lots of magical experiences! The only thing My Little Pony needs to have fun is - YOU!
*Roll out the red carpet for Queen Sunbeam!
*The scepter magically opens the doors!
Queen Sunbeam is a wealthy adventurer.
Collect My Little Ponies so you can meet them all. Collector's booklet included.
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=== Baby Sunbeam ===
{{Template:Year Three (1999) collapsed}}
[[File: Baby Sunbeam.jpg|thumb|[[G2_ponies|G2]] Baby Sunbeam]]
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[[File:Babysunbeamsymbol.jpg|thumb|Baby Sunbeam Symbol]]
= [[:Category: Year Four (2000)|Year Four (2000)]] =
[[Image:Magic_Motion_Family_SunsparkleMOC.jpg|thumb|French MOC]]
== Magic Motion Family Sunsparkle and Baby Sunbeam ==
*'''Release Year:''' 2000
*'''Availability:''' Europe
*'''Series:''' [[:Category:Magic Motion Family Ponies|Magic Motion Family Ponies]]
*'''Note: ''' Sunsparkle is sometimes spelled as two separate words – Sun Sparkle – on the packaging.This is [[Baby Sunbeam]]’s sole release. This set also has two different eye color variants – blue eyes and purple eyes. It is not clear which is more common or whether they were distributed to different areas.
Baby Sunbeam is a G2 baby pony. Released only once in [[:Category: Year Four (2000)|Year Four (2000)]] with [[G2 Sundance#Magic Motion Family Sunsparkle|Sunsparkle]] (her mom pony) in the [[:Category:Magic Motion Family Ponies|Magic Motion Family Ponies]] release.
'''Regional Names (English Translation)'''
*'''Dutch:''' Mama Ijdeltuitje en Baby Geluk (Mom Vanity & Baby Happiness)
*'''Finnish: ''' Auringonsäde ja Aurinkoinen (Sun Rain and Sunny)
*'''French:''' Maman Soleïa et Bébé Bonheur (Mom Sun and Baby Happiness)
*'''Italian:''' Mamma Raggio di Sole e Bebè Sorriso (Mom Ray of Sun and Baby Smile)
*'''Norwegian:''' Solstråle og Solglimt (Sunbeam and Sunshine)
*'''Swedish:''' Solstråle och Solglimt (Sunbeam and Sunshine)
<br style="clear:both">
<gallery caption="Regional MOCs" widths="150px" heights="150px">
[[Image:Sunsparkle-and-sunbeam.jpg|thumb|Sunsparkle and Baby Sunbeam, Loose]]
[[Image:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|thumb|Sunsparkle and Baby Sunbeam, Loose with Accessories]]
=== Pony Stats ===
[[File:Magic_Motion_Family_Sunsparkle.jpg|thumb|Sunsparkle – Blue Eyes]]
[[File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|thumb|Sunsparkle – Purple Eyes]]
*'''Pose:''' [[Moon Shadow Pose]]
*'''Body Color:''' Pink
*'''Hair Color:''' Light Yellow and Light Purple Mane, Light Purple Tail
*'''Eye Color:''' Blue '''OR''' Purple with White Crystal
*'''Symbol:''' Golden Yellow Sun – Different from Previous Releases with Sun Center Outline Rather Than Solid Yellow Circle
*'''Magic Motion Feature:''' [[Magic_Motion_Poses#Moon_Shadow_Pose_.28Motion_B.29|Magic Motion B]]
<br style="clear:both">
<gallery caption="Pony Features" widths="150px" heights="150px" perrow="3">
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|Sunsparkle's Eye – Blue
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|Sunsparkle's Eye – Purple
File:Forrest_sundance_symbol.JPG|[[Symbols_Grouped_by_Theme#Weather|Sunsparkle's Symbol]]
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|Non-Display Side
'''Pony Stats'''
=== Baby Sunbeam Stats ===
[[Image:Baby_Sunbeam.jpg|thumb|Baby Sunbeam – Blue Eyes]]
[[Image:BabySBeam.jpg|thumb|Baby Sunbeam – Purple Eyes]]
*'''Pose:''' [[Baby Sunbeam Pose]]
*'''Pose:''' [[Baby Sunbeam Pose]]
*'''Body Colour:''' Pink
*'''Body Color:''' Pink
*'''Hair Colour:''' Yellow
*'''Hair Color:''' Light Yellow
*'''Eye Colour:''' Blue
*'''Eye Color:''' Blue '''OR''' Purple with White Crystal
*'''Symbol:''' Yellow smiling sun
*'''Symbol:''' Golden Yellow Smiling Sun
<br style="clear:both">
<gallery caption="Pony Features" widths="150px" heights="150px" perrow="3">
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|Baby Sunbeam's Eye – Blue
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|Baby Sunbeam's Eye – Purple
File:Babysunbeamsymbol.jpg|[[Symbols_Grouped_by_Theme#Weather|Baby Sunbeam's Symbol]]
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|Non-Display Side
<gallery widths=150px heights=150px perrow=3 caption="Accessories">
<gallery caption="Accessories" widths="150px" heights="150px" perrow="3">
File:Sunsparkle and sumbeam stroller.jpg|Flower stroller
File:Sun_sparkle_barrette.JPG|[[G2_Hair_Accessories#Barrettes|Two (2) Pink Flower Barrettes]]
File:Mm-petal-blossom-comb.jpg|[[G2_Combs/Brushes|pink daisy comb]]
File: Sunsparkle_and_sumbeam_stroller.jpg|[[G2_Furniture/Accessories#Baby_Furniture|Yellow Flower Stroller with Green Handle and Wheels]]
File:Sun sparkle barrette.JPG|Pink flower barrette
File:Mm-petal-blossom-comb.jpg|[[G2_Combs/Brushes#Flower_Twist_Picks|Pink Flower Twist Pick]]
<br style="clear: both" />
=== Back Card Stories ===
[[File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|thumb|[[ G2_File_Cards#Magic_Motion_Family_Ponies|Sunsparkle and Baby Sunbeam’s File Card]]]]
Sun Sparkle is the explorer and little Sunbeam is curious about everything.
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==== Backcard Stories ====
Sun Sparkle is the explorer and little Sunbeam is curious about everything.
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<br style="clear:both">
Ponies released in the Magic Motion Family Ponies set are:
*[[Light Heart#Magic Motion Family Light Heart|Magic Motion Family Light Heart and Baby Tickle Heart]]
<br style="clear:both">
*[[G2 Sundance#Magic Motion Family Sunsparkle|Magic Motion Family Sunsparkle and Baby Sunbeam]]
{{Template:Year Four (2000)}}
*[[Sweet Berry#Magic Motion Family Sweet Berry|Magic Motion Family Sweet Berry and Baby Honeyberry]]
