Difference between revisions of "Recycled Names"

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(Some grammar/style edits)
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Names are listed alphabetically, but each section starts from the earliest generation involved.
Names are listed alphabetically, but each section starts from the earliest generation involved.
== Alphabittle ==
<gallery widths="150" heights="150">
File:Alphabittle.JPG|G3 [[Alphabittle]]
Alphabittleg5render.png|[[G5 Alphabittle|Alphabittle]]
== Always and Forever and Lovestruck ==
== Always and Forever and Lovestruck ==
Line 71: Line 78:
== Bright Eyes ==
== Bright Eyes ==
<gallery widths="150" heights="150">
<gallery widths="150" heights="150">
File:Brighteyes.jpg|G1 [[Bright Eyes]] (Twinkle Eyed)
File:Brighteyes.jpg|G1 [[TE Bright Eyes|Bright Eyes]] (Twinkle Eyed)
File:Bright EyesInt.jpg|G1 [[Bright Eyes Tales|Bright Eyes]] (My Little Pony Tales)
File:Bright EyesInt.jpg|G1 [[Bright Eyes Tales|Bright Eyes]] (My Little Pony Tales)
== Bright Night ==
<gallery widths="150" heights="150">
File:Bright Night.jpg|G1 [[Bright Night]]
File:BrightNight.jpg|[[G3 Bright Night]]
Line 219: Line 232:
File:Fifi.jpg|G1 SS [[Fifi]]
File:Fifi.jpg|G1 SS [[Fifi]]
File:TAF Fifi.jpg|G1 [[TAF Fifi]]
File:TAF Fifi.jpg|G1 [[TAF Fifi]]
File:Fifianimatedimage.png|G5 [[G5 Fifi|Fifi]]
Line 235: Line 249:
File:IMG 7075.JPG|[[G3 Flippity Flop]]
File:IMG 7075.JPG|[[G3 Flippity Flop]]
File:Blind-flippity-flop.jpg|[[G4 Flippity Flop]]
File:Blind-flippity-flop.jpg|[[G4 Flippity Flop]]
== Little Flitter and Flitter ==
<gallery widths="150" heights="150">
File:LittleFlitterUpdated.png|G1 Summer Wing [[Little Flitter]]
File:Petite Little Flitter.JPG|G1 Petite [[Whinny Winks Inn|Little Flitter]]
File:Baby Flitter.jpg|G2 [[Giggle Garden Nursery with Flitter|Flitter]]
== Floater ==
<gallery widths="150" heights="150">
File:Floater.jpg|G1 [[Floater]]
File:Petite-floater.jpg|G1 Petite [[Twinkle Treats Ice Cream Shoppe|Floater]]
Line 241: Line 268:
File:FlowerWishes2.jpg|[[G3 Flower Wishes]]
File:FlowerWishes2.jpg|[[G3 Flower Wishes]]
File:G4FlowerWishes.jpg|[[G4 Flower Wishes]]
File:G4FlowerWishes.jpg|[[G4 Flower Wishes]]
== Flurry ==
<gallery widths="150" heights="150">
File:Flurry.jpg|G1 Windy Wing [[Flurry]]
File:FlurryPetite1.jpg|G1 Petite [[Pony Prints Cabin|Flurry]]
Line 247: Line 280:
File:Forsythia.JPG|G3 [[Forsythia]]
File:Forsythia.JPG|G3 [[Forsythia]]
File:W5Forsythia.jpg|[[G4 Forsythia]]
File:W5Forsythia.jpg|[[G4 Forsythia]]
File:Bb-earth-forsythia.jpg|Earth pony [[G4 Forsythia]]
Line 253: Line 287:
File:Gardenia-glowII.jpg|[[G3 Gardenia Glow]]
File:Gardenia-glowII.jpg|[[G3 Gardenia Glow]]
File:G4PVGardeniaGlow.jpg|[[G4 Gardenia Glow]]
File:G4PVGardeniaGlow.jpg|[[G4 Gardenia Glow]]
== Little Giggles and Giggles ==
<gallery widths="150" heights="150">
File:Little Giggles.jpg|G1 Teeny Tiny [[Little Giggles]]
File:Giggles.jpg|G2 [[Giggles and Wiggles|Giggles]]
Line 343: Line 383:
See also:
See also:
*G1 [[Baby Minty]]
*G1 [[Baby Minty]]
== Misty ==
<gallery widths="150" heights="150">
File:Princess Misty.jpg|G1 [[Princess Misty]]
File:Manen (6).jpg|G1 Petite [[Mane Delight Beauty Shoppe|Misty]]
