Cherry Treats
From My Little Wiki

G1 Cherry Treats' Symbol
Cherry Treats is a G1 Sweetberry Pony.
- Names
- Dutch: Kersje
- English: Cherry Treats
Pony Stats
- Pose: Posey Pose
- Body Colour: White
- Hair Colour: Red
- Eye Colour: Pale green
- Symbol: Blue bowl full of cherries
- Accessories
- Pink or yellow ribbon
Back Card Stories
Note: These stories are reproduced exactly as they appear on the ponies' backcards, including all errors.
US Backcard Story
Cherry Treats scampered through the sun-streaked forest with the soft summer breeze running through her hair. She arrived at a large field filled with beautiful cherry trees, but found that all the branches were too high for her to reach. Saddened, Cherry Treats started to walk away. Suddenly, a flock of golden birds swooped from the sky and filled her basket with big, scrumptious cherries! She quickly thanked the lovely birds and ran home with the smell of cherries drifting around her.
Media Appearances