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= [[:Category: Year Five (2001)|Year Five (2001)]] =
[[Image:Moc-cmat-sunsparkle.jpg|thumb|French MOC]]
== Changing Mane and Tail Sunsparkle ==
== Changing Mane and Tail Sunsparkle ==
*'''Release Year:''' 2001
[[File: Changing Mane and Tail Sunsparkle.jpg|thumb|[[G2_ponies|G2]] Changing Mane and Tail Sunsparkle]]
*'''Availability:''' Europe
[[Image: moc-cmat-sunsparkle.jpg|thumb|MOC Changing Mane and Tail Sunsparkle]]
*'''Series:''' [[:Category:Changing Mane and Tail Ponies]]
*'''Note: ''' Sunsparkle’s mane and tail can be swapped out between two different colors of each.
'''Regional Names (English Translation)'''
:''English'': Sunsparkle
:''French'': Soleia
:''Dutch'': Ijdeltuitje
:''Italian'': Raggio di Sole
*'''Dutch:''' Ijdeltuitje (Vanity)
*'''Finnish: '''
*'''French:''' Soleia (Sun)
*'''Italian:''' Raggio di Sole (Sunshine)
<br style="clear:both">
[[Image:Changing_Mane_and_Tail_Sunsparkle.jpg|thumb|Sunsparkle, Loose with Yellow Mane and Tail]]
[[Image:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|thumb|Loose with Accessories]]
=== Sunsparkle Stats ===
*'''Pose:''' [[Morning Glory Pose]]
*'''Pose:''' [[Morning Glory Pose]]
*'''Body Color:''' Pink
*'''Hair Color:''' Yellow with Gold Tinsel or Purple
*'''Eye Color:''' Blue with White Crystal
*'''Symbol:''' Golden Yellow Sun
<br style="clear:both">
<gallery caption="Pony Features" widths="150px" heights="150px" perrow="3">
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|Sunsparkle's Eye
File:Forrest_sundance_symbol.JPG|[[Symbols_Grouped_by_Theme#Weather|Sunsparkle's Symbol]]
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|Non-Display Side
<br style="clear: both" />
<gallery caption="Accessories" widths="150px" heights="150px" perrow="3">
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|[[G2_Hair_Accessories#Changing_Mane_and_Tail|Purple Mane]]
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|[[G2_Hair_Accessories#Changing_Mane_and_Tail|Purple Tail]]
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|[[G2_Hair_Accessories#Changing_Mane_and_Tail|Yellow with Gold Tinsel Mane]]
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|[[G2_Hair_Accessories#Changing_Mane_and_Tail|Yellow with Gold Tinsel Tail]]
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|[[G2_Hair_Accessories#Clips|Translucent Blue Sunflower Clip]]
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|[[G2_Hair_Accessories#Clips|Translucent Green Sunflower Clip]]
File:Mimosa-pick.jpg|[[G2_Combs/Brushes#Butterfly_Picks|Aqua Butterfly Pick]]
<br style="clear: both" />
=== Back Card Stories ===
[[File: Cmat-sunsparkle-backcard.jpg|thumb|Backcard]]
Changing Mane and Tail
*Collect all the My Little Ponies and share in their everyday adventures.
*Sunsparkle is really adventurous! Every time she steps out she’s wearing a different colored mane. When she’s out walking she wears mauve but it’s when she wears her golden mane that she really sparkles in front of her friends. Change her mane and tail! To change her mane simply unclip the star at the front.
<br style="clear:both">
Magische Manen
* Verzamel alle My Little Ponies en beleef vele leuke avonturen met hen!
* Ijdeltuitje is een echte avonturiester. Elke keer ze buitenkornt, verandert ze van kapsel; paars voor een wandeling en fonkelend geel om haar vriendinnetjes mee te imponeren. Verander haar manen en haar staart! Om de manen te veranderen volstaat het het sterretje op haar voorhoofd los te maken!
'''English Translation:''' Magic Moons
* Collect all My Little Ponies and have many fun adventures with them!
* Vanity is a real adventurer. Every time she goes out, she changes her hairstyle; purple for a walk and sparkling yellow to impress her friends. Change her mane and tail! To change the mane, just detach the star on her forehead!
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Chevelures Magiques
*Collectionne tous Mes Petit Poneys et partage leurs aventurse de tous les jours
*Soleia est une vrale aventurière, à chaque sortie, elle change de chevelure, mauve pour se balader ou jaune étincelant pour rayonner devant ses amies. Change sa crinière et sa queue! Pour changer sa crinière, il suffit de retirer l'étoile de son front.
'''English Translation:''' Magic Hair
*Collect all My Little Ponies and share their everyday adventures
*Soleia is a real adventurer, every time she goes out, she changes her hair, purple for walking around or sparkling yellow to shine in front of her friends. Change his mane and tail! To change his mane, simply remove the star from his forehead.
<br style="clear:both">
<br style="clear:both">
Magiche Chiome
* I tuoi My Little Pony nella loro vita quotidiana; collezionali e gioca con loro.
* Raggio di Sole ama l'avventura. Ogni volta che esce cambia la sua pettinatura; viola per gli appuntamenti mondani e giallo luccicante quando é con gli amici. Cambia la sua criniera e la sua coda. Per cambiare la criniera, stacca la stella sulla fronte.
'''English Translation:''' Magical hair
* Your My Little Ponies in their daily lives; collect them and play with them.
* Raggio di Sole loves adventure. Every time he goes out he changes his hairstyle; purple for social events and shiny yellow when he is with friends. He changes his mane and tail. To change the mane, he peels off the star on his forehead.
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{{Template:Year Five (2001)}}
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= [[:Category: Year Six (2002)|Year Six (2002)]] =
[[Image:Mib-holiday-at-the-beach.jpg|thumb|French MIB]]
== Holiday at the Sea ==
*'''Release Year:''' 2002
*'''Availability:''' Europe
*'''Series:''' [[G2 Playsets]]