File:Mistycartoon.jpg|[[Misty Tales]]: [[Bon Bon|Bon Bon's]] older sister
File:MistyBlue.jpg|[[Misty Blue]]
File:Blind-Misty-Fly.jpg|[[Misty Fly]]
See also:
*So-Soft [[Misty Mornings]]
== Mittens, Snow'el, and Jolly Lolly ==
== Mittens, Snow'el, and Jolly Lolly ==
Line 370: Line 426:
*G1 [[Baby Moondancer]]
*G1 [[Baby Moondancer]]
== Morning Glory ==
== Morning Glory and September Morning Glory ==
<gallery widths="150" heights="150">
<gallery widths="150" heights="150">
File:Morning Glory.jpg|[[G1 Morning Glory]]
File:Morning Glory.jpg|[[G1 Morning Glory]]
File:September Morning Glory.jpg|G1 [[September Morning Glory]]
File:Db-morning-glory.jpg|[[Dream Beauty Morning Glory]]
File:Db-morning-glory.jpg|[[Dream Beauty Morning Glory]]
File:Secret Surprise Morning Glory.jpg|[[G2 Morning Glory]]
File:Secret Surprise Morning Glory.jpg|[[G2 Morning Glory]]
Line 431: Line 488:
See also:
See also:
*G1 [[Baby Posey]]
*G1 [[Baby Posey]]
== Puddles ==
<gallery widths="150" heights="150">
File:Puddles.jpg|G1 Newborn [[Puddles]]
File:Puddles-petite.jpg|G1 Petite [[Happy Hearts Cottage|Puddles]]
== Rainbow Flash ==
== Rainbow Flash ==
Line 472: Line 535:
File:Rose-and-lily.jpg|G2 [[Rose and Lily]]
File:Rose-and-lily.jpg|G2 [[Rose and Lily]]
File:Blind-lotus-blossom.jpg|G4 [[Lotus Blossom]]
File:Blind-lotus-blossom.jpg|G4 [[Lotus Blossom]]
File:notpicturedyet.jpg|G4 Aloe
File:Photo Needed Placeholder.jpg|G4 Aloe
Line 520: Line 583:
File:Seascape.JPG|G3 [[Seascape]]
File:Seascape.JPG|G3 [[Seascape]]
File:Blind-seascape.jpg|[[G4 Seascape]]
File:Blind-seascape.jpg|[[G4 Seascape]]
== Princess Silver Rain and Silver Rain ==
<gallery widths="150" heights="150">
File:Princess Silver Rain.jpg|G2 [[Princess Silver Rain]]
File:Silver-rain2.jpg|G3 [[Silver Rain]]
Line 533: Line 602:
File:G4PVSkywishes.jpg|[[G4 Skywishes]]
File:G4PVSkywishes.jpg|[[G4 Skywishes]]
File:G4 Skywishes.jpg|[[G4 Skywishes]]
File:G4 Skywishes.jpg|[[G4 Skywishes]]
== Sniffles ==
<gallery widths="150" heights="150">
File:Sniffles.jpg|[[Sniffles and Snookums|G1 Newborn Sniffles]] (twin of Snookums)
File:Year 6 Sniffles.jpg|[[Sticky and Sniffles|G1 Newborn Sniffles]] (twin of Sticky)
File:TT Sniffles.jpg|[[Teeny Sniffles and Snookums|G1 Teeny Tiny Sniffles]]
== Snookums ==
<gallery widths="150" heights="150">
File:Snookums.jpg|[[Sniffles and Snookums|G1 Newborn Snookums]]
File:Baby Snookums.jpg|[[Baby Snookums|G1 Drink 'n Wet Baby Snookums]]
File:TT Snookums.jpg|[[Teeny Sniffles and Snookums|G1 Teeny Tiny Snookums]]
Line 565: Line 648:
File:Sundazzle Sunbeam.jpg|[[Sundazzle Sunbeam|G1 Sundazzle Sunbeam]]
File:Sundazzle Sunbeam.jpg|[[Sundazzle Sunbeam|G1 Sundazzle Sunbeam]]
File:Baby Sunbeam.jpg|[[Baby Sunbeam|G2 Baby Sunbeam]]
File:Baby Sunbeam.jpg|[[Baby Sunbeam|G2 Baby Sunbeam]]
== Sunburst ==
<gallery widths="150" heights="150">
File:Sunburst.jpg|[[Sunburst|G1 Sunburst]]
File:G4 Sunburst2.png|[[G4 Sunburst|G4 Sunburst]]
Line 615: Line 704:
File:Strawberry Surprise.jpg|G1 [[Strawberry Surprise]]
File:Strawberry Surprise.jpg|G1 [[Strawberry Surprise]]
File:G3strawsurprise.jpg|[[G3 Strawberry Surprise]]
File:G3strawsurprise.jpg|[[G3 Strawberry Surprise]]
==Sweetheart and Nurse Sweetheart ==