*'''Note: ''' This pony does not have a name and is simply referred to as “My Little Pony” on the box. She does share Sunsparkle’s symbol but is otherwise very different. Pony has [[Magic_Motion_Poses#Dainty_Dove_Pose_.28Motion_E.29|Magic Motion E]]. The playset shares box art with the [[Holiday at the Countryside]] playset, and the white band at the bottom of the box declares which playset is inside.
'''Regional Names (English Translation)'''
*'''Dutch:''' Vakantiepret Speelsets: Vakantie aan Zee (Holiday Fun Play Sets: Holiday by the Sea)
*'''Finnish: '''
*'''French:''' Les Vacances: Vacances à la Mer (Holidays: Holiday at the Sea)
*'''Italian:''' Le Vacanze: Vacanze al Mare (The Holidays: Holiday by the Sea)
<br style="clear:both">
[[Image: Beach-holiday-pony.jpg|thumb|Loose Pony with Pick]]
[[Image:Holiday-at-the-beach.jpg|thumb|Loose with Some Accessories]]
=== Pony Stats ===
*'''Pose:''' [[Dainty Dove Pose]]
*'''Body Color:''' Pink
*'''Hair Color:''' Pink and Blue Mane, Purple Tail
*'''Eye Color:''' Pale Blue with Blue Crystal
*'''Symbol:''' Golden Yellow Sun
<br style="clear:both">
<gallery caption="Pony Features" widths="150px" heights="150px" perrow="3">
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|Pony's Eye
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|[[Symbols_Grouped_by_Theme#Weather|Pony's Symbol]]
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|Non-Display Side
<br style="clear: both" />
<gallery caption="Accessories" widths="150px" heights="150px" perrow="3">
<gallery widths="150" heights="150">
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|[[G2_Pony_Accessories|Yellow Beach Towel]]
File:Mimosa-pick.jpg|[[G2_Combs/Brushes|teal butterfly pick]]
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|[[G2_Pony_Accessories|Orange Beach Ball]]
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|[[G2_Pony_Accessories|Blue Tube Float]]
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|[[G2_Pony_Accessories|Pink Sand Pail]]
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|[[G2_Pony_Accessories|Pink Sunscreen Tube]]
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|[[G2_Pony_Accessories|Green Fountain Drink Cup]]
File:Pale-pink-butterfly-pick.jpg|[[G2_Combs/Brushes#Butterfly_Picks|Light Pink Butterfly Pick]]
<br style="clear: both" />
=== Back Card Stories ===
Two different sceneries for each playset!
Take your playset always with you!
You can draw your favorite sceneries!
Pony and accessories included.
<br style="clear:both">
Twee decors voor elke speelset!
Neem je speelset overal met je mee!
Teken zelf je egen favoriete landschap!
Pony en accessoires inbegrepen.
'''English Translation:''' Two sets for each playset! Take your playset with you everywhere! Draw your own favorite landscape! Pony and accessories included.
<br style="clear:both">
<br style="clear:both">
Deux décors differents!
Emmène ta mallette partout avec toi!
Et décore le avec tes propres dessins!
Poney et accessoires inclus.
'''English Translation:''' Two different settings!
Take your case with you everywhere!
And decorate it with your own designs!
Pony and accessories included.
<br style="clear:both">
<br style="clear:both">
Ogni versione contiene due sfondi diversi!
Porta il tuo playset sempre con te!
Puoi disegnare i tuoi sfondi!
Pony e accessori inclusi.
'''English Translation:''' Each version contains two different wallpapers!
Always take your playset with you!
You can design your own wallpapers!
Pony and accessories included.
<br style="clear:both">
<br style="clear:both">
=== Backcard Story ===
[[Image: cmat-sunsparkle-backcard.jpg|thumb|Changing Mane and Tail Sunsparkle backcard]]
Sunsparkle is really adventurous! Every time she steps out she's wearing a different coloured mane. When she's out walking she wears mauve, but it's when she wears her golden mane that she really sparkles in front of her friends. Change her mane and tail! To change her mane simply unclip the star at the front.
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{{Template:Year Six (2002)}}
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<br style="clear:both">
Ponies released in this set are:
*[[Night Star|Changing mane and tail Night Star]]
= Media Appearances =
*[[Sky Skimmer#Changing Mane and Tail Sky Skimmer|Changing Mane and Tail Sky Skimmer]]
[[Image:Sundancestudio.png|thumb|[[Video_Games#My_Little_Pony_Friendship_Gardens_.28PC.29|Sundance in ''Friendship Gardens'' PC Game]]]]
*[[G2 Sundance#Changing Mane and Tail Sunsparkle|Changing Mane and Tail Sunsparkle]]
[[Image:Sundancecgicommercial.png|thumb|Sundance in French Toy Commercial]]
*[[Sweet Berry#Changing Mane and Tail Sweet Berry|Changing Mane and Tail Sweet Berry]]
Sundance appears in [http://mylittlewiki.org/wiki/Video_Games#My_Little_Pony_Friendship_Gardens_.28PC.29|My Little Pony: Friendship Gardens] as the owner of her own dance studio in Ponyland.
*[[Golden Light|Changing Mane and Tail Golden Light]]
*[[Light Heart#Changing Mane and Tail Light Heart|Changing Mane and Tail Light Heart]]
<br style="clear:both">
<br style="clear:both">
= [[G2 Merchandise|Merchandise]] =
= [[G2 Merchandise|Merchandise]] =
<gallery widths=150px heights=150px caption="">
<gallery widths=150px heights=150px caption="">
File:MLPSsn1G2Cover.jpg|[[G2_Audio_and_Video|G1 TV Series DVD Box Set Cover]]
File:Mlp-cdrom.jpg|[[ Video_Games#Generation_2|PC CD-ROM Game Cover]]
File:G2SundanceBeanie.jpg|[[ G2_Beanies|Beanie]]
File:Us-mcd-sundance.jpg|[[ Happy_Meal_Toys#Generation_Two|1998 US McDonald’s Happy Meal Toy]]
File:G2happymeal2.jpg|[[ Happy_Meal_Toys#UK_G2_1998_4_Pony_Set|1998 Euro McDonald’s Happy Meal Toy]]
File:G2-uk-mcd-sundance3.jpg|[[ Happy_Meal_Toys#Euro_G2_4_Pony_Set|1999 Euro McDonald’s Happy Meal Toy]]
File:sundance-keychain.jpg|[[G2 Keychains|Keychain]]
File:Petite_Sundance.JPG|[[Petite_Ponies#G2_Petites|1997 NY Toy Licensing Show Exclusive Petite Pony]]
File:G2 Tent constructed.jpg|[[ G2_Pretend_Play#Play_Tents|Fabric Playhouse]]
File:G2Puzzle24Piece.jpg|[[G2_Puzzles#24_Piece_Puzzles|24-Piece Puzzle]]
File:G2Puzzle24Piece2.jpg|[[G2_Puzzles#24_Piece_Puzzles|24-Piece Puzzle]]
File:G2Puzzle24Piece3.jpg|[[G2_Puzzles#24_Piece_Puzzles|24-Piece Puzzle]]
File:G2 puzzle.JPG|[[G2_Puzzles#24_Piece_Puzzles|24-Piece Puzzle]]
File:G2_35_Piece_Puzzle.jpg|[[G2_Puzzles#35_Piece_Puzzles|35-Piece Puzzle]]
File:G2_HB_Playskool.jpg|[[G2_Puzzles#Playskool_Tray_Puzzles|Playskool Tray Puzzle]]
File:Rainbow-puzzle.jpg|[[G2_Puzzles#Playskool_Tray_Puzzles|Playskool Tray Puzzle]]
File:G2_Sundance_Playskool.jpg|[[G2_Puzzles#Playskool_Tray_Puzzles|Playskool Tray Puzzle]]
File:G2Puzzle25PieceBoardPuzzle.jpg|[[ G2_Puzzles#Tray_Puzzles|Tray Puzzle]]
File:G2Lunchbox.jpg|[[ G2_Dinnerware|Lunchbox]]
File:Photo_Needed_Placeholder.jpg|[[ G2_Linens#Bedding|Duvet Cover]]
File:Wall-sundance.jpg|[[ G2_Linens#Wall_D.C3.A9cor|Wall Decoration]]
File:G2CBookBack.jpg|[[ G2_Books#Coloring_Books|Coloring Book Back Cover]]
File:Comic2.JPG|[[ G2_Books#Comics|Comic Cover]]
File:Comic4.JPG|[[ G2_Books#Comics|Comic Cover]]
File:G2pad.JPG|[[G2_Stationery_(Merchandise)|Writing Pad]]
File:IMG 1125.JPG|[[G2_Stationery_(Merchandise)|Postcard]]
File:G2showbag.JPG|[[G2_Showbags|Australian Scrapbooking Showbag]]
File:G2 Small Character Stickers.jpg|[[G2_Stickers|Sticker]]
<br style="clear:both">
= See Also =
{{Template:Core 4}}
*[[Megan_and_Sundance|G1 Sundance]]
*[[Baby_Pink_Sunsparkle|G3 Baby Pink Sunsparkle]]
*[[Holiday_Playsets#Holiday_at_the_Sea|Holiday at the Sea]]
*[[:Category:Magic_Motion_Friends|Magic Motion Friends]]
File:sundance-keychain.jpg|[[G2 Keychains|MOC Sundance keychain]]
File:IMG 3811.JPG[[G2 Keychains|loose Sundance keychain]]
File:Sundance-puzzle.jpg|[[G2 Puzzles|Sundance puzzle]]
File:Rainbow-puzzle.jpg|[[G2 Puzzles|Dancing on the Rainbow puzzle]]
File:G2Puzzle24Piece.jpg|24 Piece puzzle
File:G2Puzzle24Piece2.jpg|24 Piece puzzle
File:G2Puzzle24Piece3.jpg|24 Piece puzzle
File:G2 puzzle.JPG|24 Piece puzzle
File:G2pad.JPG|Writing Pad
File:Mlp-cdrom.jpg|PC Game
File:Wall-sundance.jpg|Wall hanging
File:Comic2.JPG|Comic cover
File:Comic4.JPG|Comic cover
File:G2 Small Character Stickers.jpg|Sticker
File:G2pad.JPG|Writing pad
File:IMG 1125.JPG|Postcard
File:Us-mcd-sundance.jpg|1998 US McDonald’s
File:G2-mcd1.jpg|1998 Euro McDonald’s
File:G2-uk-mcd-sundance3.jpg|1999 Euro McDonald’s
File:G2Puzzle25PieceBoardPuzzle.jpg|Tray puzzle
File:G2 Tent constructed.jpg|Fabric playhouse
File:G2showbag.JPG|Showbag from 1990's
== See also ==
Other [[:Category:Magic_Motion_Friends#Year_One_.281997.29|1997 Magic Motion Friends]]:
*G1 [[Sundance]]
*G1 [[Baby Sundance]]
*[[Holiday at the Beach]]
{{Template:Core 4}}
{{Template:Year One (1997)}}
{{Template:Year Two (1998)}}
{{Template:Year Three (1999)}}
{{Template:Year Four (2000)}}
[[Category: Generation 2]]
[[Category: Generation 2]]
Line 287: Line 1,096:
[[Category: G2 Earth Ponies]]
[[Category: G2 Earth Ponies]]
[[Category: G2 Pink Ponies]]
[[Category: G2 Pink Ponies]]
[[Category: Year One (1997)]]
[[Category: Magic Motion Friends]]
[[Category: Magic Motion Friends]]
[[Category: Year Two (1998)]]
[[Category: Sunny Garden Friends]]
[[Category: Year Three (1999)]]
[[Category: G2 Playsets]]
[[Category: Year Four (2000)]]
[[Category: Magic Motion Family Ponies]]
[[Category: Year Five (2001)]]
[[Category: Changing Mane and Tail Ponies]]
[[Category: Year Six (2002)]]
Other Ponies in the [[G2_Ponies#Sunny_Garden_Friends|1998 Sunny Garden Friends]] Series:
*[[ Light_Heart#Special_Birthday_Magic_with_Light_Heart_and_Sundance|Light Heart]]
*[[ Sweet_Berry#Basket_Surprise_with_Sweetberry_and_Ivy|Sweet Berry]]
Other [[G2_Ponies#Playsets_3|1999 Playset Ponies]]:
*[[G2_Morning_Glory#Royal_Castle_Ballroom_with_Princess_Morning_Glory|Princess Morning Glory]]
*[[G2_Sundance#Queen_Sun_Sparkle_and_Enchanted_Throne|Queen Sun Sparkle]]
*[[Sweet_Berry#Sweet_Berry.27s_Magic_Kitchen|Sweet Berry]]
Other Ponies in the [[:Category:Magic_Motion_Family_Ponies| 2000 Magic Motion Family Ponies]] Series:
*[[Light_Heart#Magic_Motion_Family_Light_Heart|Light Heart]]
*[[Light_Heart#Magic_Motion_Family_Light_Heart|Baby Tickle Heart]]
*[[Sweet_Berry#Magic_Motion_Family_Sweet_Berry|Sweet Berry]]
*[[Sweet_Berry#Magic_Motion_Family_Sweet_Berry|Baby Honey Berry]]
Other Ponies in the [[:Category:Changing_Mane_and_Tail_Ponies|2002 Changing Mane and Tail Ponies]] Series:
*[[Golden_Light#Changing_Mane_and_Tail_Golden_Light|Golden Light]]
*[[Light_Heart#Changing_Mane_and_Tail_Light_Heart|Light Heart]]
*[[Night Star]]
*[[Sky_Skimmer#Changing_Mane_and_Tail_Sky_Skimmer|Sky Skimmer]]
*[[Sweet_Berry#Changing_Mane_and_Tail_Sweet_Berry|Sweet Berry]]
Other [[G2_Ponies#Playset_Ponies_2|2002 Playset Ponies]]:
*[[Holiday_at_the_Countryside|Countryside Pony]]
[[Category: Generation 2]]
[[Category: G2 Adult Ponies]]
[[Category: G2 Earth Ponies]]
[[Category: G2 Green Ponies]]
[[Category: Year One (1997)]]
[[Category: Year One (1997)]]
[[Category: Magic Motion Friends]]
[[Category: Year Two (1998)]]
[[Category: Sunny Garden Friends]]
[[Category: G2 Playsets]]
[[Category: Year Three (1999)]]
[[Category: G2 Princess Ponies]]
[[Category: Year Four (2000)]]
[[Category: Light Up Family Ponies]]
[[Category: Year Six (2002)]]
[[Category: Magic Fantasy Hair Ponies]]
[[Category: Need Loose Photo]]
[[Category: Need Symbol Photo]]
[[Category: Need Accessories Photo]]
[[Category: Need MIP Photo]]
[[Category: Need Backcard Photo]]
{{Template:Core 4}}