<gallery widths="150" heights="150">
File:Tales Sweetheart.jpg|G1 [[Sweetheart]]
File:Nurse Sweetheart.jpg|G1 [[Nurse Sweetheart]]
File:Sweetheart Royal Twin.jpg|G2 [[Sweetheart and Trueheart|Sweetheart]]
Line 628: Line 724:
File:Sweetsong.jpg|[[G3 Sweetsong]]
File:Sweetsong.jpg|[[G3 Sweetsong]]
File:G4PVSweetsong.jpg|[[G4 Sweetsong]]
File:G4PVSweetsong.jpg|[[G4 Sweetsong]]
== Baby Sweetsteps and Sweet Steps ==
<gallery widths="150" heights="150">
File:Baby Sweetsteps.jpg|G1 [[Baby Sweetsteps]]
File:G3 sweet steps.jpg|G3 [[Sweet Steps]]
== Tabby and Little Tabby ==
<gallery widths="150" heights="150">
File:Happy Tails Tabby.jpg|G1 Happy Tails [[Tabby]]
File:Petite Tabby Eu.JPG|G1 Petite [[Happy Hoof Market|Tabby]]
File:Little Tabby.jpg|G1 [[Little Tabby]]
== Tattles ==
<gallery widths="150" heights="150">
File:Tattles.jpg|[[Newborn Rattles and Tattles|G1 Newborn Tattles]]
File:TTTattles.jpg|[[Teeny Rattles and Tattles|G1 Teeny Tiny Tattles]]
Line 634: Line 749:
File:Teddy Cel Frame.png|[[Teddy (Tales)|G1 Teddy]] (animated)
File:Teddy Cel Frame.png|[[Teddy (Tales)|G1 Teddy]] (animated)
File:Teddy.jpg|[[G2 Teddy]]
File:Teddy.jpg|[[G2 Teddy]]
== Nurse Tenderheart and Tenderheart ==
<gallery widths="150" heights="150">
File:Nurse Tenderheart.jpg|G1 [[Nurse Tenderheart]]
File:Tenderheart.jpg|[[G2 Tenderheart]]
Line 640: Line 761:
File:NBBE Baby Tiddly Winks.jpg|G1 [[Baby Tiddley-Winks]]
File:NBBE Baby Tiddly Winks.jpg|G1 [[Baby Tiddley-Winks]]
File:TiddlyWink.jpg|[[G3 Tiddly Wink]]
File:TiddlyWink.jpg|[[G3 Tiddly Wink]]
== Tootsie ==
<gallery widths="150" heights="150">
File:Tootsie.jpg|G1 [[Tootsie]]
File:TT Tootsie.jpg|G1 [[Bootsie and Tootsie|Teeny Tiny Tootsie]]
== Princess Trixiebelle and Trixie Lulamoon ==
<gallery widths="150" heights="150">
File:Princess Trixiebelle.jpg|G2 [[Princess Trixiebelle]]
File:TrixieLulamoon.jpg|G4 [[Trixie Lulamoon]]
Line 648: Line 781:
File:Twilighttwinkle.JPG|G3 [[Twilight Twinkle]]
File:Twilighttwinkle.JPG|G3 [[Twilight Twinkle]]
File:G4-ts.jpg|G4 [[Twilight Sparkle]]
File:G4-ts.jpg|G4 [[Twilight Sparkle]]
== Twinkler ==
<gallery widths="150" heights="150">
File:Twinkler.jpg|G1 Sparkle Pony [[Twinkler]]
File:SHSTwinkler.jpg|[[GSS Twinkler|G1 Glittery Sweetheart Sister Twinkler]]
Line 654: Line 793:
File:Waterfire.JPG|G3 [[Waterfire]]
File:Waterfire.JPG|G3 [[Waterfire]]
File:Blind-waterfire.jpg|[[G4 Waterfire]]
File:Blind-waterfire.jpg|[[G4 Waterfire]]
== Whirly ==
<gallery widths="150" heights="150">
File:Whirly.jpg|G1 Windy Wing [[Whirly]]
File:Petite-whirly.jpg|G1 Petite [[Prancing Pretty Carousel|Whirly]]
== Wiggles ==
<gallery widths="150" heights="150">
File:Wiggles.jpg|G1 [[Wiggles]]
File:G2-wiggles.jpg|G2 [[Giggles and Wiggles|Wiggles]]
Line 669: Line 820:
File:Rainbow Windy.jpg|G1 [[Windy]]
File:Rainbow Windy.jpg|G1 [[Windy]]
File:Magic Message Windy.jpg|G1 [[Magic Message Windy|Windy]]/Magical Breeze(UK)
File:Magic Message Windy.jpg|G1 [[Magic Message Windy|Windy]]/Magical Breeze(UK)
File:Windyanimatedimg.png|G5 [[G5 Windy|Windy]]
File:Breezie.jpg|[[G3 Breezie]]
File:Breezie.jpg|[[G3 Breezie]]
File:blind-breezie.jpg|[[G4 Breezie]]
File:blind-breezie.jpg|[[G4 Breezie]]