Latest revision as of 21:35, 17 February 2025

Sundance, Display Side

Sundance was first released in 1997 as part of the Magic Motion Friends set and has a total of seven standard releases with one additional unnamed pony that shares the same symbol. She is one of the core four featured characters used for G2 Merchandise and is also known as Sun Sparkle or Sunsparkle throughout the G2 line. She shares the name Sundance with G1 Sundance and the name Sunsparkle/Sun Sparkle with G3 Baby Pink Sunsparkle.

Magic Motion Friends Sundance has two variants – one row of mane plugs and two rows of mane plugs – like all other 1997 ponies except Light Heart. There may also be variations of her USA backcard – one that lists Kenner as the manufacturer and another that lists Hasbro. The text remains the same with some slight differences in typography. In France, she was sometimes sold with a promotional CD attached to her backcard. Magic Motion Sundance has Magic Motion D, in which her tail swishes back and forth when her head is turned. She is the only Magic Motion Friends pony in this pose.

Sundance’s 1998 release is as part of a two-pony Sunny Garden Friends set with Light Heart. Her two 1999 releases see her called Sun Sparkle, both times included with two of the year’s playsets – the Magic Rainbow Forest and the Enchanted Throne as Queen Sun Sparkle.

Sun Sparkle’s 2000 release as part of the Magic Motion Families with Baby Sunbeam has two variants in eye color – blue or purple. Her final official release in 2001 is as part of the Changing Mane and Tail Ponies, but the 2002 Holiday at the Sea playset pony, simply referred to as “Beach Pony” bears similarity to her.

Year One (1997)

Magic Motion Friends Sundance

Release Info

United States (American English) Card

Regional Names (English Translation)

  • Danish/Norwegian:
  • Dutch: Ijdeltuitje en Haar Kapsalon (Vanity and Her Hair Salon)
  • Finnish:
  • French: Soléïa et Sa Coiffeuse (Soleia and Her Hairdresser)
  • French Canadian: Soléïa et Sa Coiffeuse (Soleia and Her Hairdresser)
  • German: Sonnentanz (Sundance)
  • Greek:
  • Italian: Raggio di Sole (Ray of Sunshine)
  • Spanish:
  • Spanish Mexican: Brilante (Brilliant)
  • Swedish:

Pony Stats

Sundance, Display Side
Sundance, Loose with Some Accessories
  • Pose: Sundance Pose
  • Body Color: Pink
  • Hair Color: Lilac Forelock, Light Yellow and Lilac Mane, Lilac Tail
  • Eye Color: Blue with White Crystal
  • Symbol: Golden Yellow Sun

Pony Features


Backcard Stories

American English

My Little Pony® is waiting for you in the Friendship Gardens! The ponies are magical friends who can’t wait to take you on exciting adventures. Join them for lots of surprises and dreams-come-true. For the fun to begin, all My Little Pony® needs is YOU!

Turn her head and her tail swishes.

Vanity stores all her accessories.

Magical rainbow joins garden fences together (Comes with 1 fence).

Collect All the Magic of My Little Pony®!

Hasbro Card Kenner Card
SUNDANCE ™ is the explorer. Her eyes shine with excitement as she races off to discover fantastic new places. With a swish of her magical tail, she’s off to her next adventure!

British English

Welcome to Ponyland, the magical world of My Little Pony! Here, the ponies play together and have all kinds of exciting adventures! Join in the fun – the ponies love making friends they can keep forever!

Explorer Sun Sparkle’s eyes shine with excitement as she discovers new places. With a swish of her magic tail, she’s off to her next adventure!

Turn her head and her tail swishes.

Magical rainbow joins garden fences together.

Vanity stores all her accessories.

Canadian Card English – INCOMPLETE

Welcome to Ponyland, the magical world of My Little Pony! Here, the ponies play together and have all kinds of exciting adventures! Join in the fun – the ponies love making friends they can keep forever!


Dutch English Translation
Welkom in de speeltuinen vol Mijn Kleine Pony's en plezier! Hier spelen de Pony's en beleven zij allerlei fantastische avonturen! Kom erbij, ze zijn dol op nieuwe vriendinnetjes! En... sluit vriendschap voor het leven!

Ijdeltuitje gaat er op uit en zoekt steeds weer nieuwe plaatsen om te spelen. Ze zwaait dan met haar staart en huppelt vrolijk naar een nieuw avontuur.

Draii haar hoofd en ze zwaait met haar staart!

Gebruik de toverregenboog om de tuinhekken te verbinden!

Een handige kaptafel voor al haar spulletjes.

Welcome to the playgrounds full of My Little Ponies and fun! Here the Ponies play and experience all kinds of fantastic adventures! Come join us, they love new friends! And... make friends for life!

Vanity girl goes out and always looks for new places to play. She then waves her tail and hops happily to a new adventure.

Turn her head and she waves her tail!

Use the magic rainbow to connect the garden fences!

A handy dressing table for all her things.


French English Translation
Bienvenue dans le Jardins de l'Amitié, le monde merveilleux de Mon Petit Poney. Ici, les petits poneys jouent tous ensemble et vivent de fabuleuses aventures! Viens t'amuser avec eux et deviens leur amie pour la vie!

Les yeux de Soléïa l'Aventureuse brillent de joie chaque fois qu'elle découvre de nouveaux endroits. Elle remue sa queue magique, et hop, la voilà partie vers de nouvelles aventures!

Tourne la tête de Soléïa et elle remue sa queue.

[informations manquantes]

Range les accessoires de Soléïa dans sa coiffeuse.

Welcome to the Gardens of Friendship, the wonderful world of My Little Pony. Here, the little ponies all play together and live fabulous adventures! Come have fun with them and become their friend for life!

Soleïa the Adventurer's eyes shine with joy every time she discovers new places. She wags her magic tail, and off she goes on new adventures!

Turn Soléïa's head and she wags her tail.

[missing information]

Put Soléïa's accessories away in her dressing table.

French Canadian – INCOMPLETE

French Canadian English Translation
Bienvenue dans le Jardin de l'Amitié du royaume enchanté Ma Petite Pouliche! Les pouliches aiment jouer ensemble et partager leurs aventures fascinantes! Alors, joins-toi à elles, puisqu'elles adorent se faire des amis pour la vie!

Procure-toi tout le royaume magique de Ma Petite Pouliche!

Welcome to the Friendship Garden of the enchanted kingdom My Little Pony! Fillies love to play together and share their fascinating adventures! So, join them, since they love to make friends for life!

Get the entire magical kingdom of My Little Pony!


Italian English Translation
Benvenuta ne Giardino dell'Amicizia; il magico mondo dei My Little Pony! Qui tutti i pony giocano insieme e inventano tante avventure magiche e divertenti/Stai sempre con loro: i Pony ti aspettano nel loro magico Mondo!

Gli occhi di Raggio di Sole brillano quando scoprono un bel posto. Basta poi un giro della sua magica coda ed é pronta per una nuova avventura.

Gira la sua testa per far muovere la coda.

L'arcobaleno tiene unito il recinto de giardino.

Nel bauletto ci sono tutti i suoi accessori.

Welcome to the Garden of Friendship; the magical world of My Little Pony! Here all the ponies play together and invent many magical and fun adventures/Always stay with them: the Ponies are waiting for you in their magical World!

Sunshine's eyes sparkle when she discovers a beautiful spot. Then, a twist of her magical tail and she's ready for a new adventure.

Turn her head to make her tail move.

The rainbow holds the garden fence together.

In the trunk are all her accessories.

Mexican Spanish – INCOMPLETE

Mexican Spanish English Translation
¡Mi Pequeño Pony te espera en los Jardines de la Amistad! Los ponys son amigos mágicos con quienes compartir emocionantes avennaras. Unete a ellos para sorprenderte y convertir tus sueños en realidad. ¡Diviértere con Mi Pequeño Pony!

¡Collecciona la magia de Mi Pequeño Pony!

My Little Pony awaits you in the Gardens of Friendship! The ponies are magical friends with whom you can share exciting adventures. Join them as they surprise you and make your dreams come true. Have fun with My Little Pony!

Collect the magic of My Little Pony!


Year Two (1998)

United States MOC

Special Birthday Magic Sundance

  • Release Year: 1998
  • Availability: Internationally
  • Series: Sunny Garden Friends
  • Notes: Sundance is part of a two-pony set with Light Heart. The candle atop the birthday cake can be blown out and “relit” by raising an orange lever on the side of the cake. This set also has two accessory color variations.

Pony Stats

Light Heart and Sundance, Loose
Loose with Accessories
  • Pose: Morning Glory Pose
  • Body Color: Pink
  • Hair Color: Light Purple Forelock, Light Yellow and Light Purple Mane, Light Purple Tail
  • Eye Color: Blue with White Crystal
  • Symbol:
    • Display Side: Golden Yellow Sun on a Blue Balloon
    • Non-Display Side: Golden Yellow Sun

Backcard Stories

Special Birthday Magic Backcard


My Little Pony® is waiting for you in the Friendship Gardens! The ponies are magical friends who can’t wait to take you on exciting adventures. Join them for lots of surprises and dreams-come-true. For the fun to begin, all My Little Pony® needs is YOU!

  • Blow on the candle to magically make the flame disappear!
  • Move the lever up to make the candle flame reappear!
  • Comes with fun party accessories for both ponies!

Collect All the Magic of My Little Pony®!

SUNDANCE the EXPLORER and LIGHT HEART the JOKER love birthdays. They look forward to their friends’ birthdays so they can celebrate with their magical cake!










Year Three (1999)

Italian, Dutch, and Greek Languages MIB

Magic Rainbow Forest with Sun Sparkle

  • Release Year: 1999
  • Availability: Europe
  • Series: G2 Playsets
  • Notes: Sundance’s name changed to Sunsparkle/Sun Sparkle this year and would remain so for the rest of the G2 span. This playset has many different features. Animals pop out of hiding at the push of a button, and there are many battery-operated sounds, such as a croaking frog, flowing creek, and laughter.

Regional Names (English Translation)

  • Danish: Magisk Ponyhave/Ponnihage med Solstrále (Magical Pony Garden/Pony Park with Sunlight)
  • Dutch:
  • Finnish: Ponien Taikapuisto ja Auringonsade Elektroninen (Magic Pony Park and Sun Rain Electronic)
  • French:
  • German: Regenbogen Zauberwald mit Pony Sonnentanz (Rainbow Magical Forest with Pony Sundance)
  • Greek:
  • Italian:
  • Norwegian:
  • Spanish:
  • Swedish: Magisk Ponnyträdgärd med Solsträle (Magical Pony Garden with Sunlight)

Loose with Accessories
With Box and Instructions

Pony Stats

  • Pose: Morning Glory Pose
  • Body Color: Pink
  • Hair Color: Light Purple Forelock, Light Yellow and Light Purple Mane, Light Purple Tail
  • Eye Color: Blue with White Crystal
  • Symbol: Golden Yellow Sun

Label Sheet

Backcard Stories



My Little Ponies are waiting for you in the Magic Rainbow Forest, full of magical sounds and fun surprises. For the fun to begin, all My Little Pony needs is YOU!

  • 1 – When Sun Sparkle plays on the seesaw hear her giggle.
  • 2 – Touch the butterfly to hear the windchime.
  • 3 – Push the lily pad to hear the water splashing.
  • 4 – Rock the fish back and forth.
  • 5 – Press the frog and he croaks.
  • 6 – Press the tree stump and a chipmunk pops up.
  • 7 – Touch the butterfly to make a bird appear.


My Little Ponyerne venter på dig/deg i den Magiske Ponyhave/Ponnihage, fyldt/fyllt med brug/bruk for, for at alt/allt det sjove/morsomme kan begynne, er DIG/DEG!

English Translation: The My Little Ponies are waiting for you in the Magic Pony Garden/Pony Hage, filled/filled with use/use for, so that all/all the fun/funny can begin, is YOU/YOU!



My Little Ponnit odottavat sinua Ponien Taikapuistosa jännittävine äänineen ja hauskoine yllätyksineen. Pitääkseen hauskaa My Little Pony tarvitsee vain SINUT!

English Translation: My Little Pony is waiting for you in Ponies Magic Park with its exciting sounds and fun surprises. All My Little Pony needs to have fun is YOU!








My Little Ponies väntar på dig i den Magiske Ponny Trädgård, med magisk ljud och roliga överraskningar. Det enda My Little Pony behöver för att ha kul är - DIG!

English Translation: My Little Ponies are waiting for you in the Magic Pony Garden, with magical sounds and fun surprises. The only thing My Little Pony needs to have fun is - YOU!

Spanish MIB

Queen Sun Sparkle and Enchanted Throne

  • Release Year: 1999
  • Availability: Europe
  • Series: G2 Playsets
  • Notes: Queen Sun Sparkle has a glittery body, similar to the G1 Sparkle Ponies. She also has Magic Motion E so that she can sit on her enchanted throne. The playset accessories have two color variants.