Latest revision as of 12:43, 1 December 2024

As far back as Generation 1, Hasbro would occasionally reuse a preexisting pony name for a new and unrelated pony later (this phenomenon is not to be confused with the Baby versions of adult ponies made in G1 and G2.) They have continued this tradition cross-generationally with some of the G3 to G4 conversions seeming to be more aware of keeping similar designs.

Cross-generational pony name recycling can be confusing to collectors familiar with only one generation, especially when the differences are striking; for example, a G3 Rarity is a pink pony while a G4 Rarity is white. This is a growing list of recycled pony names as well as seemingly recycled pony styles/themes.

Names are listed alphabetically, but each section starts from the earliest generation involved.



Always and Forever and Lovestruck


April Daisy

Autumn/Autumn Skye/Gusty



Bee Bop, Lyra Heartstrings

Bon Bon and Sweetie Drops

Bow Tie

See also:

Bright Eyes

Bright Night



See also:


See also:

Cha Cha


Cherries Jubilee, Crunch Berry/Cherry Berry, and Cherry Berry

Chocolate Delight

Cinnamon Breeze

Coconut Cream

Comet Tail

Cotton Candy, Cotton Candy, and Sweetie Swirl

See also:

Baby Cuddles, Cuddles, Drink 'n Wet Baby Cuddles, and Surprise Newborn Baby Cuddles


Dainty Daisy

Desert Blossom, Flower Wishes and Daisy

February Violet

Firefly, Rainbow Dash, Rainbow Dash, and Sassaflash

Baby Firefly and Baby Mischief


See also: G1 Baby Fifi (resembles SS Fifi)

Fizzy, Fizzy Pop, and Fizzypop

Flippity Flop

Little Flitter and Flitter


Flower Wishes



Gardenia Glow

Little Giggles and Giggles

Golden Delicious

Baby Gusty and Baby Explorer

See also:

Island Rainbow

January Carnation


June Rose

Kiwi Tart

Lickety-Split and Lickity Split

See also:


March Daffodil

May Lily of the Valley


See also:


See also:

Mittens, Snow'el, and Jolly Lolly

These five G3 Winter Ponies are all connected:

  • In 2003, a pony called Mittens was released.
  • In 2007, a pony called Jolly Lolly who shared Mittens's symbol was made.
  • Also in 2007, a completely different pony called Mittens was released. Her symbol was borrowed from a 2004 pony, Snow'el.
  • The third pony in the 2007 set was also called Snow'el, but was different from the 2004 version.


See also:

Morning Glory and September Morning Glory

Baby North Star

See also:

November Chrysanthemum

Peachy Pie

Peri Winkle and Periwinkle

Pick-a-Lilly and Pick-a-Lily

Pink Dreams

Posey, Sky Skimmer, Fluttershy, and Fluttershy

See also:


Rainbow Flash

Rainbow Swirl

Rattles, Rattles, and Little Rattles

Ribbon Wishes

Rose, Desert Rose, and Roseluck

Rose & Lily and Lotus Blossom

Royal Beauty

Sand Dollar

Sapphire Shores

Scoops, Sweet Scoops and Sweetcream Scoops


Sea Breeze/Seabreeze


Princess Silver Rain and Silver Rain

Sky Rocket




Sparkler, Sparkler, (Majesty?), Rarity, and Rarity

See also:





Sundance, Sundance, Sunsparkle, and Celestia

See also:

Sunny Daze and Celestia

Sunshimmer and Sunset Shimmer

Surprise, Light Heart, Pinkie Pie, and Pinkie Pie

See also:

Star Dasher

Strawberry Surprise

Sweetheart and Nurse Sweetheart

Sweetie Belle


Baby Sweetsteps and Sweet Steps

Tabby and Little Tabby



Nurse Tenderheart and Tenderheart

Baby Tiddley-Winks and Tiddly Wink


Princess Trixiebelle and Trixie Lulamoon

Twilight, Twilight, Twilight Twinkle and Twilight Sparkle





Wingsong, Wingsong, and Wing Song

Windy, Windy/Magical Breeze, Breezie, and Breezie

Yum Yum

See also