Regional Names (English Translation)

  • Danish: Fortryllet Trone med Dronning Solstråle (Enchanted Throne with Queen Sunbeam)
  • Dutch: Betoverde Troon met Koningin Ijdeltuitje (Enchanted Throne with Queen Vanity)
  • Finnish: Lumottu Valtaistuin ja Kuningatar Auringonsäde (Enchanted Throne and Queen Sunbeam)
  • French: Reine Soléïa et son Trône Magique (Queen Soleia and her Magic Throne)
  • German:
  • Greek: ΒΑΣΙΛΙΣΣΑ ΗΛΙΑΧΤΙΔΑ ΚΑΙ Ο ΜΑΓΙΚΌΣ ΤΗΣ ΘΡΌΝΟΣ – Vasilissa Iliachtida kai o Magikós tis Thrónos (Queen Sunflower and her Wizard Throne)
  • Italian: La Regina Raggio di Sole e il Trono Incantato (The Sunbeam Queen and the Enchanted Throne)
  • Norwegian:
  • Spanish: El Trono Encantado de Reina Brillante (Bright Queen’s Enchanted Throne)
  • Swedish: Förtrollad Tron med Drottning Solstråle (Enchanted Throne with Queen Sunbeam)

Pony Stats

Loose with Accessories
  • Pose: Dainty Dove Pose
  • Body Color: Clear with Pink Glitter
  • Hair Color: Light Purple and Light Yellow Mane, Light Purple Tail, Gold Tinsel in Both
  • Eye Color: Blue with White Crystal
  • Symbol: Golden Yellow Sun

Label Sheet

Backcard Stories

Spanish Backcard

English My Little Pony is waiting for you in the Ponyland castle! The ponies have lots of royal adventures and magical surprises to share with you! For the fun to begin, all My Little Pony needs is YOU.

  • Pull out the red carpet for Queen Sun Sparkle!
  • Royal sceptre magically opens the doors!

Queen Sun Sparkle is the explorer.

Collect and meet all the My Little Pony friends. Collector booklet inside.



My Little Pony odottaa sinua Ponimaan linnassa! Poniprinsessoilla on valtavasti kuninkaallisia seikkailuja ja maagisia yllätyksiä, jotka he haluavat jakaa kanssasi! Hauskanpidon alkamiseksi My Little Pony tarvitsee enää vain SINUT!

  • Levitä punainen matto Kuningatar Auringonsäteelle!
  • Kuninkaallinen valtikka avaa ovet kuin taikaiskusta!

Kuningatar Auringonsäde on ponien seikkailija.

Kerää My Little Ponyn ystäviä ja tutustu niihin. Keräilyvihko pakkauksessa.

English Translation: My Little Pony is waiting for you in the Pony country castle! The pony princesses have tons of royal adventures and magical surprises they want to share with you! All My Little Pony needs is YOU for the fun to begin!

  • Roll out the red carpet for Queen Sunbeam!
  • The royal scepter opens doors like magic!

Queen Sunbeam is a pony adventurer.

Collect and get to know My Little Pony friends. Collector's booklet in the package.






My Little Pony venter på dig i sit slot i Ponyland! Prinsesseponyerne har en masse eventyr og magiske overraskelser til dig! Det eneste My Little Pony har brug for, for at alt det sjove kan begynde, er DIG!

  • Rul den røde løber ud for Dronning Solstrale!
  • Det kongeltige scepter abner dorene pa magisk vis!

Dronning Solstråle er en zigtig eventyer.

Saml og bliv venner med alle My Little Pony’erne! Samlehæfte medfølger.

English Translation: My Little Pony is waiting for you in her castle in Ponyland! The princess ponies have a lot of adventures and magical surprises for you! All My Little Pony needs for all the fun to begin is YOU!

  • Roll out the red carpet for Queen Sunbeam!
  • The royal scepter magically opens the doors!

Queen Sunbeam is a real adventurer.

Collect and befriend all the My Little Ponies! Collection booklet included.


Mi Pequeño Pony te espera en Ponylandia con un montón de aventuras de princesas y castillos. Los ponys princesas tienen muchas sorpresas para ti. ¡Te están esperando para que empiece la diversión!

  • ¡Extiende la alfombra real para la Reina Brillante!
  • ¡El cetro real abre las puertas por arte de magia!

A la Reina Brillante las encanta preparer excursiones y aventuras. Todos los ponys se sientan alrededor de su tronto mienttas ella les cuenta fascinantes historias sobre lugares fantasticos.

Descubre y colecciona todos los pequenos ponys do Ponylandia. Mira el catalogo en el interior.

English Translation: My Little Pony awaits you in Ponyland with lots of princess and castle adventures. The princess ponies have many surprises for you. They are waiting for you to start the fun!

  • Roll out the royal carpet for the Bright Queen!
  • The royal scepter magically opens the doors!

The Bright Queen loves to prepare excursions and adventures. All the ponies sit around her around her while she tells them fascinating stories about fantastic places.

She discovers and collects all the little ponies in Ponylandia. Look at the catalog inside.


My Little Pony väntar på dig på Ponylands slott! My Prinsessponnyerna vill roa sig kungligt tillsammans med Dig och bjuder på massor av magiska upplevelser! Det enda My Little Pony behöver för att ha kul är - DIG!

  • Rulla ut den röda mattan for Drottning Solstråle!
  • Kungaspiran öppnar dörrarna på magiskt vis!

Drottning Solstråle är en rikrig äventyrare.

Samla på My Little Ponys så du får möta allihop. Samlarhäfte medföljer.

English Translation: My Little Pony is waiting for you at Ponyland Castle! The princess ponies want to have royal fun with you and offer lots of magical experiences! The only thing My Little Pony needs to have fun is - YOU!

  • Roll out the red carpet for Queen Sunbeam!
  • The scepter magically opens the doors!

Queen Sunbeam is a wealthy adventurer.

Collect My Little Ponies so you can meet them all. Collector's booklet included.

Year Four (2000)

French MOC

Magic Motion Family Sunsparkle and Baby Sunbeam

  • Release Year: 2000
  • Availability: Europe
  • Series: Magic Motion Family Ponies
  • Note: Sunsparkle is sometimes spelled as two separate words – Sun Sparkle – on the packaging.This is Baby Sunbeam’s sole release. This set also has two different eye color variants – blue eyes and purple eyes. It is not clear which is more common or whether they were distributed to different areas.

Regional Names (English Translation)

  • Dutch: Mama Ijdeltuitje en Baby Geluk (Mom Vanity & Baby Happiness)
  • Finnish: Auringonsäde ja Aurinkoinen (Sun Rain and Sunny)
  • French: Maman Soleïa et Bébé Bonheur (Mom Sun and Baby Happiness)
  • German:
  • Greek:
  • Italian: Mamma Raggio di Sole e Bebè Sorriso (Mom Ray of Sun and Baby Smile)
  • Norwegian: Solstråle og Solglimt (Sunbeam and Sunshine)
  • Spanish:
  • Swedish: Solstråle och Solglimt (Sunbeam and Sunshine)

Sunsparkle and Baby Sunbeam, Loose
Sunsparkle and Baby Sunbeam, Loose with Accessories

Pony Stats

Sunsparkle – Blue Eyes
Sunsparkle – Purple Eyes
  • Pose: Moon Shadow Pose
  • Body Color: Pink
  • Hair Color: Light Yellow and Light Purple Mane, Light Purple Tail
  • Eye Color: Blue OR Purple with White Crystal
  • Symbol: Golden Yellow Sun – Different from Previous Releases with Sun Center Outline Rather Than Solid Yellow Circle
  • Magic Motion Feature: Magic Motion B

Baby Sunbeam Stats

Baby Sunbeam – Blue Eyes
Baby Sunbeam – Purple Eyes
  • Pose: Baby Sunbeam Pose
  • Body Color: Pink
  • Hair Color: Light Yellow
  • Eye Color: Blue OR Purple with White Crystal
  • Symbol: Golden Yellow Smiling Sun

Back Card Stories



Sun Sparkle is the explorer and little Sunbeam is curious about everything.










Year Five (2001)

French MOC

Changing Mane and Tail Sunsparkle

Regional Names (English Translation)

  • Dutch: Ijdeltuitje (Vanity)
  • Finnish:
  • French: Soleia (Sun)
  • German:
  • Greek:
  • Italian: Raggio di Sole (Sunshine)
  • Norwegian:
  • Spanish:
  • Swedish:

Sunsparkle, Loose with Yellow Mane and Tail
Loose with Accessories

Sunsparkle Stats

  • Pose: Morning Glory Pose
  • Body Color: Pink
  • Hair Color: Yellow with Gold Tinsel or Purple
  • Eye Color: Blue with White Crystal
  • Symbol: Golden Yellow Sun

Back Card Stories


English Changing Mane and Tail

  • Collect all the My Little Ponies and share in their everyday adventures.
  • Sunsparkle is really adventurous! Every time she steps out she’s wearing a different colored mane. When she’s out walking she wears mauve but it’s when she wears her golden mane that she really sparkles in front of her friends. Change her mane and tail! To change her mane simply unclip the star at the front.


Magische Manen

  • Verzamel alle My Little Ponies en beleef vele leuke avonturen met hen!
  • Ijdeltuitje is een echte avonturiester. Elke keer ze buitenkornt, verandert ze van kapsel; paars voor een wandeling en fonkelend geel om haar vriendinnetjes mee te imponeren. Verander haar manen en haar staart! Om de manen te veranderen volstaat het het sterretje op haar voorhoofd los te maken!

English Translation: Magic Moons

  • Collect all My Little Ponies and have many fun adventures with them!
  • Vanity is a real adventurer. Every time she goes out, she changes her hairstyle; purple for a walk and sparkling yellow to impress her friends. Change her mane and tail! To change the mane, just detach the star on her forehead!


French Chevelures Magiques

  • Collectionne tous Mes Petit Poneys et partage leurs aventurse de tous les jours
  • Soleia est une vrale aventurière, à chaque sortie, elle change de chevelure, mauve pour se balader ou jaune étincelant pour rayonner devant ses amies. Change sa crinière et sa queue! Pour changer sa crinière, il suffit de retirer l'étoile de son front.

English Translation: Magic Hair

  • Collect all My Little Ponies and share their everyday adventures
  • Soleia is a real adventurer, every time she goes out, she changes her hair, purple for walking around or sparkling yellow to shine in front of her friends. Change his mane and tail! To change his mane, simply remove the star from his forehead.



Magiche Chiome

  • I tuoi My Little Pony nella loro vita quotidiana; collezionali e gioca con loro.
  • Raggio di Sole ama l'avventura. Ogni volta che esce cambia la sua pettinatura; viola per gli appuntamenti mondani e giallo luccicante quando é con gli amici. Cambia la sua criniera e la sua coda. Per cambiare la criniera, stacca la stella sulla fronte.

English Translation: Magical hair

  • Your My Little Ponies in their daily lives; collect them and play with them.
  • Raggio di Sole loves adventure. Every time he goes out he changes his hairstyle; purple for social events and shiny yellow when he is with friends. He changes his mane and tail. To change the mane, he peels off the star on his forehead.





Year Six (2002)

French MIB

Holiday at the Sea

  • Release Year: 2002
  • Availability: Europe
  • Series: G2 Playsets
  • Note: This pony does not have a name and is simply referred to as “My Little Pony” on the box. She does share Sunsparkle’s symbol but is otherwise very different. Pony has Magic Motion E. The playset shares box art with the Holiday at the Countryside playset, and the white band at the bottom of the box declares which playset is inside.

Regional Names (English Translation)

  • Dutch: Vakantiepret Speelsets: Vakantie aan Zee (Holiday Fun Play Sets: Holiday by the Sea)
  • Finnish:
  • French: Les Vacances: Vacances à la Mer (Holidays: Holiday at the Sea)
  • German:
  • Greek:
  • Italian: Le Vacanze: Vacanze al Mare (The Holidays: Holiday by the Sea)
  • Norwegian:
  • Spanish:
  • Swedish:

Loose Pony with Pick
Loose with Some Accessories

Pony Stats

  • Pose: Dainty Dove Pose
  • Body Color: Pink
  • Hair Color: Pink and Blue Mane, Purple Tail
  • Eye Color: Pale Blue with Blue Crystal
  • Symbol: Golden Yellow Sun

Back Card Stories


English Two different sceneries for each playset! Take your playset always with you! You can draw your favorite sceneries! Pony and accessories included.


Twee decors voor elke speelset!

Neem je speelset overal met je mee!

Teken zelf je egen favoriete landschap!

Pony en accessoires inbegrepen.

English Translation: Two sets for each playset! Take your playset with you everywhere! Draw your own favorite landscape! Pony and accessories included.



Deux décors differents!

Emmène ta mallette partout avec toi!

Et décore le avec tes propres dessins!

Poney et accessoires inclus.

English Translation: Two different settings! Take your case with you everywhere! And decorate it with your own designs! Pony and accessories included.



Ogni versione contiene due sfondi diversi!

Porta il tuo playset sempre con te!

Puoi disegnare i tuoi sfondi!

Pony e accessori inclusi.

English Translation: Each version contains two different wallpapers! Always take your playset with you! You can design your own wallpapers! Pony and accessories included.





Media Appearances

Sundance in French Toy Commercial

Sundance appears in Little Pony: Friendship Gardens as the owner of her own dance studio in Ponyland.


See Also

Other 1997 Magic Motion Friends:

Other Ponies in the 1998 Sunny Garden Friends Series:

Other 1999 Playset Ponies:

Other Ponies in the 2000 Magic Motion Family Ponies Series:

Other Ponies in the 2002 Changing Mane and Tail Ponies Series:

Other 2002 Playset Ponies: